Högskolan i Skövde

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  • 1.
    Alenljung, Beatrice
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Nalin, Kajsa
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    The User Experience Design Program: Applying Situated and Embodied Cognition Together With Reflective Teaching2022In: Frontiers in Computer Science, E-ISSN 2624-9898, Vol. 4, p. 1-9, article id 794400Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The education of students to become competent user experience designers is a delicate matter as students need to obtain a multitude of knowledge, skills, and judgmental abilities. In this paper, our effort to manage this multiplicity in a bachelor’s program in user experience design is shared along with our experiences and teaching practices influenced by theories of situated and embodied cognition together with reflective teaching. The program was followed up through interviews with eight alumni and a company representative that employs user experience designers. The results show that the program overall works well, although some of the identified issues need to be addressed in the future. The interpretation is that our program curricula and teaching practices are fruitful, which hopefully can contribute to thoughts and discussions for other teachers in the field of user experience design and human-computer interaction.

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  • 2. Dahlbäck, Nils
    et al.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre. University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Susi, Tarja
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Distribuerad kognition2012In: Kognitionsvetenskap / [ed] Jens Allwood, Mikael Jensen, Studentlitteratur, 2012, 1, p. 487-496Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 3.
    Ejdebäck, Mikael
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Bioscience. University of Skövde, Systems Biology Research Environment.
    Algerin, Maria
    University of Skövde, School of Bioscience. University of Skövde, Systems Biology Research Environment.
    Sedenka, Jan
    University of Skövde, School of Business. University of Skövde, Enterprises for the Future Research Environment.
    Ruiz Zúñiga, Enrique
    University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science. University of Skövde, Virtual Engineering Research Environment.
    Nalin, Kajsa
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Personas som metod för utveckling av internationaliseringen i utbildning2022Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Enligt högskoleförordningens examensmål ska studenter efter avslutad utbildning inte bara uppvisa kunskap och förståelse för sitt områdes vetenskapliga grund utan även en rad färdigheter, förmågor, värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt som inbegriper ett internationellt och interkulturellt perspektiv. Dessa perspektiv kan fås genom internationellt studentutbyte och mobilitet men också genom internationalisering på hemmaplan är tillgängligt för alla studenter. Internationaliseringen bryter språk- och kulturella barriärer, öppnar studenternas internationella perspektiv och bidrar därmed till att öka kvaliteten i utbildningarna och gör studenterna bättre förberedda för ett alltmer mångkulturellt samhälle och en global arbetsmarknad. Personas är fiktiva beskrivningar av typiska användare, förankrade i empiriska data med fokus på användarnas mål, behov, erfarenheter och beteenden. Inom området User Experience Design utgör personas ett viktigt stöd i den användarcentrerade designprocessen. Personas används ofta för att ge liv åt potentiella användare och därmed göra det lättare att ta användarens perspektiv, men har också använts för arbete med utveckling av studenters empatiska förmågor [1] [2]. I detta projekt användes personas för att beskriva studenters mål, behov, erfarenheter och beteenden, i relation till de internationella, interkulturella och globala färdigheter våra studenter behöver i sitt framtida yrkesliv. Syftet är att synliggöra de behov studenterna ska försöka möta och i sin tur söka avspegla detta i utbildningarna. I projektgruppen ingick programansvariga samt personer med erfarenhet av User Experience Design. Efter en kort presentation av projektet och dess resultat genomförs ett digitalt rundabordssamtal.

    Syftet med rundabordssamtalet är dels att diskutera allmängiltigheten i de projektresultat som presenterats, dels om personas kan användas för andra ändamål som exempelvis vid utveckling av högre utbildning. Projektledaren fungerar som moderator för samtalet och inleder med en kort Mentimeter-övning där deltagarna får reflektera kring det genomförda projektet och dess relevans för internationalisering i utbildningen. Beroende på antalet deltagare så kan rundabordssamtalet sedan delas in i mindre digitala grupper ledda av övriga projektdeltagare och med en gemensam återsamling med gemensam sammanfattning och avslut. Förväntat utfall från rundabordssamtalet är att sprida arbetssättet med personas men också att vi ska få med oss viktiga synpunkter för det fortsatta arbetet.

    [1] Haag, M., & Marsden, N. (2019). Exploring Personas as a Method to Foster Empathy in Student IT Design Teams. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29(3), 565–582.

    [2] van Rooij, S. W. (2012). Research-Based Personas: Teaching Empathy in Professional Education. Journal of Effective Teaching, 12(3), 77–86.

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  • 4. Gulz, Agneta
    et al.
    Jensen, Mikael
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre. University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Lärande och kognition2012In: Kognitionsvetenskap / [ed] Jens Allwood, Mikael Jensen, Studentlitteratur, 2012, 1, p. 219-228Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 5.
    Kävrestad, Joakim
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Gellerstedt, Martin
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences. University of Skövde, Digital Health Research (DHEAR).
    Nohlberg, Marcus
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Survey of Users’ Willingness to Adopt and Pay for Cybersecurity Training2022In: Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance: 16th IFIP WG 11.12 International Symposium, HAISA 2022, Mytilene, Lesbos, Greece, July 6–8, 2022, Proceedings / [ed] Nathan Clarke; Steven Furnell, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG , 2022, p. 14-23Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The importance of user behaviour in the cybersecurity domain is widely acknowledged. Users face cyberthreats such as phishing and fraud daily, both at work and in their private use of technology. Using training interventions to improve users’ knowledge, awareness, and behaviour is a widely accepted approach to improving the security posture of users. Research into cybersecurity training has traditionally assumed that users are provided such training as members of an organization. However, users in their private capacity are expected to cater for their own security. This research addresses this gap with a survey where 1437 Swedish adults participated. Willingness to adopt and pay for different cybersecurity training types was measured. The included types were; training delivered to users in a context where the training is of direct relevance, eLearning and game-based training. The participants were most willing to adopt and pay for contextual training, while eLearning was the second most favoured training type. We also measured if willingness to pay and adopt cybersecurity training was impacted by the participant’s worry about various cyber threats. Surprisingly, no meaningful correlation was found, suggesting that something else than worry mediates willingness to adopt and pay for cybersecurity training. 

  • 6.
    Kävrestad, Joakim
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Hagberg, Allex
    Xenolith AB, Skövde, Sweden.
    Nohlberg, Marcus
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Roos, Robert
    Xenolith AB, Skövde, Sweden.
    Furnell, Steven
    School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, UK.
    Evaluation of Contextual and Game-Based Training for Phishing Detection2022In: Future Internet, E-ISSN 1999-5903, Vol. 14, no 4Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Cybersecurity is a pressing matter, and a lot of the responsibility for cybersecurity is put on the individual user. The individual user is expected to engage in secure behavior by selecting good passwords, identifying malicious emails, and more. Typical support for users comes from Information Security Awareness Training (ISAT), which makes the effectiveness of ISAT a key cybersecurity issue. This paper presents an evaluation of how two promising methods for ISAT support users in acheiving secure behavior using a simulated experiment with 41 participants. The methods were game-based training, where users learn by playing a game, and Context-Based Micro-Training (CBMT), where users are presented with short information in a situation where the information is of direct relevance. Participants were asked to identify phishing emails while their behavior was monitored using eye-tracking technique. The research shows that both training methods can support users towards secure behavior and that CBMT does so to a higher degree than game-based training. The research further shows that most participants were susceptible to phishing, even after training, which suggests that training alone is insufficient to make users behave securely. Consequently, future research ideas, where training is combined with other support systems, are proposed

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  • 7.
    Kävrestad, Joakim
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Hagberg, Allex
    Xenolith AB, Skövde, Sweden.
    Roos, Robert
    Xenolith AB, Skövde, Sweden.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Nohlberg, Marcus
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Usable Privacy and Security from the Perspective of Cognitive Abilities2022In: Privacy and Identity Management. Between Data Protection and Security: 16th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6/SIG 9.2.2 International Summer School, Privacy and Identity 2021, Virtual Event, August 16–20, 2021, Revised Selected Papers / [ed] Michael Friedewald; Stephan Krenn; Ina Schiering; Stefan Schiffner, Springer, 2022, 1, Vol. 1, p. 105-121Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Privacy, Information, and Cybersecurity (PICS) are related properties that have become a concern for more or less everyone. A large portion of the responsibility for PICS is put on the end-user, who is expected to adopt PICS tools, guidelines, and features to stay secure and maintain organizational security. However, the literature describes that many users do not adopt PICS tools and a key reason seems to be usability. This study acknowledges that the usability of PICS tools is a crucial concern and seeks to problematize further by adding cognitive ability as a key usability aspect. We argue that a user’s cognitive abilities determine how the user perceives the usability of PICS tools and that usability guidelines should account for varying cognitive abilities held by different user groups. This paper presents a case study with focus on how cognitive disabilities can affect the usability of PICS tools. Interviews with users with cognitive disabilities as well as usability experts, and experts on cognitive disabilities were conducted. The results suggest that many of the usability factors are shared by all users, cognitive challenges or not. However, cognitive challenges often cause usability issues to be more severe. Based on the results, several design guidelines for the usability of PICS tools are suggested.

  • 8.
    Kävrestad, Joakim
    et al.
    Jönköping School of Engineering, Sweden.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Nohlberg, Marcus
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Design principles for cognitively accessible cybersecurity training2024In: Computers & security (Print), ISSN 0167-4048, E-ISSN 1872-6208, Vol. 137, article id 103630Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Exploiting human behavior to gain unauthorized access to computer systems has become common practice for modern cybercriminals. Users are expected to adopt secure behavior to avoid those attackers. This secure behavior requires cognitive processing and is often seen as a nuisance which could explain why attacks exploiting user behavior continues to be a fruitful approach for attackers. While adopting secure behavior can be difficult for any user, it can be even more difficult for users with cognitive disabilities. This research focuses on users with cognitive disabilities with the intent of developing design principles for the development of cognitively accessible cybersecurity training. The target group is estimated to include almost 10 % of all users but is previously understudied. The results show that the target group experience cybersecurity as cognitively demanding, sometimes to a degree that becomes incapacitating. Participating in cybersecurity training requires cognitive energy which is a finite resource. Cognitively accessible cybersecurity training requires a minimalist design approach and inclusion of accessibility functions. A minimalist design approach, in this case, means that both informative and design elements should be kept to a minimum. The rationale is that all such elements require cognitive processing which should be kept to a minimum. 

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  • 9.
    Lindblom, Jessica
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Alklind Taylor, Anna-Sofia
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Svensson, Henrik
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Fem framgångsfaktorer för utveckling av pedagogisk digital kompetens för nätbaserat lärande inom högre utbildning2012In: NU2012: Gränslöst lärande: Göteborg, 17-19 oktober, 2012, p. 188-189Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Utbredningen av kommunikations- och IT-verktyg (IKT) i samhället influerar även undervisningen inom högre utbildning (se t.ex., Ala-Mutka, Punie & Redecker, 2008; Glenn, 2008). Olika lärplattformar har utvecklats som möjliggör skilda former av interaktion mellan lärare och studenter. En konsekvens av detta är att andelen distansstudenter kraftigt ökat de senaste åren. Förutom de möjligheter och begränsningar som de nya tekniska verktygen erbjuder för nätbaserat lärande, behövs det även nya kunskaper hos den undervisande universitetsläraren och behovet av en god pedagogisk digital kompetens blir därmed aktuellt (EUT, 2006; Glenn, 2008; Krumsvik, 2008).

    Syftet med detta bidrag är att delge andra universitetslärare som vill börja med eller vidareutveckla nätbaserad undervisning våra praktiska erfarenheter och kunskaper för hur detta kan genomföras med utgångspunkt utifrån pedagogisk digital kompetens.

    Utifrån en fallstudie (Patton, 2002) har vi genom ett aktionsforskningsperspektiv identifierat fem framgångsfaktorer för utveckling av pedagogisk digital kompetens vid högre studier:

    • En gemensam pedagogisk grundsyn
    • Teamwork
    • Undervisningskultur
    • Positiv inställning till teknik
    • Administrativa, pedagogiska och tekniska stödresurser

    De identifierade framgångsfaktorerna presenteras med ett abduktivt upplägg. Vi utgår utifrån våra praktiska erfarenheter och kopplar samman dessa med teorier och relevant litteratur inom området för varje framgångsfaktor.

    För att aktivt arbeta med att utveckla den digitala pedagogiska kompetensen är det viktigt att inte enbart fokusera på de tillgängliga tekniska verktygen, utan det är viktigt att framhäva i vilket sammanhang ett visst undervisningsmoment ingår i. Det är väldigt lätt att se läraren som en ensam individ som ska stödja studentens kunskapsutveckling under en kurs, men verkligheten är något helt annat. En bra lärare, enligt oss, är en lärare som kan se sin egen undervisning i ett större sammanhang, t.ex. hur en kurs hänger ihop med andra kurser inom utbildningen eller hur den kopplar till en framtida yrkesroll. På så sätt har man större möjlighet att motivera sina studenter till lärande och i det större perspektivet till ett kontinuerligt lärande som fortgår under hela livet i dagens kunskapssamhälle. En fara med informationssamhället är att den tolkande och värderande förmågan underskattas (Gärdenfors, 2005) vilket vi anser har konsekvenser för högre utbildning, som bör undvika att begå detta misstag genom att fokusera i alltför stor grad på IKT-lösningar i sig, utan satsa större resurser på att stödja och utveckla studenternas lärande och tolkande förmåga av olika former av information och källor. Med andra ord, fokusera mer på innehållet än på formen, och detta ökar vikten av en god pedagogisk digital kompetens.


    Ala-Mutka, K., Punie, Y & Redecker, C. (2008) Digital competence for lifelong learning. JRC Technical Notes. Policy brief by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), part of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC). Tillgänglig på http://ftp.jrc.es/EURdoc/JRC48708.TN.pdf [Hämtad: 2011-05-28].

    EUT (Europeiska unionens officiella tidning) (2006) L 394 10.

    Glenn, M. (2008) The future of higher education: How technology will shape learning. A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit.

    Gärdenfors, P. (2005) Tankens vindlar: Om språk, minne och berättande. Nora: Nya Doxa

    Krumsvik, R. J. (2008) Situated learning and teachers’ digital competence. Education and Information Technologies, 13, 279–290.

    Patton, M.Q. (2002) Qualitative research and evaluation methods. (3:e upplagan). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

  • 10.
    Lindblom, Jessica
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Alklind Taylor, Anna-Sofia
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Svensson, Henrik
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Pedagogisk digital kompetens för nätbaserat lärande inom högskolan2011In: Utbildning & Lärande, ISSN 1653-0594, Vol. 5, no 1, p. 54-71Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The rapid development of information technology and the Internet has important academic implications, which in the long run will have far reaching consequences for teaching and learning on university level. With this in mind, five different success factors for the development of digital literacy and competence in higher education in general, and online courses in particular, are being identified and discussed in this article. These factors are: a shared view on learning and teaching, teamwork, a collaborative teaching culture, a positive attitude towards technology, as well as administrative, pedagogical and technical support resources. The dicussion is largely based on theories on learning and e-learning, and many examples draw from the authors' own experiences and observations.

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  • 11.
    Lindblom, Jessica
    et al.
    University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre. University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre. University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Ljung, Magnus
    Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
    Lundström, Christina
    Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
    Decision Making in Agriculture: Farmers' Lifeworld in Theory and Practice2013Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The challenges facing the agriculture sector are immense and a wide range of factors and demands influence it on both local and global level. Making decisions under such circumstances is a complex and delicate task in which goal conflicts cannot easily be resolved. This puts farmers in a rather difficult position as it is impossible for a single individual to make informed and appropriate decisions, which strongly emphasizes the need for an increased collaboration between farmers and other actors in the agricultural sector. This paper aims to explore in more detail farmers' lifeworld which refers to their social environment and working life. Particular focus will be on the socially situated organization of collaborative activities in farmers' lifeworld and the ways in which technologies and artifacts can be present in practical action. For instance, agricultural advisory situations can be considered complex social systems where people with different backgrounds, experiences, and expectations collaborate by means of a wide range of artifacts to develop some common understanding and shared knowledge. We suggest that theories of distributed and situated cognition and the methodologies that come with them are well suited to capture farmers' lifeworld and their daily working practices. Material from an ongoing workplace study will be used for illustration purposes to provide concrete examples.

  • 12.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    It's Not Just Hands: Embodiment Aspects in Gameplay2016In: Video Games and the Mind: Essays on Cognition, Affect and Emotion / [ed] Bernard Perron and Felix Schröter, McFarland, 2016, p. 71-86Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 13.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Mind Games Extended: Understanding Gameplay as Situated Activity2010Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis addresses computer gameplay activities in terms of the physical handling of a game, players’ meaning-making activities, and how these two processes are closely interrelated. It is examined in greater detail which role the body plays in gameplay, but also how gameplay is shaped by sociocultural factors outside the game, including different kind of tools and players’ participation in community practices. An important step towards an understanding of these key factors and their interaction is the consideration of gameplay as situated activity where players who actively engage with games are situated in both the physical world and the virtual in-game world. To analyse exactly how players interact with both worlds, two case studies on two different games have been carried out, and three different levels of situatedness are identifed and discussed in detail in this thesis, on the basis of existing theories within situated cognition research.

  • 14.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Riding a bike in PaperboyTM: A case study of embodied human-computer game interaction2007In: The Virtual:: Designing Digital Experience: A Conference 2006 / [ed] Patrik Hernwall, Handen: School of Communication, Technology and Design Södertörn College University , 2007, p. 144-151Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The impact of different game interfaces on people's game play has, so far, not received much attention in the scientific world. The present paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the way people and their game play are affected by different game interfaces. A case study has therefore been undertaken to shed some more light on this issue. Two different input devices, a game pad and a modified exercise bike, were used for the game PAPERBOYTM, a game where players control a paperboy on a bike. Preliminary results indicate that people played the game in a similar way, independent of which input device they used. However, the bike seemed to have an influence on the participant's expectations about the kind of interactions it allowed.

  • 15.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Sikta, skjuta, samarbeta. Om att utveckla kunskap i dataspel: Aim, shoot, and cooperate - about skill development in computer games2007In: Unga och nätverkskulturer: Mellan moralpanik och teknikromantik, ungdomsstyrelsen , 2007, p. 15-27Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 16.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Situated Learning and Galperin's Notion of Object-Oriented Activity2006In: 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society in Cooperation with the 5th International Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: CogSci/ICCS 2006 / [ed] Ron Sun; Naomi Miyake, Cognitive Science Society, Inc., 2006, p. 2029-2034Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Situated learning theories are largely based on the idea that the knower cannot be separated from the known, i.e. the individual, its context, and its activity in the environment mutually constitute each other. This way of attending the issues of cognition and learning has been heavily criticised by many researchers since sociocultural aspects such as social interaction and tool use are not believed to explain the issues of transfer and generality. The approach developed by Russian psychologist Piotr Galperin (1902–1988), on the other hand, provides substantial support for situated learning theories and should, thus, be considered a valuable complement to the theoretical framework of situated learning.

  • 17.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Situated Play2008Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]


    This thesis addresses computer game play activities from the perspective of embodied and situated cognition. From such a perspective, game play can be divided into the physical handling of the game and the players' understanding of it. Game play can also be described in terms of three different levels of situatedness "high-level" situatedness, the contextual "here and now", and "low-level" situatedness. Moreover, theoretical and empirical implications of such a perspective have been explored more in detail in two case studies.

  • 18.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    The embodied and situated nature of computer game play2006Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Computer games are being approached from a wide range of perspectives, but the activity of playing games, with the player and her actions in focus has, so far, not received much attention in academic research. Approaching games from a cognitive science perspective, however, it is argued in this paper that theories on embodied and situated cognition provide a strong basis for research on this particular issue since game play is a socially embodied and situated activity, shaped by the player’s bodily experience and her interactions with the game environment.

  • 19.
    Rambusch, Jana
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Alklind Taylor, Anna-Sofia
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Susi, Tarja
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    A pre-study on spectatorship in eSports2017Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A pre-study of spectators' perspectives on eSports was conducted in collaboration with two Swedish game development companies. The main goal was to identify factors that contribute to qualitative spectator experiences and how they can influence game design. A qualitative approach was chosen to explore spectators' perspectives on eSports through observations and focus-group interviews of 28 participants in total. Results indicate that spectatorship is a complex issue that goes beyond the mere watching of a game. We identified four themes that are important for qualitative spectator experiences: the need for an overview of game events; highlighting and exposing hidden objects and events; viewer- and commentator-friendly game pacing; the importance of professional commentators and casters. Based on the results, we present design guidelines and recommendations for the development of games in eSports.

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  • 20.
    Rambusch, Jana
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Technology and Society.
    Jakobsson, Peter
    University of Södertörn, Sweden.
    Pargman, Daniel
    Royal Insitute of Technology, Sweden.
    Exploring E-sports: A case study of game play in Counter-strike2007In: Situated play: The 2007 world conference of Digital Games Research Association / [ed] B. Akira, Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) , 2007, Vol. 4, p. 157-164Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper, a case study of Counter-strike is presented in which cognitive, cultural, economical, and technologicalaspects of people’s gameplay activities are discussed. Most attention is given to Counter-strike as an e-sport – competitive gameplay which borrows forms from traditional sports. Also, methodological and theoretical issues related to the study are discussed, including issues of player-centered approaches and issues related to the crossdisciplinarily of the study, which borrows perspectives from cognitive science as well as cultural studies

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  • 21.
    Rambusch, Jana
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Susi, Tarja
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Serious Learning while Having Fun2010In: Kognition und Technologie im kooperativen Lernen: Vom Wissenstransfer zur Knowledge Creation / [ed] Markus F. Peschl, Hanna Risku, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010, p. 77-90Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper we consider learning in the context of computer games, in terms of socio-cultural theories on learning and cognition. We emphasise on the tools involved in players’ learning activities, such as the use of »social tools«, and their role in the learning situation. Integrating (parts of) the computer game area with socio-cultural learning theories can prove beneficial for a more balanced understanding of learning in computer (game) environments. As a step in this direction, this paper discusses a case study of Counter-strike players and their learning from a cognitive science perspective.

  • 22.
    Rambusch, Jana
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Susi, Tarja
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Situated play2008In: Beyond the Brain: Embodied, Situated and Distributed Cognition / [ed] Benoit Hardy-Vallée; Nicolas Payette, Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008, p. 215-226Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 23.
    Rambusch, Jana
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Susi, Tarja
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    The Challenge of Managing Affordances in Computer Game Play2008In: Human IT, ISSN 1402-1501, E-ISSN 1402-151X, Vol. 9, no 3, p. 83-109Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper discusses affordance with respect to computer games and game play activity. The game environment, with its complex and seemingly multiple affordances, presents a challenge, for players as well as researchers, since it consists of two worlds: the virtual and the real one. For games to be played successfully, affordances of both worlds need to be integrated. However, since Gibson’s The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception (1986), numerous different opinions on what constitutes an affordance have appeared, most of them deviating from the original Gibsonian conceptualisation. This has lead to confusion and misunderstandings among researchers, and is now also spreading into computer games research. This paper aims to raise awareness of what the affordance concept can, and cannot, explain and of the fact that some of the possible actions perceived by a player in a game also are rooted in socio-cultural conventions and the player’s experience of having a body.

  • 24.
    Rambusch, Jana
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Susi, Tarja
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Ekman, Stefan
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Wilhelmsson, Ulf
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    A Literary Excursion Into the Hidden (Fan) Fictional Worlds of Tetris, Starcraft, and Dreamfall2009In: Breaking New Ground: Innovation in Games, Play, Practice and Theory, Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) , 2009, Vol. 5Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper, we discuss a part of participatory culture that so far has not received much attention in the academic world; it is the writing and reading of game fan fiction. The focus in this paper is on fan fiction, based on three different games that represent three different game genres: Tetris, StarCraft and Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. The aim is to advance our understanding of how players experience and understand the game environment, and promote further research interest in fan fiction based on computer games. We do this by discussing narrative elements in the above mentioned computer games, and the fan fiction that is based on them.

  • 25.
    Rambusch, Jana
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Susi, Tarja
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Ziemke, Tom
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Artefacts as Mediators of Distributed Social Cognition: A Case Study2005In: Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, August 4 - 7, 2004, Chicago, Illinois, USA / [ed] Kenneth Forbus, Dedre Gentner & Terry Regier, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005, p. 1113-1118Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Traditionally, cognition has been regarded as the outcome of internal cognitive processes manipulating mental representations. More recently, however, it has become clear that cognition cannot be separated from the social and material environment in which people live and act, and that in many cases cognition is distributed among individuals and environmental properties. One important aspect has turned out to be artefacts and their use, and there is growing interest in understanding how tool use affects cognition. However, even with this increased awareness of the role of artefacts, the focus has mainly been on the cognitive processes and representations of individuals, while the social role of artefacts has received less attention. An ethnographically inspired field study, observing a hospital’s children admission unit, was conducted to investigate the way individual and collaborative work are affected by the use of artefacts within a given social context. The results indicate that the use of artefacts is closely coupled to the social environment, that to some degree social interactions are transformed into more indirect, individual processes, and that artefacts are crucial for high-level processes such as memory and coordination.

  • 26.
    Rambusch, Jana
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Ziemke, Tom
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    The Role of Embodiment in Situated Learning2005In: Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: CogSci05 / [ed] Bruno G. Bara, Lawrence Barsalou, Monica Bucciarelli, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005, p. 1803-1808Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The concept of activity is central to situated learning theories, but activity has largely been considered an exclusively sociocultural process in which the body only plays a minor role. In embodied cognition research, on the other hand, there is an increasing awareness that mind and body are inextricably intertwined and cannot be viewed in isolation. Findings in the field of cognitive neuroscience provide additional evidence that cognition is tightly linked to perception and action. This paper aims to shed a light on the role of the body insituated learning activity by integrating the different perspectives of situated learning and embodied cognition research. The paper suggests that, like individual human conceptualization and thought, situated learning is in fact deeply rooted in bodily activity. In social interactions the body provides individuals with a similar perspective on the world, it functions as a means of signalling to others what cannot (yet) be expressed verbally, and it serves as a resonance mechanism in the understanding of others.

  • 27.
    Susi, Tarja
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre. University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics.
    Kognition och verktyg2012In: Kognitionsvetenskap: en introduktion / [ed] Jens Allwood & Mikael Jensen, Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2012, 1, p. 497-506Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 28.
    Susi, Tarja
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Situated Play: Just a temporary blip?2007In: Situated Play: The 2007 world conference of Digital Games Research Association, Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) , 2007, Vol. 4, p. 730-735Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper we discuss how cognitive science may contribute to understanding the concepts of situatedness and situated play. While situatedness has become something of a catch-all term, it actually has several different meanings, ranging from “higher” social-cultural forms to “lower” sensori-motoric activities. We also discuss an often overlooked, but crucial aspect of situatedness, which is the use of external resources such as tools and their use. As willbecome apparent, a more thorough understanding of situatedness and tool use are key to understanding computer games and people’s everyday playing activities.

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  • 29.
    Westlund, Malin
    et al.
    University of Skövde, Academic Affairs and Student Support Office.
    Berglund Kristiansson, Elisabeth
    University of Skövde, School of Health Sciences. University of Skövde, Digital Health Research (DHEAR).
    Persson, Birgit
    University of Skövde, University library.
    Rambusch, Jana
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Sedenka, Jan
    University of Skövde, School of Business. University of Skövde, Enterprises for the Future Research Environment.
    Wickenberg, Maria
    University of Skövde, University library.
    Projekt Integrerat Stöd (PIS) - samlade erfarenheter2021In: DAL-21 Det akademiska lärarskapet: Konferensbidrag / [ed] Jessica Lindblom; Christina Lönnheden; Peter Fogel, Skövde: Högskolan i Skövde , 2021, p. 19-20Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Studentbarometern 2018 visade att studenter önskar mer stöd kring introduktion till högskolestudier, studieteknik, akademiskt skrivande, stresshantering, hantera gruppkonflikter och uppskjutandebeteende. Stöd finns redan vid Högskolan men studenterna nyttjar inte det som finns och stödet är åtskilt från ordinarie studier. Projekt integrerat stöd (PIS; 2019-2023) utarbetar former för att integrera stödinsatser till studenter i fem pilotprogram och drivs av programansvariga lärare (PA) tillsammans med funktioner inom verksamhetsstödet, främst Studentstöd, Bibliotek och högskolepedagogisk koordinator. PIS siktar på att bidra till studenternas karriär och identitetsutveckling, ge förutsättningar för hållbara studier och få akademiskt skickliga studenter. Korhonen, Mattson, Inkinen och Toom (2019) föreslår att arbeta parallellt med en individuell process för att utveckla studentens akademiska skicklighet, och en kollegial process där institutionerna bjuder in till delaktighet och tillhörighet. Båda processerna anses vara avgörande för ökat studentengagemang och minskad risk för avhopp. Denna presentation hålls utifrån olika perspektiv såsom PA och olika verksamheter inom verksamhetsstödet: Studentstöd, Bibliotek och Studieverkstan. I kommande avsnitt ges fyra exempel på genomförda aktiviteter och insatser.

    Inventering av program PIS startades med en kartläggning av befintliga insatser inom berörda områden på respektive program. Med befintliga insatser, idéskissen och programmens kursplaner som utgångspunkt togs därefter ett reviderat förslag på nya samordnande och mer integrerade insatser fram. Det faktum att PA och kursansvariga arbetade tillsammans gav en tydligare helhetsbild och en större pedagogisk förståelse för hur en insats i en kurs påverkar insatser på andra kurser och på programmet som helhet.

    Bibliotek och Studieverkstan PIS har inneburit möjligheten att arbeta ”extra” med lärarna i projektet. Initialt, tillsammans med PA, identifierades kurser lämpliga för undervisningsinsatser. Därefter kontaktade PA kursansvariga för att tillsammans med biblioteket/Studieverkstan planera undervisningen. I vissa fall utvecklades nya undervisningsmoment och examinationsformer. I andra fall anpassades och  ̊återanvändes upplägg och material från ett program till andra program. Resultatet har blivit en bättre progression i studenternas informationskompetens och ett förbättrat samarbete med lärarna. Studieverkstan har skapat nya kontaktytor med lärare och nått ut till nya studentgrupper.

    Akademiska ramar ”Vi blev ett vi”, ett spontant uttalande från studenterna själva. Över 100 studenter startade hösten 2020 det nätbaserade kandidatprogrammet inom folkhälsovetenskap. PIS gav kullen en kickstart att lära känna varandra genom att studenterna redan före utbildningens start fick möjlighet att skriva en presentation om sig själva som kunde läsas på programsajten. Det gav en trygghet som förstärktes när studenterna, av studie- och karriärvägledare, introducerades i det akademiska ansvaret för att kunna gå från att vara elev till att bli student. Att få informationen frånstudentstödet var framgångsrikt då ramarna för högskolestudier blev tydligare än om de hade blandats med ämnesinformation från läraren.

    Metareflektioner Inom kandidatprogrammet User Experience Design fokuserar vi på metareflektioner för att hjälpa studenterna utveckla akademiskt ansvar samt skicklighet. Meta-reflektionerna genomförs i form av programträffar där varje träff utgår från ett relevant tema (t.ex., grupparbete och studieteknik) och som ger studenterna reflektionsmöjlighet kring sina studier utifrån egna erfarenheter. En student reflekterade exempelvis kring hur mycket studier och studieteknik skiljer sig mellan gymnasium och högre utbildning, vilket kom som en chock. I många av programkurserna ingår också grupparbete, här får studenterna reflektera kring vad som gynnar ett bra samarbete, exempelvis vad som fungerat bra och mindre bra i föregående kurs samt den egna rollen i ett lyckat grupp(sam)arbete.


    Korhonen V., Mattsson M., Inkinen M., & Toom A. (2019) Understanding the Multidimensional Nature of Student Engagement during the First Year of Higher Education. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:1056. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01056


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