Genom kontakt med studie och yrkesvägledare inom gymnasiesärskolan blev vi uppmärksammade på att de uppfattade arbetsmarknaden för gymnasiesärskolans elever som problematisk. Detta ledde till att vi ville undersöka hur andra aktörer i nätverket kring eleverna uppfattade utslussningen av eleverna till arbetslivet.
Syftet med studien var att undersöka nätverkets resurser kring utslussning av gymnasiesärskolans elever till/i arbetslivet. Vidare syftade studien till att undersöka hur nätverket kan bidra till ökad integration mellan elev/elever och arbetsmarknaden. Genom detta ville vi framhäva elevernas möjligheter till ett aktivt arbetsliv. Resultatet torde kunna användas som ett underlag i utvecklandet av samarbetet mellan involverade aktörer.
Utifrån 5 kvalitativa intervjuer kunde respektive aktörrepresentanterna uppfattning utskiljas och ett resultat formades. Det samlade resultatet påvisade en positiv inställning till samarbete med andra aktörer då respondenterna såg utvecklingsfrågan kring funktionshinder som ett måste. Vidare påpekade aktörerna en brist gällande resurser. De menade att det är resurserna som styr elevens/elevernas chanser till att få ett arbete.
Avslutningsvis förs en diskussion kring hur samarbete mellan aktörerna kan utvecklas och förslag på fortsatt forskning ges.
In the process of starting this study, the authors gave two schools the opportunity to take part in an interactive development work. After some thought, the schools chose to turn down our offer, which led us to consider on how schools in general look at interactive development work that involves external actors.
The purpose of this study was to highlight possibilities and obstacles within school development, which is in interaction with outside parties, including teacher students and other researchers. The aim was likewise to study which possible affects there might be that could influence the personnel inside a school. We also aimed to promote and further a positive attitude towards this kind of change.
Trough quantitative questionnaires, which were implemented on a chosen comprehensive school, we were able to pinpoint the general attitude towards development work in interaction with an outside part. Trough the collected answers we chose to design and carry out interviews of more qualitative character. Our aim was to complement and enter more deeply into some of the employer's thoughts about school development. The collected result showed a positive attitude towards an interactive cooperation with an outside part, but it also showed a lack of experience and knowledge within the topic. Through these four interviews our attention was drawn to our participants' creative ideas that they wished to develop. They also expressed that their ideas didn't get enough support from the school management.
The conclusion of this study ends with concrete suggestions on how the selected school can analyze the organization, as well as find easy applicable ways on how to create a more positive attitude towards school development, in interaction with outside participants.