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  • Robertsson, Carolina
    et al.
    Department of Oral Biology and Pathology, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Sweden ; Biofilms Research Center for Biointerfaces, Faculty of Health and Society, Malmö University, Sweden.
    Davies, Julia
    Department of Oral Biology and Pathology, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Sweden.
    Svensäter, Gunnel
    Department of Oral Biology and Pathology, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Sweden.
    Nord, Anders Bay
    Swedish NMR Centre, Gothenburg University, Sweden.
    Norrström, Niclas
    University of Skövde, School of Bioscience. University of Skövde, Systems Biology Research Environment.
    Wickström, Claes
    Department of Oral Biology and Pathology, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Sweden.
    MUC5B modulation of early oral biofilm glucose metabolism2025In: Frontiers in Oral Health, E-ISSN 2673-4842, Vol. 6Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Introduction: Salivary mucin MUC5B has been suggested to support eubiosis in early oral biofilms by regulating the attachment of commensals, while downregulating dysbiotic activities related to dental caries development, such as microbial carbohydrate transport and metabolism.

    Methods: To investigate how the metabolism of glucose, a potential driver for dental caries, in early mono- and dual-species biofilms of oral Actinomyces naeslundii and Streptococcus gordonii clinical isolates was affected by the presence of the complex salivary mucin MUC5B, this study employed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolomics with the interpretation of network integration.

    Results and discussion: MUC5B reduced early attachment in the presence of glucose compared with uncoated surfaces but maintained even species distribution. This suggests that MUC5B may represent an innate mechanism to regulate biofilm eubiosis by supporting early coadhesion while regulating total biomass. All annotated metabolites were intermediates in either carbohydrate metabolism, pyruvate conversion, or amino acid metabolism, which was not unexpected in biofilm glucose metabolomes from two saccharolytic species since pyruvate conversion represents a junction point between glycolysis and amino acid metabolic chains. The 10 metabolites present in all early biofilms represent a core metabolome shared by A. naeslundii and S. gordonii. Such core metabolomes can be used to detect deviations in future studies. Significant differences in metabolite abundance elicited by the presence of MUC5B were also detected. In early biofilms where they were each present, pyruvate, ethanol, and metabolite 134 were present in significantly higher abundance in the presence of 25% MUC5B with 20 mM glucose (MUC5B + G) compared with a physiologic buffer with 20 mM glucose (PBS + G), while metabolites 84, 97, and sarcosine were present at significantly lower abundance. Metabolite 72 was unique to biofilms grown in MUC5B + G, and eight unannotated metabolites were unique to biofilms grown in PBS + G. A pathway enrichment analysis of the metabolites that were differently expressed in early A. naeslundii, S. gordonii, and dual-species biofilms grown with 20 mM glucose with or without MUC5B showed that pyruvate metabolism was significantly over-represented. Studying the metabolic interactions between commensal members of oral biofilms and modulatory effects of host factors such as glycoproteins in saliva during the metabolism of substrates that are potential drivers of dysbiosis, such as glucose, is essential to understand the roles of oral microbial ecosystems in oral health and disease.

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  • Meena, Akash
    et al.
    Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
    Andersson Lassila, Andreas
    University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science. University of Skövde, Virtual Engineering Research Environment.
    Lönn, Dan
    University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science. University of Skövde, Virtual Engineering Research Environment.
    Salomonsson, Kent
    University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science. University of Skövde, Virtual Engineering Research Environment.
    Wang, Wei
    University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science. University of Skövde, Virtual Engineering Research Environment.
    Nielsen, Chris Valentin
    Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
    Bayat, Mohamad
    Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
    The effect of laser off-axis angle on the formation of porosities, fluid flow and keyhole formation of an aluminum alloy (AA1050) in the laser welding process2025In: Optics and Laser Technology, ISSN 0030-3992, E-ISSN 1879-2545, Vol. 184, article id 112534Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Laser welding of busbars to battery tabs in electric vehicles (EVs) is crucial due to the rapid advancements in electric mobility technology. Ensuring weld quality is paramount, as it depends on factors such as porosity generation, fluid flow in the molten pool during welding, applied laser power, and welding speed. However, conventional laser welding techniques, which primarily focus on adjusting laser parameters along the weld direction, struggle to effectively mitigate porosity formation. While the effect of laser angles along the weld direction has been extensively studied, the effects of off-axis laser angles, i.e., angled in the plane perpendicular to the weld direction, have not yet been explored. This study introduces an innovative approach to laser welding by varying the laser off-axis angle at different laser energy densities to optimize the process specifically for porosity reduction. By implementing a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of laser welding of aluminum AA1050, we provide a detailed analysis of the fluid flow and melt pool dimensions while employing different off-axis angles. Our model incorporates multiple reflections, upward vapor pressure, and recoil pressure to explain porosity formation at different laser off-axis angles. The results show that increasing the laser off-axis angle at optimized laser power and welding speed significantly reduces porosity. The numerical analysis indicates a maximum deviation from the experimental melt pool width of 11% at a laser off-axis angle of 4.92° and a minimum error of 2.6% at an off-axis angle of 2.74°. For melt pool depth, the maximum deviation is 7.2% at an off-axis angle of 4.92°, and the minimum difference is 0.5% at an off-axis angle of 7.42°. This study presents a novel methodology for improving laser welding processes by addressing the specific challenge of porosity formation.

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  • Jansson, Magnus
    et al.
    GRI, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Trönnberg, Carl-Christian
    Department of psychology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Hemlin, Sven
    GRI, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    The occurrence and importance of pension fund managers’ investment beliefs2018In: Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, ISSN 2241-0998, Vol. 7, no 4, p. 1-17Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper examines the investment beliefs held by fund managers who run and analyse public and commercial pension funds. Previous research has shown that investment beliefs explain investment policies, strategies, and decisions. Using both quantitative web survey data (n=64) and qualitative interview data (n=22) based on the critical incident technique, this research analyses the importance of six investment beliefs that are generally assumed relevant to investment decisions. This research finds that both public and commercial pension fund managers attach significant importance to six investment beliefs: Rationality, Diversification, Long-term investment, Risk and return, Expertise, and Ability to control risk. However, public fund managers show stronger support for Diversification and Risk and return beliefs than commercial fund mangers. Evidence for these beliefs is particularly revealed in interviews on critical investment decisions. The paper concludes with a discussion on the relevance of this research to pension beneficiaries.

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  • Wijk, Martina
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Teambaserad inskrivning i Göteborgs stads kommunala primärvård: En kvantitativ studie utifrån medarbetarnas perspektiv2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: The healthcare system is facing a challenging future and Gothenburg City´s municipal primary care needs to meet the requirements of primary care. For this purpose, routines for admission are requested and a quality improvement project is being planned. All to uphold a person-centered way of working that may be beneficial for the patients at the end.

    Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate team-members’ perception of work concerning the investigation of patients’ health status when enrolling in the Gothenburg City’s municipal primary-care in relation to Gothenburg City’s guidelines for documentation in municipal healthcare.

    Method: A quantitative cross-sectional design was used. Data was collected through personnel surveys (n=22) and patient record reviews (n=53). Data was analyzed through descriptive statistics and with bar charts.

    Findings: Admission process is maintained to a large extent, despite the lack of routines. However, there is lack of information regarding the formulation of goals according to the patients’ expectations, wishes and motives as well as the establishment of goals according to their state of health.

    Conclusion: There is a need for improvement regarding the patient enrollment process in the unit to ease the working process and ensure person-centered care.

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  • Larsson, Simon
    et al.
    Gothenburg Research Institute, Gothenburg School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden.
    Jansson, Magnus
    Gothenburg Research Institute, Gothenburg School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden.
    Boholm, Åsa
    School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden.
    Expert stakeholders’ perception of nanotechnology: risk, benefit, knowledge, and regulation2019In: Journal of nanoparticle research, ISSN 1388-0764, E-ISSN 1572-896X, Vol. 21, no 3, article id 57Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study is positioned in a multidisciplinary research field addressing questions of innovation, foresight, risk perception, regulation, and the role of stakeholder experts as regards nanomaterials and nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is an innovative scientific field with many potential societal benefits but also high uncertainty about risks to human health and the environment. This study is based on a survey distributed to a sample of 237 expert stakeholders in Sweden working in the field of nanotechnology innovation and regulation. The sample comprises experts in both industry and government organizations. The paper explores the expert’s assessment of benefits, risks, and their views of nanotechnology regulation. The experts generally agreed on the need for further regulation of nanotechnology, although they differed in their support for different regulatory measures. Support for government regulation was increased by greater perceived risk and by ethical concerns, while perceived benefit decreased support for government regulation. If nanotechnology was important for the respondent’s organization of affiliation, support for government regulation decreased. Experts in government organizations were more in favor of stronger government regulation, perceived higher risks, and were more concerned about the ethical implications of nanotechnology than were the industry experts. While previous research has discussed views of experts, as well as comparing the attitudes of the general public with experts, this study contributes to the field by analyzing and identifying differences between industry experts and experts working in government.

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  • Arveborn, Sandra
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Vibell, Ida
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Desinformation: En faktor i relation till vårdnadshavares attityder kring vaccination av barn2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Introduction: Disinformation is an area within public health that has grown with the digitized development in society. Vaccinations of children where guardians have the ultimate decision-making power may be influenced by the information available through digital media platforms. The socio-economic situation of individuals can be seen as an influencing factor, both in relation to disinformation and to the vaccination frequency of children, and the subjects in relation to each other are therefore worth investigating.

    Aim: The study aims to review existing studies to see how disinformation on digital media platforms affects guardians' attitudes towards childhood vaccinations within different socio-economic groups.

    Method: A structured literature review based on 21 scientific original articles retrieved from the electronic databases Web of Science, CINAHL, PubMed, EBSCOhost and Libsearch. The quality review was carried out using checklists from CASP, Strobe and EQUATOR. A thematic analysis based on Braun & Clarke (2006) was performed.

    Results: The result was based on 21 scientific articles, where three main themes emerged - Attitudes towards vaccination, Sources of information regarding vaccination and Factors that protect against the influence of disinformation.

    Conclusion: It emerged that disinformation on digital media platforms had a negative impact on the attitudes of guardians within different socio-economic groups, which affected their decision-making regarding vaccination of children. The most significant socio-economic factor for influencing attitudes was found to be the level of education within different population groups, and that the level of education was found to be the greatest protective factor against disinformation. Further research should be carried out to gain greater knowledge within the subject and that there is a need for further research as the area is relatively unexplored.

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  • Dahlberg, Elena
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    How to Succeed as a Favour Seeker: Two Foreign Epicists' Quest for Patronage in Seventeenth-century Sweden2024In: Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures, ISSN 2421-5503, no 11, p. 112-140Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The article examines the patronage of two neo-Latin poets from the early seventeenth century: the Bohemian humanist Venceslaus Clemens (1589–1637) and the Dutch writer and physician Johannes Narssius (1580–1637), both of whom produced long epics to celebrate the intervention of the Swedish king Gustavus II Adolphus in the Thirty Years' War (1618–48). These two authors are suitable for a comparative analysis, because they both acted as favour seekers in a foreign country and they approached the same dedicatees. Although both writers were skilful epicists and their networks overlapped, Clemens was unsuccessful in securing funding from his honorandi, while Narssius received both remuneration and a career. By uncovering the two poets' ultimate goals and their strategies to seek favour, I will argue that the system of patronage in which they operated was more complex than an unexperienced writer might have expected and that one of the poets featured here was not fast enough to grasp this system's intricate mechanisms.

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    How to Succeed as a Favour Seeker
  • Beldar, Pedram
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science. University of Skövde, Virtual Engineering Research Environment.
    Fathi, Masood
    University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science. University of Skövde, Virtual Engineering Research Environment. Division of Industrial Engineering and Management, Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Nourmohammadi, Amir
    University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science. University of Skövde, Virtual Engineering Research Environment.
    Delorme, Xavier
    Mines Saint-Etienne, Univ Clermont Auvergne, INP Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, UMR 6158 LIMOS, F - 42023 Saint-Etienne, France.
    Battaïa, Olga
    Kedge Business School, Talence, France.
    Dolgui, Alexandre
    IMT Atlantique, LS2N - UMR CNRS 6004, F-44307 Nantes, France.
    Transfer line balancing problem: A comprehensive review, classification, and research avenues2025In: Computers & industrial engineering, ISSN 0360-8352, E-ISSN 1879-0550, Vol. 201, article id 110913Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Transfer Line Balancing Problem (TLBP) is characterized as the challenge of optimally distributing tasks across various workstations in an automated machining line to ensure its maximum efficiency. This problem holds pivotal importance for industries reliant on high-volume production, such as the automotive and aerospace sectors, where it directly influences the overall productivity and cost efficiency of the manufacturing process. TLBP has been studied for over two decades, and many problem variants and solution approaches have been devised to address real-world challenges. Despite the long history of the topic, no review study exists to shed light on its past, current, and future developments. This study conducted a systematic literature review on TLBP to identify and address the research gaps, focusing on classifying existing studies. A tuple notation classification framework has been introduced to organize TLBP research based on system configuration, problem characteristics, and optimization objectives. This framework offers a structured overview of the field, clarifying the current state of research and highlighting prospective research pathways. Consequently, this review study establishes itself as a foundational guide for academics and industry professionals interested in TLBP studies.

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  • Andersson, Lisa
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Hadzic, Sena
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Äldre personers upplevelser av att använda läkemedelsautomater i kommunal primärvård – En kvalitativ intervjustudie2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Healthcare and society are facing a challenge as the number of older adults increases while the working-age population decreases. With an increased use of digital welfare technology in municipal primary care, the independence of older adults can be enhanced. Previous studies show that medication dispensers reduce medication errors and provide valuable support for older adults in medication management.

    Aim: To describe older adults’ experiences of using medication dispensers in municipal primary care.

    Method: A qualitative interview study was used, where data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 13 participants within municipal primary care. The data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis.

    Findings: Two categories emerged in the results: The characteristics and functions of the medication dispenser influence its usage, and the medication dispenser provides compliant and secure medication management. The results show that the characteristics of the medication dispenser were perceived as simple and user-friendly, enabling older adults to independently manage their medication in a safe and compliant manner.

    Conclusion: The use of the medication dispenser enhances older adults' sense of freedom, which leads to an increased feeling of independence and confidence in their own resources for sustainable health. The medication dispenser contributes to older adults experiencing safer and more compliant medication management compared to having care staff administer their medication.

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  • Karlsson, Andreas
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Grottenberg, Hanna
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Levnadsberättelsens betydelse för personcentrerad vård inom demensenheter på särskilt boende: En kvantitativ studie2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: The number of people living with dementia is expected to double by 2050. What was previously known gradually loses meaning when living with dementia. Person-centered care is fundamental, and using patients’ life story can help support, comfort, and address needs.

    Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the staff’s perception of life story work and the use of person-centred care at residential care units.

    Method: A cross-sectional design was used. Data from nursing staff (n=75) from six care units were collected through a web-based survey. The data were analyzed through descriptive and comparative statistical analyses.

    Findings: The prevalence of person-centred care was estimated high. Most residents have a life story, used to adapt the care based on the resident’s needs and preferences. There is a structured way of collecting the life story. The majority supported the idea of digitized life stories.

    Conclusion: This study indicates that the use of life stories could have positive impacts on person-centred care and a digital life story is believed to improve accessibility. The specialist nurse need to continue raising awareness of the life story's significance for person-centered care and how the patients’ life world can be made visible through it.

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  • Lägermo, Andreas
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Utvärdering av ett screeningprogram för upptäckande av bärare av multiresistenta bakterier2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Introduction: Infectious diseases have been a great threat to public health through centuries. With the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, this threat is once again increasing. The problem is multifaceted and has to be addressed across various domains and levels. One way to fight the spread of antibiotic resistance in healthcare is to test groups with an increased risk of carrying multidrug-resistant bacteria (MRB) to identify asymptomatic carriers. Patients are screened for risk factors: wound/eczema, catheters, hospitalization abroad, migration (to Sweden <2y), diarrhea after traveling abroad.

    Aim: The aim was to describe and analyze differences in the proportion of findings of MRB in relation to the reason for testing, gender and age.

    Method: Laboratory data from 2021–2023 including 5,269 patients from Region Jönköping county was retrospectively analyzed. Bivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the proportion of patients carrying MRB in different groups compared to the average of the entire study population.

    Results: The reasons for testing were unevenly distributed between men and women, as well as across different age groups. Patients tested due to hospitalization abroad or having migrated to Sweden less than two years ago, had a significantly higher prevalence of MRB. Those tested due to having a wound/eczema or a catheter had a significantly lower prevalence of MRB.

    Conclusion: In the groups tested due to hard-to-heal wounds/eczema or catheters, the prevalence was comparable to that observed in the general community in other studies. It is therefore recommended to quit testing for those reasons.

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  • Fältbacke, Jennifer
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Förskollärares health literacy avseende erfarenheter kring handhygien i förskola2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Introduction: Preschool children experience several infections each year, leading to sick leave among people close to children. Hand hygiene is a way to reduce the spread of infection. In Sweden, almost all children attend preschool, making preschool teachers role models. Therefore, health literacy of staff is crucial for reducing the spread of infections and disseminating knowledge further. Health literacy involves cognitive and social skills to promote good health.

    Aim: Describe the level of health literacy among preschool teachers regarding experiences with hand hygiene in preschool, and to investigate how the dissemination and maintenance of knowledge about hand hygiene occurred between preschool teachers and between preschool teachers and preschool children.

    Methods: A qualitative method with a deductive approach was used. Six semi-structured interviews were conducted with preschool staff. Thematic content analysis was used according to Braun and Clark (2006).

    Results: At the basic level of health literacy, knowledge about hand hygiene is established during childhood. Routines play a significant role in achieving higher degree of health literacy. At the communicative level, preschool teachers were role models for colleagues and children in performing hand hygiene correctly. To gain a deeper understanding and reach the critical level of health literacy, routines were the basis and personal responsibility of the preschool teachers. Routines were adapted to perform hand hygiene in everyday situations.

    Conclusion: Health literacy exists to varying degrees. The fundamental knowledge is established during childhood, making preschool teacher’s knowledge about hygiene important as they pass on this knowledge to children and prevent infections.

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  • Bergström, Monica
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Att ge vård under ett skabbutbrott på särskilt boende för äldre: Vårdpersonalens upplevelse2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Introduction: Outbreak of scabies somtimes occur in residential care facilities for the elderly in Sweden. Scabies is a major problem in developing countries and has been classified by the WHO as a neglected tropical disease. In case of scabies outbreak at a residential care facility for the elderly, there are many challenges. It is difficult to diagnose, which means that the correct diagnosis and treatment can be delayed.

    Aim: The aim was to investigate the care staff’s experiences of working during a scabies outbreak in residential care facility for the elderly.

    Method: The study was carried out as a qualitative study in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with six healthcare workers from two different residential care facilities for the elderly. Content analysis was done according to Graneheim and Lundman. This resulted in 11 subcategories and four categories: stress, security, commitment, and cohesion.

    Results: The care staff's experience consisted of experiences of stress due to concern about becoming infected themselves and spreading the infection. Delayed diagnosis and treatment caused stress. The care staff felt empathy for the elderly who were affected. The workload increased, but so did the cohesion. Knowledge, experience and hygiene routines contributed to a sense of manageability. When the staff could not alleviate the residents' suffering by providing care, they felt frustrated.

    Conclusion: Care staff stress and worry about spreading scabies, but mostly they empathize with the residents they care for and wish for diagnosis and treatment to happen faster. Future studies may be able to focus on how this can occur.

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  • Nasrin, Mst Sanjida
    University of Skövde, School of Bioscience.
    A comparative analysis of multi-omics data for biomarker identification and pathway analysis in cancer research2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The integration of multi-omics data across multiple cancer types, including Breast Invasive Carcinoma (BRCA), Lung Adenocarcinoma (LUAD) and Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma (CESC) enriches with a better understanding of cancer biology. Three different types of data (mRNA, miRNA, and RPPA) for each cancer were integrated with the DIABLO and NOLAS methods. The study aimed to evaluate and compare the performance of both methods and study their strengths and limitations. The DIABLO model showed high specificity across datasets, having strong discrimination ability, though it had low sensitivity, which indicated difficulties of the model in the identification of tumor cases. Conversely, the NOLAS model showed a high robustness in handling data with noise and batch effects, which implied that the NOLAS model had better abilities for class separation. Both models had maintained moderate accuracy while making predictions for test data, and were effective in identifying potential biomarkers and relevant pathways. The DIABLO model selected a limited number of highly informative features, while the NOLAS model extracted a wide range of biological variations. Pathway analysis revealed the engagement of pathways related to the identified biomarkers by both models in cancer progression, such as "microRNAs in cancer" and "hedgehog signaling" for lung cancer and "epidermis development" for cervical cancer. The study showed both strengths and limitations of both models and suggested the need to improve the feature selection process and to solve issues with class imbalance to improve the prediction performance of both models. The research focused on improving multi-omics integration methods to contribute to cancer research and develop strategies for personalized medicine.

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  • Henrysson, Julia
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Säkerhetskultur och preventivt arbete mot vårdrelaterade urinvägsinfektioner utifrån ett ledarskapsperspektiv: En kvalitativ intervjustudie2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections are a public health problem that affects the whole world and has a major impact on people's quality of life, morbidity, and mortality. On a global level, healthcare-associated urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common. There are evidence-based guidelines used to avoid healthcare-associated UTIs. Despite guidelines and knowledge this type of infection is still a problem. Previous studies describe how the culture can influence the preventive work against healthcare-associated infections. Safety culture is described as values, behavior patterns etc., of the individual or the group which determine the commitment to patient safety.

    Aim: The aim was to investigate the role of safety culture in the preventive work against care- related UTIs in inpatient care from a care unit managers perspective.

    Methods: A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews with a fixed structure. Six informants participated. The informants were heads of care units within Swedish inpatient care. The material was analyzed based on qualitative content analysis.

    Results: Three main categories were identified: "Team spirit", "Employees' common approach" and "Leader's approach”.

    Conclusion: Safety culture is described as a mutual connection of commitment between managers and healthcare staff. The leadership perspective shows that team spirit and shared values is a part of a good safety culture. Leaders also describes awareness of their ability to shape and create safety culture. A strong safety culture with commitment and team spirit is an effective resistance to healthcare- associated UTIs.

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  • Wadood, Farzan
    University of Skövde, School of Bioscience.
    Analyzing Differentially Expressed miRNAs: Unveiling Enriched Pathways and Their Role in Disease Progression2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis, titled "Analyzing Differentially Expressed miRNAs: Unveiling Enriched Pathways and Their Role in Disease Progression", adresses the critical question of whether common enriched pathways exist among a set of differentially expressed miRNAs (DEMs) and if these pathways significantly contribute to disease progression. The research aims to integrate various bioinformatics tools to identify gene targets of DEMs and conduct pathway enrichment analyses, shedding light on the molecular mechanisms underlying disease emergence.

    The study´s objectives involve collecting DEMs associated with a specific disease, predicting gene targets, performing pathway enrichement analyses, identifying common enriched pathways, and assessing their biological relevance.

    To achieve these objectives, the research utilizes a combination of TargetScan and miRWalk for miRNA-target interactions, ensuring a robust and accurate prediction of regulatory connections. Additionally, FunRich and ShinyGO are integrated for pathway analysis, providing a user-friendly and efficient approach to interpreting complex biological data. The standarized application of filtering criteria to these tools ensures consistency and reliability in the results, thereby maintaining the integrity of the study.

    In the context of sickle cell anemia (SCA), the study´s application demonstrates the effectiveness of the methodology. the findings reveal a network of miRNAs and their predicted gene targets, playing pivotal roles in the regulation of pathways related to cellular adhesion, inflammation, metabolism, cell cycle, oxidative stress, iron metabolism, comlement systems, coagulation, neurotrophic signaling and cell differentiation. Understanding the intricate interactions within these pathways provides valuable insights into the complexity of SCA´s pathogenesis. This study contributes in providing a foundation for potential therapeutic targets and improving the quality of life for individuals affected by SCA.

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  • Lantz, Josefine
    University of Skövde, School of Bioscience.
    Enhancing SNV Prioritization in WGS Cancer Diagnostics2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has revolutionized cancer diagnostics, enabling the identification of somatic single nucleotide variants (SNVs) critical for precision oncology. However, interpreting these variants remains challenging due to annotation inconsistencies and biases, particularly in tumor-only sequencing workflows. To address these challenges, the Balsamic pipeline integrates a scoring model that prioritizes variants by their likelihood of pathogenicity. This thesis evaluates the scoring model integrated within the Balsamic pipeline, designed to prioritize clinically relevant variants in tumor-only analyses. Using an initial dataset of 8,145 variants and an extended dataset derived from ClinVar, the model's ability to distinguish between benign and pathogenic variants was assessed. 

    Results: The initial analysis revealed high specificity for benign variants, with 98% correctly classified, but struggled with pathogenic variants, achieving a recall of 54% and an Fl-score of 0.59 at the optimal threshold. Feature contribution analysis identified "Consequence" (CON) and "Clinical Significance" (CLIN) as key predictors, leading to reweighting efforts to improve separation between groups. Using the extended dataset, model performance improved significantly, achieving a precision of 92% and an Fl-score of 0.90 at the optimal threshold, demonstrating the potential of balanced datasets and combined features like the newly introduced "COMBINED SCORE" for enhancing classification accuracy. 

    Conclusions: This work highlights the importance of tailored feature weighting, dataset balance, and innovative feature engineering in improving variant prioritization workflows. Future research should focus on integrating real-world clinical data and leveraging machine learning to refine predictive capabilities further. This work provides a foundation for improving variant interpretation workflows in precision oncology. 

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  • Macassa, Gloria
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences. University of Skövde, Digital Health Research (DHEAR). Department of Social Work, Criminology and Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, University of Gävle, Sweden ; EPIUnit—Instituto de Saude Publica, Universidade do Porto, Portugal.
    Stål, Frida
    Department of Social Work, Criminology and Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, University of Gävle, Sweden.
    Rydback, Michelle
    Department of Business Studies and Economics, University of Gävle, Sweden.
    Pliakas, Joan
    Foundation Stickan, Gävle, Sweden.
    Winsjansen, Daniel
    Foundation Stickan, Gävle, Sweden.
    Hiswåls, Anne-Sofie
    Department of Social Work, Criminology and Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, University of Gävle, Sweden.
    Soares, Joaquim
    Department of Psychology, Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal.
    Men’s Experiences of Psychological and Other Forms of Abuse in Intimate Relationships: A Qualitative Study2025In: Societies, E-ISSN 2075-4698, Vol. 15, no 1, article id 17Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a public health and social problem worldwide. However, most studies have concentrated on violence against women and not also against men. Interventions for victimized men will only be successful if there is a better understanding of the real experiences, as narrated by the victims themselves, and how these impact their health and wellbeing. This study aimed to investigate the experiences of intimate partner violence, health, and wellbeing among men in east-central Sweden. Data were gathered using eleven in-depth, semi-structured interviews with men who were victims of IPV. Four categories emerged from the analyses: experiences of abuse in the relationship; feelings of isolation, loneliness, and shame; perceived deterioration of health and wellbeing; and negative experiences with public services. The findings indicate that interviewees experienced psychological (rather than physical) violence at the hands of their intimate partner. The abuse had consequences for their health and wellbeing, as they experienced stress, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. In some instances, it affected their health behavior, as they reverted to alcohol and drug use to cope with the abuse. Moreover, the interviewees felt lonely and unwilling to disclose their suffering because of fear of what family, friends, society, and professionals across different services would think of them. Also, they experienced negative responses from the health and social care services and police when seeking help, which made them even more entrenched in their fear of disclosing the suffering caused by the abuse. 

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  • Lindgren, Mattias
    et al.
    Home Health Care, Municipality of Falköping, Sweden.
    Junaeus, Ida-Maria
    Medicinal Clinic, Skarabog Hopsital, Skövde, Sweden.
    Emmesjö, Lina
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences. University of Skövde, Digital Health Research (DHEAR). Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Västra Götaland, Sweden.
    Hallgren, Jenny
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences. University of Skövde, Digital Health Research (DHEAR).
    Out of sight, out of mind — Registered nurses’ views of the meal environment at long-term care facilities for older persons: A qualitative interview study in Sweden2025In: Nordic journal of nursing research, ISSN 2057-1585, E-ISSN 2057-1593, Vol. 45Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The meal environment is the first impression of a meal, and, if it is not appealing, it lowers the willingness to eat. Malnutrition is the registered nurses’ (RN) responsibility in the municipality. However, the responsibility of the meal environment is unclear. Therefore, semi-structured interviews with 10 nurses were held, aiming to explore RNs’ experiences of meal environment within long-term care facilities for older persons, analyzed through qualitative content analysis. The study method was compliant with the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) checklist. The meal environment became a grey area of responsibility, overshadowed by focus on nutrition for the RN. The RN expressed how they did not consider it part of their role to create a positive mealtime environment, avoiding the meal environment at mealtimes. However, they experienced an obstacle of raising these needs were lack of time and a stagnant view of the division of labor between the RN and assistant nurse, leading to the meal environment becoming no one’s responsibility. 

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  • Eck, Julia
    et al.
    Department of Psychology III, University of Würzburg, Germany.
    Dignath, David
    Department of Psychology, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany.
    Kalckert, Andreas
    University of Skövde, School of Bioscience. University of Skövde, Systems Biology Research Environment.
    Pfister, Roland
    General Psychology, Trier University, Germany ; Institute for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (ICAN), Trier University, Germany.
    After a Hand Was Lent: Sporadically Experiencing Multisensory Interference During the Rubber Hand Illusion Does Not Shield Against Disembodiment2025In: Journal of Cognition, E-ISSN 2514-4820, Vol. 8, no 1, article id 18Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Observations from multisensory body illusions indicate that the body representation can be adapted to changing task demands, e.g., it can be expanded to integrate external objects based on current sensorimotor experience (embodiment). While the mechanisms that promote embodiment have been studied extensively in earlier work, the opposite phenomenon of, removing an embodied entity from the body representation (i.e., disembodiment) has received little attention yet. The current study addressed this phenomenon and drew inspiration from the partial reinforcement extinction effect in instrumental learning which suggests that behavior is more resistant to extinction when reinforcement is delivered irregularly. In analogy to this, we investigated whether experiencing occasional visuo-motor mismatches during the induction phase of the moving rubber hand illusion (intermittent condition) would result in slower disembodiment as compared to a regular induction phase where motor and visual signals always match (continuous condition). However, we did not find an effect of reinforcement schedule on disembodiment. Keeping a recently embodied entity in the body schema, therefore, requires constant updating through correlated perceptual and motor signals. 

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  • Bjelke, Malin
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Att välkomna noviser till arbetslivet, på distans: Digital onboarding för nya professionellas välbefinnande och hälsa2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Introduction: The rapid shift to remote work has transformed how new professionals are introduced to the workplace. Digital onboarding, i.e., the use of digital tools and processes to onboard new employees, is becoming increasingly relevant. Research suggests that effective onboarding can promote well-being and reduce stress, yet there remains a need for a better understanding of how digital onboarding processes affect the health and well-being of new professionals.

    Aim: The study aims to explore how digital onboarding processes and online training can promote the well-being and health of new professionals working remotely.

    Method: A structured literature review was conducted, examining relevant research from 10 original articles using a CASP- or EQUATOR- checklist, for example, to identify potential risks of bias in the data material. Article searches were conducted in the academic databases Academic Search Premier and Web of Science up until 13 June, 2024. Two original studies from KI Medical University in Sweden supplemented eight studies from peer-reviewed scientific journals. Inclusion criteria required that all studies had received ethical approval or that participants had provided informed consent, and that the articles were published in the Swedish, Norwegian, Danish or English language. The data analysis was thematic, employing a semantic approach and an inductive methodology.

    Results: The results presented are primarily derived from qualitative studies with thematic analyses of data collected between 2014 and 2024. Small or homogeneous participant groups may limit the generalizability of the findings. The results indicate that digital onboarding can help reduce stress and promote well-being when there is clear structure, social interaction, and regular feedback. At the same time, challenges such as feelings of isolation and lack of support are highlighted as obstacles to effective digital onboarding. Factors that positively influence well-being include access to supportive technologies and interactive training tools.

    Conclusion: Digital onboarding has the potential to enhance well-being and reduce stress for new professionals, but it requires a structured and socially engaging approach to be effective. Employers should invest in digital tools and strategies to create a cohesive and supportive onboarding experience for remote workers.

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  • Balachandran, Rejin
    University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science.
    3D printed materials for open hardware robot2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Industrial AGVs have become very extensive in today’s market but the problem every small-scale industry faces is the cost of the AGV or similar robots for transportation and storage. The study aims to develop a methodology to provide robots at a cheaper rate and make them available to everyone with 3D printing technology and an open-source program. The study can potentially change the industry standards if it succeeds and can provide AGVs at phenomenally cheap rates but the first few generations will have marginal disadvantages. The research focuses mainly on the two research questions, is it possible to make an AGV completely with 3D printing and open-source hardware? Is the AGV made with 3D printing possible to carry a weight of (300kg)? To approach these research questions a literature survey has been done and based on that the methodology has been developed which includes designing the AGV with material selected polycarbonate, which is the strongest 3D printing material. The AGV designed in CATIA is simulated in Fusion 360 with a steady load acting on the top with a magnitude of 390 kg. The simulation resulted in a deformation of 17.3 mm in the Y axis which indicates that the material undergoes deformation when the load is acting upon it. It can also be hypothetically concluded that when other forces like sheer and tension act on the body, the materials undergo more structural deformation which hinders the working of the product. A solution has been suggested and studied with 3 steel shafts reinforced under the top cover, which itself is made of steel, and the results indicated the AGV can withstand a load of 300 kg with no sign of deformation. An alternative study conducted included a top cover with a thickness 10 times more than previous studies and proven effective. The significance of the study is to provide cost-effective methods for the production of AGV with 3D printed materials and open-source software and hardware which can accessed by everyone without paying millions.

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  • Shibli, Amir
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    IT ACCEPTANS FÖR JORDBRUKARE: Vilka hinder och möjligheter ser jordbrukare för att acceptera IT i sin verksamhet?2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Vilka hinder och möjligheter ser svenska jordbrukare med IT, med särskilt fokus på Business Intelligence (BI) och dess tillämpning inom precisionsjordbruk. Syftet är att förstå vilka faktorer som påverkar jordbrukarnas villighet att adoptera och använda IT lösningar, samt att identifiera de potentiella fördelarna och utmaningarna med dessa teknologier.                     

    Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med sex svenska jordbrukare som har erfarenhet av eller intresse för att använda IT och BI inom sina verksamheter. Intervjuerna har analyserats med hjälp av en tematisk innehållsanalys, där Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) har använts som teoretisk ram för att tolka resultaten.

    Resultaten visar att det finns en generell positiv inställning till IT och BI bland jordbrukarna, men att höga initialkostnader och tekniska integrationsproblem utgör betydande hinder för implementeringen. Användningen av GPS och satellitdata framhålls som särskilt värdefull för att optimera jordbruksprocesser som gödsling och skörd. Respondenterna betonar även vikten av användarvänliga system och teknisk support för att öka acceptansen av ny teknik.

    Slutsatserna indikerar att det krävs ekonomiska incitament och stöd för att övervinna de ekonomiska barriärerna, samt att jordbrukarna behöver utbildning och tekniskt stöd för att effektivt kunna använda IT-lösningar. Studien bidrar med insikter som kan användas av teknologileverantörer, beslutsfattare och forskare för att främja en bredare acceptans och användning av IT inom jordbruket.

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  • Aggestam, Lena
    et al.
    Department of Engineering Science, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden.
    Gudfinnsson, Kristens
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    The Practice of Business Process Modeling – A Story from the Field2024In: Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly, E-ISSN 2255-9922, no 41, p. 1-21, article id 223Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article aims to increase the body of knowledge on the practical use of business process modeling to support process redesign and organizational development. A qualitative case study inspired by Action Research has been performed in an SME. The data was deductively analyzed using an established project phase model aimed to support Enterprise Modeling activities. The main contribution is the detailed descriptions of the usage of business process modeling for process redesign, adding knowledge to the practice of business process modeling. In addition, this work also increases knowledge of aspects that support the Enterprise Modeling project phase model and provides suggestions for further development of the Enterprise Modeling project phase model. Other contributions highlight the critical issues of having a holistic perspective, including the three levels of inquiry, the need to include parts of later phases in the Enterprise Modeling project phase model in a pre-phase activity, and suggestions to extend the “what to avoid” list. The work also revealed that the list could be used for evaluation purposes. Furthermore, some advice to practitioners in the form of lessons learned has been formulated, e.g., the importance of establishing the problem owner and having the future state in focus instead of the current state.

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  • Hojati, Nazanin
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Nordqvist, Magnus
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Genom personliga berättelser fördjupa förståelsen av sexuell hälsa, en kvalitativ studie2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Sexuality is an existential and fundamental part of being human. Like other life-world phenomenon, the personal meaning of sexuality is not something you can grasp directly, but only through interpretation of people’s own narratives. Understanding the meaning of sexuality enables the nurse to give Patient-Centered Care, promote health, and relieve suffering.

    Aim: Gain a deeper understanding of sexual health through personal narratives.

    Method: Interpretation in three steps, according to a phenomenological hermeneutic method, of ten peoples’ stories about sexuality and relationships through their lives, related to the World Health Organization’s definition of sexual health.

    Findings: Sexuality is a force that takes part in forming human life. It’s a source of pleasure but also suffering. How the sexuality and sexual expressions of the individual are treated is crucial for her identity and development. Sexuality changes but continues to play a role in the life of the person. A positive view on sex and the individual’s right to express it are essential for the sexual health of the person, and for her health in general.

    Conclusion: Knowledge and empathy enable the nurse to support her patients’ sexual health and their health and wellbeing in general.

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  • Mu, Zuotong
    University of Skövde, School of Bioscience.
    Optimizing Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis through Machine Learning: Identifying Minimal and Necessary Diagnostic Indicators2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Diagnosing Alsheimer´s disease (AD) remains challenging due to its complexity and multifactorial nature. In 2016, a major revision of AD definitions emphasized integrating clinical, neuroimaging, and data analysis to improve diagsostic accuracy. Traditional statistical models and machine learning (ML) techniques have been applied, but treatment strategies remain insufficient when relying solely on clinical phenotypes. Combining clinical features with other data through supervised learning offers a path forward. This study uses the GSE84422 microarray dataset (2006 samples) to identify essential genetic features for AD diagnosis through machine learning models, including Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM). Systematic feature selection ranked critical genes. ANN achieved superior accuracy with 105 genes, compared to SVM´s 249. An overlap of 86 genes between ANN and SVM indicates model consistency. Key findings revealed discrepancies with prior studies. For example, RIMS3, identified as the fourth most important gene in our analysis, was absent from NETTAG´s prioritized AD-related genes. This divergence highligths how ML models can reveal genetic information  overlooked by traditional frameworks. Integrating ML with other data analysis methods could enhance disease diagnosis and treatment strategies, improving the precision of AD detection and management.

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  • Bröndum, Lars (Composer, Musician)
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Sjölin, Anders (Composer, Musician)
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Descending into the NOW!: A Live Electro-Acoustic Music Improvisation2024Artistic output (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper is a short description of the process leading to the creation of the piece Descending into the NOW! by Lars Bröndum and Anders Sjölin. The audio file is the primary component in this research and the paper is a complementary description of the creation of the piece. This may be of interest of musicians involved in similar improvisatory work processes. Interactivity was explored by improvising the music in different situations and rooms. The paper is a practice-based presentation of the research and rehearsals in live electronic music that culminated in a live performance at the 2024 Moxsonic Sound festival at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Missouri, USA. Interactivity was explored within a improvised framework.  Rehearsals took place in Skövde, Stockholm, on-line via Zoom and in Warrensburg, Missouri.  The resulting piece, entitled,” Descending into the NOW!” is a live recording of 15-minute duration. The paper includes an introduction of the composers and an explanation of the electronic instrumentation setup and features a short analysis of the piece. The paper concludes with reflections over the outcome of the work. 

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    Descending into NOW! paper
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    MOXsonic Friday – March 15, 2024 - Concert 3 – 7pm – Hart Recital Hall
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    MOXsonic 2024 Schedule Overview
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    Descending into the NOW!
  • Jönsson, Emma
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Winroth, Celine
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences.
    Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med självskadebeteende: En litteraturöversikt2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Mental illness is increasing every year globally. An affected group in mental illness is self-injurious behaviour. Nurses who work and meet the patients often lack the resources to receive and treat this group of patients adequately. In order to effectively care for and treat patients with self-harming behavior the work environment needs to be reviewed and adaptations should be made so that nurses can perform good person-centered health care.

    Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate nurses' described experiences of caring for patients with self-harming behaviour.

    Method: The study was conducted as a literature review including eleven articles of which seven were qualitative, two quantitative, and two used a mixed-method approach. This provides an overview of existing research aimed at highlighting nurses' experiences.

    Findings: The results revealed two themes: Creating care relationships" and "Various conditions and challenges". Nurses experience both challenges and positive aspects in caring for patients with self-harming behavior where empathy and non-judgmental attitudes foster care relationships. The lack of knowledge, competence, and a stressful work environment complicate care.

    Conclusion: Nurses caring for patients with self-harming behavior often experience negative emotions due to a lack of knowledge, negative attitudes, and an organization that is not adapted to their needs. To improve the quality of care and reduce burnout, increased education, understanding, and better organization are needed.

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  • Permlid, Mathias
    University of Skövde, School of Bioscience.
    Machine Learning for Prognostic Molecular Profiling of Pancreatic Cancer2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is characterized by high mortality and limited diagnostic and prognostic tools, creating a need for improved molecular classifiers. This study investigated how variational autoencoders could capture nonlinear, high-dimensional gene expression features and integrate these latent representations with classical machine learning approaches. Using a dataset from collaborative sources, pre-processing steps were performed together with dimensionality reduction and differential expression analyses. Despite group-level differences in gene expression, the resulting variational autoencoder-based latent spaces did not translate into improved classification of low-grade pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma tumors. The result showed the challenges of class imbalance, the complexity of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas heterogeneous transcriptome and the limitations of purely unsupervised latent variable models in handling clinically relevant distinctions.

    The methodological framework developed here still shows the potential for combining deep generative feature extraction and conventional classifiers,  providing the groundwork for future refinements through semi-supervised learning and multi-omics integration. Conclusively, this work contributes insights into the design and optimization of machine learning pipelines aimed at improving pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma stratification and informing targeted therapeutic strategies.

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  • Ghasemi, Rohollah
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science. University of Skövde, Virtual Engineering Research Environment.
    Salomonsson, Kent
    University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science. University of Skövde, Virtual Engineering Research Environment.
    Dioszegi, Attila
    Department of Materials and Manufacturing, School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Sweden.
    Synergistic Effects of Austempering Variables on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Low-Temperature Austenitized Compacted Graphite Irons2025In: Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print), ISSN 1059-9495, E-ISSN 1544-1024Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Low-austenitizing temperature practices resulted in substantial changes in both microstructure and mechanical properties of the fully ferritic as-cast Compacted Graphite Irons (CGI). The austempering processes were accomplished through first austenitizing at 850 °C for 60 min followed by quenching in a salt-bath at 275, 325, and 375 °C for times ranging from 30, 60, 90, and 120 min. In contrast with the austenitizing performed at 900 °C performed on the same material, the microstructure consisted of a notable volume fraction of proeutectoid ferrite, which was not observed under similar austempering temperature and time conditions. Lowering the austenitizing temperature to 850 °C resulted in decreased untransformed austenite. Depending on the austempering conditions, a notable improvement was achieved in both Brinell and Vickers hardness compared to the as-cast CGI. The ausferrite matrix led to remarkable increases in yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and a decrease in total elongation to failure. The highest YS and UTS values were achieved for specimens austempered at 275 °C while increasing the austempering temperature decreased both YS and UTS. Furthermore, the results showed that the austempering temperature had a more significant impact on YS and UTS than the austempering time. All austempered CGI specimens exhibited primarily brittle failure attributes, while ferritic CGIs showed a mixed failure mode.

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  • Rawlins, Lettie E.
    et al.
    Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (Medical School), Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of Exeter, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, United Kingdom ; Peninsula Clinical Genetics Service, Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Exeter, United Kingdom.
    Tajsharghi, Homa
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences. University of Skövde, Digital Health Research (DHEAR).
    Crosby, Andrew H.
    Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences (Medical School), Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of Exeter, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, United Kingdom.
    Elucidating the clinical and genetic spectrum of inositol polyphosphate phosphatase INPP4A-related neurodevelopmental disorder2025In: Genetics in Medicine, ISSN 1098-3600, E-ISSN 1530-0366, Vol. 27, no 2, article id 101278Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose: Biallelic INPP4A variants have recently been associated with severe neurodevelopmental disease in single-case reports. Here, we expand and elucidate the clinical-genetic spectrum and provide a pathomechanistic explanation for genotype-phenotype correlations.

    Methods: Clinical and genomic investigations of 30 individuals were undertaken alongside molecular and in silico modelling and translation reinitiation studies.

    Results: We characterize a clinically variable disorder with cardinal features, including global developmental delay, severe-profound intellectual disability, microcephaly, limb weakness, cerebellar signs, and short stature. A more severe presentation associated with biallelic INPP4A variants downstream of exon 4 has additional features of (ponto)cerebellar hypoplasia, reduced cerebral volume, peripheral spasticity, contractures, intractable seizures, and cortical visual impairment. Our studies identify the likely pathomechanism of this genotype-phenotype correlation entailing translational reinitiation in exon 4 resulting in an N-terminal truncated INPP4A protein retaining partial functionality, associated with less severe disease. We also identified identical reinitiation site conservation in Inpp4a−/− mouse models displaying similar genotype-phenotype correlation. Additionally, we show fibroblasts from a single affected individual exhibit disrupted endocytic trafficking pathways, indicating the potential biological basis of the condition.

    Conclusion: Our studies comprehensively characterize INPP4A-related neurodevelopmental disorder and suggest genotype-specific clinical assessment guidelines. We propose that the potential mechanistic basis of observed genotype-phenotype correlations entails exon 4 translation reinitiation. 

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  • Günther, Kathrin
    et al.
    Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, Bremen, Germany.
    Pflüger, Maren
    Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, Bremen, Germany ; Clinical-epidemiological Cancer Registry Brandenburg-Berlin, Cottbus, Germany.
    Eiben, Gabriele
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences. University of Skövde, Digital Health Research (DHEAR).
    Iacoviello, Licia
    Laboratory of Molecular and Nutritional Epidemiology, Department of Epidemiology and Prevention, IRCCS Instituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed, Isernia, Pozzilli, Italy.
    Lissner, Lauren
    School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Mårild, Staffan
    Department of Paediatrics, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Molnár, Dénes
    Department of Pediatrics, Medical School, University of Pécs, Hungary.
    Moreno, Luis A.
    GENUD (Growth, Exercise, Nutrition and Development) Research Group, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad de Zaragoza, Instituto Agroalimentario de Aragón (IA2), Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón (IIS Aragón), Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERObn), Zaragoza, Spain.
    Russo, Paola
    Institute of Food Sciences, National Research Council, Avellino, Italy.
    Papoutsou, Stalo
    Research and Education Institute of Child Health, Strovolos, Cyprus.
    Veidebaum, Toomas
    Department of Chronic Diseases, National Institute for Health Development, Tallinn, Estonia.
    de Henauw, Stefaan
    Department of Public Health, Ghent University, Belgium.
    Ahrens, Wolfgang
    Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, Bremen, Germany ; Institute of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bremen, Germany.
    Wolters, Maike
    Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, Bremen, Germany.
    Börnhorst, Claudia
    Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, Bremen, Germany.
    I.Family consortium,
    Early life factors and later metabolic syndrome in European children and adolescents2025In: NMCD. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, ISSN 0939-4753, E-ISSN 1590-3729, article id 103808Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background and aims: Early life factors have been suggested to be associated with later cardiometabolic risk in children, adolescents and adults. Our study aimed to investigate the associations between early life factors and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in children and adolescents.

    Methods and results: Our analysis sample comprised of 8852 children aged 2–9 years at baseline that participated in up to three examination waves of the pan-European IDEFICS/I.Family cohort (baseline: 2007/08, 1st follow-up 2009/10, 2nd follow-up 2013/14). Mixed-effects models were used to estimate the associations between early life factors and MetS score and z-scores of waist circumference (WC), systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP), Homeostasis Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) and triglycerides. Being born large for gestational age (LGA) showed a positive association with MetS score (β = 0.67; 99%CI 0.44, 0.90) and with WC z-score (β = 0.51; 99%CI 0.39, 0.63) and was weakly inversely associated with HDL z-score. Being born small for gestational age (SGA) was associated with lower WC z-score (ß = −0.26; 99%CI -0.37, −0.16), with a lower MetS score (ß = −0.13; 99%CI −0.33, 0.08) and slightly higher z-scores of SBP and DBP. Weight gain during pregnancy was positively associated with MetS score and WC z-score while premature birth was positively associated with SBP.

    Conclusions: Children born LGA, SGA or preterm may warrant closer monitoring to prevent MetS later on. 

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