Title: Prevention of stress in school children – School nurses preventive interventions
Author: Bjurkvist Sara; Tydén Teija
Department: School of Health and Education, University of Skövde
Course: Master Degree project in Nursing, OM854A, 15ECTs
Supervisor: Larsson Margaretha
Examinator: Thorstensson Stina
Pages: 21
Keywords: School nurses, stress, prevention, nursing, children
Background: Stress is a common health problem in society. Children are as exposed to stress as adults but have a lack of ability to cope with it, compared to adults. School nurses meet children in their daily life and have opportunity to prevent stress in several interventions.
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine how school nurses work stress preventive in children.
Method: A qualitative research method was selected for the study. The result emerged through qualitative content analysis. Ten school nurses from various schools in Sweden were interviewed, using e-mail survey.
Results: Four major categories and four subcategories emerged during the analysis. Major categories were: to be available, create manageability, to relieve recovery, and cooperation.
Conclusion: School nurses work stress preventive in children, but experience lack of time as a blocking element to perform the work fully. Therefore valuable support to children can be lost. School nurses need to clarify their work and profession to enable prevention against stress in children.