Background: Pain is one of the most common reasons why patients seek healthcare. Acute pain is described as subjective and individual, which proves the need for greater knowledge and understanding of the acute pain and the patient's different experiences of it. This could generate in a better care, where the development of acute pain to chronic prolonged pain and the suffering of the patient could be minimized.
Aim: The aim was to describe the patients’ experience of acute pain and the significance of health care professionals associated with it. Method: A literature review based on 13 articles, seven qualitative and six quantitative.
Results: Four themes where identified; "The importance of adequate pain management",”To submit to the health care professionals”, “How the health care professionals’ competence incites a sense of safety” and ”The significance of communication and information”. Conclusion: Acute pain is still a major problem and too many patients suffers from it. The health care professionals have a great importance for these patients’ experience since they can ease the pain and prevent unnecessary suffering. To improve care for patients with acute pain, a greater understanding and knowledge of their subjective experiences is required but also the significance of how the nurse act, treats and evaluates should be of importance.