This study is based on interviews with practitioners working with user-experiencewithin IT projects. The aim of the study is to investigate and identify potentialobstacles that hinders UX-practitioners to address UX in relation to their perceptionof the concept. To investigate this, semi-structured interviews were conducted withfive UX-practitioners in Sweden, working in UX-roles within organisations whoproduce IT-solutions such as websites, software and other types of digital systems.Based on these interviews a thematic analysis was used to investigate the topic.The result indicates that the practitioner’s ability to communicate the utility andbenefits that UX proposes, are essential for the application of UX. Further resultsindicate that this ability originates from a lack of knowledge and understanding forUX amongst stakeholders within a project, and that the experienced low level ofunderstanding for UX is affected by the general view of UX as being limited tographic design, and furthermore to pragmatic aspects and competencies rather thanacknowledging holistic, user-centered and hedonic aspects.