The National Board of Education in 2000 carried out on deficiencies in the teachers' knowledge about the course plans. Current reports (in 2008) shows that teachers must improve communication of education objectives and grade criteria to their students. The aim with the study was to elucidate what some students on two vocational pro-grammes, considers that the teacher provides in assessment of knowledge and learning in programme specific courses. The study is a qualitative interview study and has been based on seven interviews of students of two vocational programmes. The authors use in their analysis of findings four common themes regarding what teacher provides in assessment in programme specific courses on vocational programs. The study shows that communication of learning objectives and grade criterias with the students does not appear. Therefore the students consider that the teacher is indistinct in providing objectives and criterias to the student and therefore the student put big trust to the teacher's competence in the profession they´re training for. The teacher mediates also power in assessment situations. It´s because of that the student not balances to end up in a conflict situation with the teacher, since it can influence the assessment and that the teacher sets hidden requirements, based on the experience of profession nearer than the governing documents that should be followed in assessment situations. The study shows also that theoretical tests and the students independence have big importance for what the teacher bases their assessment on in programme specific courses on vocational program.