The focus of this master thesis have been the perception of teachers about Skolverkets requirements (2017), regarding extended digitizing in the education, which in turn requires an extended digital knowledge with the teachers. Qualitative interviews have been conducted at a public school for adults in Västra Götaland, Sweden. Five teachers at the school were interviewed regarding the concept of digital competence, feelings before the extended requirements and the further training needed. This study was done with a phenomenographic method, which means the data was studied to find patterns which could get categorized, which in turn was made into different themes. The goal with this method was also to find what is unspoken, the things that are "said between the lines". In the results it was clear that mainly five factors affect extended digitizing; time, collegial learning, digital tools, digital skills and further education. The teachers felt like the needed more time to implement extended digitizing and that more education is needed. The teachers were predominantly positive towards extended digitizing and the unspoken did also emerge in the results in form of different feelings with the teachers. The feelings were about frustration, worry and tiredness about how time will suffice for everything, that they sometimes got the feeling of it being "one step forward, two steps back".