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  • 1.
    Aalinejad, Elaheh
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Information Asset Accountability in practice: information owner’s perspective: A qualitative case study2022Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Information plays an essential role in supporting an organization's business; this information encounters any business's technology, people, and process aspects. In contrast, each aspect can risk an organization's information assets. Information traceability and accountability can play a significant role in controlling and protecting information assets. When individuals perceive accountability for each modification or change, they will behave systematically in their activities because they can expect their actions to impact others. A sense of information accountability increases the likelihood that people think about their behaviors in daily processes. However, if the accountability mechanism is insufficient, it can cause conflicts between information owners and employees. Previous works are based on the theories to increase the sense of information accountability and have efficient mechanisms. Moreover, improvement of the accountability mechanism is a concern because researchers rely on laboratory results, which is not enough to develop and have a systematic mechanism. Therefore, existing theories and explanations of information accountability tend to be unclear in practice.This study presents a qualitative case study focusing on information asset accountability among information owners and finding the practical tools and techniques to enforce the accountability. Data collection is carried out through ten semi-structured interviews among information owners who directly own information and make decisions related to classified information and controlling access levels. The interview questions were based on the increasing information asset accountability to reveal the influential factors that must be addressed. Data analysis discloses information owners’ requirements to increase the sense of accountability in an organization when it comes to information asset accountability. Key findings seem to be applying proper tools and processes such as verification and traceability to strengthen the information asset accountability within organizations. It also reveals the employee’s awareness and training to understand the information handling and processes. Employees get involved with processes by receiving training, clarifying their accountability expectations within information assets, and acknowledging the importance of their actions to secure critical information. The study's contribution provides an insight into the information accountability mechanism to identify the enforcement requirement from the information owner’s perspective. Based on the result of the study, it can raise the significance of accountability and traceability mechanisms to the information owners and provide input to maximize their information asset’s security level within the organization. 

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  • 2.
    Abbasi, Muhammad Abbas Khan
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    The effect of time pressure on human behavior regarding phishing susceptibility: Human aspects in information security2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Human errors are common in the contemporary cyber ecosystem, and in an organization’s cybersecurity chain, humans are considered the weakest link. Cybercriminals exploit human vulnerabilities using sophisticated attacks such as phishing. Human susceptibility to phishing is a persistent threat, and has a devastating effect on organizational and personal security. Previous researchers found that human susceptibility to phishing increases in presence of some factors such as organizational, individual, and environmental. Various studies highlight time pressure as one of the influencing factors that can negatively or positively impact human behavior. This research study aimed to investigate the effect of time pressure on human cybersecurity behavior regarding the ability to detect phishing. The study used quantitative research and developed a questionnaire comprising interactive phishing emails distributed online to 03 random groups having different time limits to complete the questionnaire. The study received 356 complete responses. The study's result shows a slight change in user behavior under time pressure, and the impact of time pressure can be positive or negative. However, the results are not statistically significant for all demographic groups to accept this slight change in variance. Moreover, this study's results validate previous studies on human susceptibility to phishing and found more than 50 % of respondents vulnerable to phishing.

    Thus, the results of this study indicate that the factor of time pressure itself does not significantly impact the human ability to detect phishing. However, it is essential to note that other work-related tasks or stress associated with time pressure can influence human behavior in detecting phishing attempts.

    In conclusion, the author also proposes further testing and some methodology tweaking by modifying the time given to each tested group and adding more elements to the questionnaire. Finally, the study also suggested conducting the same analysis on physically controlled groups in an organizational or institutional setting. 

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  • 3.
    Abdi, Asma Ibrahim
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Etiska och social konsekvenser av ML-modeller inom cyberbrottsbekämpning2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna studie syftar till att undersöka de etiska och sociala konsekvenserna av att använda maskininlärning inom cyberbrottbekämpning. Maskininlärning är en växande teknik inom cybersäkerhetsvärlden, men det finns inte tillräckligt med forskning om de utmaningar som kan uppstå vid användning av maskininlärning för cyberbrottbekämpning. För att undersöka dessa utmaningar har en kvalitativ ansats använts, där intervjuer har genomförts för att förstå vad personer som arbetar med cybersäkerhet tycker om cybersäkerhetssystem som inkorporerar maskininlärningsmodeller. 

    Resultatet av intervjuerna visar att det finns många fördelar med att använda en effektiv teknik som maskininlärning. Men det finns också många utmaningar, såsom algoritmer som är partiska och förstärker fördomar. Maskininlärning kräver stora mängder träningsdata, vilket kan leda till förlust av människors integritet. Denna studie kommer att fördjupa sig i dessa och andra utmaningar med maskininlärning.

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  • 4.
    Abdihodzic, Sanin
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Den digitala verktygslådan: En studie om de digitala verktygens svårigheter i distansundervisningen2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka svårigheter högstadielärare upplever i distansundervisningen där digitala verktyg används. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad som anses vara problematiskt med användningen av digitala verktyg när lärare och elever inte befinner sig på samma fysiska plats. För att skapa en god grund för läsaren presenteras en bakgrund där den rådande situationen kring pandemin Covid-19 och dess utveckling presenteras. I bakgrunden behandlas även den övergång som gjorts från det traditionella klassrummet till distansundervisning, vad digitala verktyg är, innebörden av digital kompetens, IKT i undervisningen samt olika typer av kommunikation. För att stärka studiens syfte ytterligare presenteras också delar från den tidigare forskning som gjorts inom ämnesområdet. Den insamling av data som gjort i studien är en fallstudie med en kvalitativ ansats där 10 högstadielärare intervjuats gällande ämnet digitala verktyg i distansundervisningen. Studien visar att lärare upplever de digitala verktygen som används idag som problematiska. Lärarna i fråga anser att de digitala verktygen inte är anpassade efter undervisningen syfte. De 10 intervjuer som genomförts mynnar ut i 3 huvudsakliga problemområden; kommunikation, uppkoppling och verktygets struktur som samtliga bearbetas i studiens analys. Studien visar att de digitala verktygen som idag används i distansundervisningen inte uppfyller de kriterier som lärare och skola har. Den bristande kommunikationen försvårar lärarnas arbete, gör undervisningen långsammare och komplicerar feedback. Uppkopplingsproblematiken skapar frustration och ett sämre lärande hos eleverna samtidigt som de digitala verktygens struktur anses vara svag och inte anpassad efter den hela massan.

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  • 5.
    Abdirizak, Mohamed
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Abobaker, Ivan
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    What are the gaps in teaching the cybersecurity threats landscape, and what teachers need to include the subject in their curriculum?2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis examines the current gaps in cybersecurity education in junior high and high schools in Sweden, with a focus on the challenges of integration and the resources required for teachers to effectively instruct on cybersecurity topics. Despite the critical importance of cybersecurity in protecting digital interactions and personal data, existing curricula often lack deep and systematic integration of this essential subject. Based on qualitative interviews with 12 teachers from junior high and high schools, the researchers’ findings underscore a significant need for structured cybersecurity curricula and enhanced teacher training. The research reveals that while students are extensively engaged with digital technologies, their vulnerability to various cybersecurity threats remains due to inadequate educational frameworks. The study highlights the urgent need for curricular improvements to include comprehensive cybersecurity courses, aligned with current technological threats and the digital behaviors of students.

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  • 6.
    Abdulhadi, Osama
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    The human connection to information security: A qualitative study on policy development, communication and compliance in government agencies2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The human factor and insider threats play a crucial role in information security. In today’s digital age, protecting organizational data requires a deep understanding of human behaviour and its impact on information security. The increasing volume of electronically stored data has led to a rise in cyber threats and breaches, necessitating effective information security policies and regulations.

    This study focuses on the experiences and perspectives of employees and top management in government agencies regarding the development, communication, compliance, and attitudes towards information security policies and regulations. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants from both top management or information security officers and regular employees, which allowed for an in-depth exploration of their experiences and perspectives.

    The findings show that government agencies systematically develop policies by engaging stakeholders, ensuring accessibility, and adhering to legal frameworks. Addressing the human factor involves training, awareness programs, and top management support. Policy development and implementation include risk assessment, stakeholder identification, objective setting, continuous review, and integration into daily operations. Communication channels such as intranets, training, coordinators, and awareness events are utilized, but their effectiveness is not directly measured. Proposed improvements include enhancing accessibility, improving policy document management, and using clearer language.

    Employees generally possess a positive attitude towards information security, though their understanding varies, and challenges to their understanding include complex language and unclear instructions. Compliance also varies, with difficulties arising from technical terminology and information overload. Enhanced compliance can be achieved through simplified language, providing better resources, and top management support. Proactive incident management focuses on learning and risk minimization. The human factor and insider threats remain significant concerns, which emphasizes the need for further education, awareness training, and motivation. 

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  • 7.
    Abdulkader, Mohamad
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Why do people use public Wi-Fi?: An investigation of risk-taking behaviour and factors lead to decisions2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The usage of public Wi-Fi and hotspots has witnessed a substantial increase in recent times, providing convenient connectivity in various public areas. Public wireless networks are now widely accessible, especially in smart cities. However, utilising public Wi-Fi exposes individuals to potential threats to their privacy and security. Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities present in public Wi-Fi networks, such as the "Evil Twin" attack, to deceive users and unlawfully obtain their personal information. The main objective of the research was to investigate people's awareness of the security risks associated with public Wi-Fi usage and to identify the factors that contribute to their willingness to take such risks. The research adopted a qualitative approach, utilising semi-structured interviews with 14 participants to gain valuable insights into their understanding and knowledge of the risks connected with public Wi-Fi. The majority of respondents employed public Wi-Fi for educational purposes, browsing the Internet, and engaging with social media platforms. Additionally, the findings of the study explored the motivations and influences that lead individuals to take risks when using public Wi-Fi. Factors such as convenience, cost-effectiveness, saving mobile data usage, limited mobile network coverage, and a lack of awareness concerning privacy and security risks emerged as the most significant reasons and influences behind the utilisation of public Wi-Fi.

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  • 8.
    Abdullah, Mohammed
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Säkerhetsmedvetenhet och dess inverkan på informationssäkerhet inom hälso-och sjukvården2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Framväxten av digitalisering och skillnader i utvecklingstakt mellan digitalisering och informationssäkerhet har lett till ökade utmaningar för många sektorer i samhället, inklusive hälso- och sjukvården. En central del i att hantera dessa utmaningar är att förstå hur viktigt det är att ha en god säkerhetsmedvetenhet hos anställda. Säkerhetsmedvetenhet är därför en nödvändig komponent för att skydda och bevara informationssäkerheten i en organisation. Informationssäkerhet innefattar mer än tekniska och administrativa säkerhetsåtgärder, eftersom människor är involverade i alla aspekter av informationssäkerhet och ofta anses vara den svagaste länken i säkerhetskedjan. Till följd av detta kan ökad medvetenhet bland personalen bidra till mer effektiv informationssäkerhet. Studien fokuserade på att undersöka följande frågeställning: Hur kan IT-chefer inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn arbeta systematiskt för att öka personalens säkerhetsmedvetenhet?

    Resultatet visade att ledningens engagemang kan påverka personalens medvetenhet och bidra till att skapa en stark säkerhetskultur, vilket är i linje med vad litteraturen beskriver. Genom ökad medvetenhet bland personalen kan många säkerhetsincidenter relaterade till mänskliga misstag undvikas. Studien genomfördes med stöd av kvalitativa forskningsmetoder och semistrukturerade intervjuer, där ledande roller inom hälso- och sjukvården intervjuades. I nuläget visar resultatet att det finns utrymme för förbättring när det gäller personalens nuvarande medvetenhet. Dessutom visade resultatet att det inte finns en effektiv metod för att utvärdera och mäta denna medvetenhet. Däremot visar både praktiken och litteraturen att antalet ökade cyberattacker ökar och att det finns betydande utmaningar kopplade till att säkerställa informationssäkerhet. Samtidigt påvisar resultatet ett tydligt behov av ytterligare forskning samt utveckling av metoder för att mäta och förbättra personalens säkerhetsmedvetenhet.

  • 9.
    Abi-Haidar, Layal
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Realtidsgenomsökning efter säkerhetsrisker i JavaScript-kod2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 15 credits / 22,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka om det är möjligt att kunna i realtid undersöka kod på en webbsida för att rekommendera uppdatering av en befintlig webbläsare vid behov, utan att användarupplevelsen påverkas negativt. För att undersöka detta implementerades ett program i JavaScript. Sex olika JavaScript-bibliotek användes som testfall. Programmet söker igenom koden som finns i ett JavaScript-bibliotek och gör en rekommendation med hänsyn till några kända säkerhetsrisker och försvar mot dem. Dessutom beräknar programmet svarstiden med hjälp av klockan på klientsidan.

    Enligt Tolia, Andersen och Satyanarayanan (2006) visar undersökningar som har gjorts att användare föredrar svarstider som är under en sekund, och att svarstider som är över en sekund kan få användarna att bli missnöjda. För att användarupplevelsen inte skall påverkas negativt, bör svarstiden inte överstiga en sekund.

    Resultaten från undersökningen visar att svarstiderna inte blir tillräckligt långa för att kunna påverka användarupplevelsen negativt.

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  • 10.
    Abrahamsson, Linnea
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Challenges in designing a game for an outside client: An advergame case study2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Serious games are well known for their application outside the games, but how they are developed is seldom explored. This study looks at the development process for an advergame for an outside client and what challenges and opportunities presented themselves when creating it. By looking at the context of development the study finds an understanding for what affected the development and how it affected it. The results show that the development context can have varying effects on development. Part of this is the motivations and background behind the project and goals of the company. The developers’ work can become dependent on the project company and work can be halted if the connection is not maintained. Further the study proposes guidelines based on the results that developers can use when working with interdisciplinary collaboration.

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  • 11.
    Abrahamsson, Linnea
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Almkvist, Simon
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Paratexter och spelupplevelsen: Hur kan digitala uppslagsverk påverka spelupplevelsen i överlevnadsspel?2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Paratexter är verk som ger konsumenter en uppfattning om en produkt utan att interagera med själva produkten. Denna undersökning har studerat hur spelupplevelsen kan påverkas av en viss typ av paratext, digitala uppslagsverk, i överlevnadsspel. Spelupplevelsen är ett subjektivt fenomen, vilket ligger till grund för undersökningens kvalitativa ansats. En prototyp av ett generiskt överlevnadsspel, samt ett digitalt uppslagsverk för spelet, producerades. Därefter användes observationer och semistrukturerade intervjuer för att jämföra tio respondenters handlingar med deras åsikter. Resultatet bekräftade att det finns många olika attityder gentemot digitala uppslagsverk. Bland annat påvisades att dessa paratexter aktivt bidrar till att skapa mål för spelaren, och kan komplettera eventuella brister i spelets design. Spelupplevelsen kan också försämras, eftersom spelaren redan ”upplevt spelet” genom uppslagsverket. Framtida studier bör förslagsvis utnyttja denna introducerande studie för att skapa ett paratextuellt ramverk som spelutvecklare kan använda för att skapa så genomtänkta spelupplevelser som möjligt.

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  • 12.
    Abrahamsson, Viktor
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Visualisering av geospatialdata från firms i heatmaps: En jämförelse av visualiseringstekniker med D3.js och Heatmap.js baserat på utritningstid2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Stora mängder miljödata samlas hela tiden in och för att använda all data behöver den förstås av användarna så de kan applicera kunskapen inom deras område. Visualisering skapar förståelse om data. Heatmaps kan användas för att visualisera geospatial data och interaktivitet är ett hjälpmedel för att skapa ytterligare grafiska representationer. I detta arbete evalueras JavaScript-teknikerna D3.js, Heatmap.js och Vue.js angående vad som är mest lämpligt för att visualisera geospatial data utifrån effektiviteten vid utritning av heatmaps. Ett experiment genomförs där biblioteken D3.js, Heatmap.js testas i ramverket Vue.js. Detta för att ta reda på vilket bibliotek som föredras vid utritning av heatmaps och om ett ramverk påverkar resultatet. En miljö sätts upp för att genomföra undersökningen och tester för att påvisa detta. Resultatet indikerar att Heatmap.js och mindre datamängder ger en lägre utritningstid i den tillämpning som undersökts. I framtiden är det intressant att undersöka flera bibliotek och flera datamängder.

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  • 13.
    Abril, Daniel
    et al.
    IIIA, Institut d'Investigació en Intelligència Artificial – CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Bellaterra, Spain / UAB, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain.
    Navarro-Arribas, Guillermo
    DEIC, Dep. Enginyeria de la Informació i de les Comunicacions, UAB, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain.
    Torra, Vicenç
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre. IIIA, Institut d'Investigació en Intelligència Artificial – CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Bellaterra, Spain.
    Spherical Microaggregation: Anonymizing Sparse Vector Spaces2015In: Computers & security (Print), ISSN 0167-4048, E-ISSN 1872-6208, Vol. 49, p. 28-44Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Unstructured texts are a very popular data type and still widely unexplored in the privacy preserving data mining field. We consider the problem of providing public information about a set of confidential documents. To that end we have developed a method to protect a Vector Space Model (VSM), to make it public even if the documents it represents are private. This method is inspired by microaggregation, a popular protection method from statistical disclosure control, and adapted to work with sparse and high dimensional data sets.

  • 14.
    Abril, Daniel
    et al.
    IIIA, Institut d'Investigació en Intel·ligència Artificial, CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Campus UAB s/n, Bellaterra, Spain / UAB, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Campus UAB s/n, Bellaterra, Spain.
    Torra, Vicenç
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre. IIIA, Institut d'Investigació en Intel·ligència Artificial, CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Campus UAB s/n, Bellaterra, Spain.
    Navarro-Arribas, Guillermo
    DEIC, Dep. Enginyeria de la Informació i de les Comunicacions, UAB, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Campus UAB s/n, Bellaterra, Spain.
    Supervised Learning Using a Symmetric Bilinear Form for Record Linkage2015In: Information Fusion, ISSN 1566-2535, E-ISSN 1872-6305, Vol. 26, p. 144-153Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Record Linkage is used to link records of two different files corresponding to the same individuals. These algorithms are used for database integration. In data privacy, these algorithms are used to evaluate the disclosure risk of a protected data set by linking records that belong to the same individual. The degree of success when linking the original (unprotected data) with the protected data gives an estimation of the disclosure risk.

    In this paper we propose a new parameterized aggregation operator and a supervised learning method for disclosure risk assessment. The parameterized operator is a symmetric bilinear form and the supervised learning method is formalized as an optimization problem. The target of the optimization problem is to find the values of the aggregation parameters that maximize the number of re-identification (or correct links). We evaluate and compare our proposal with other non-parametrized variations of record linkage, such as those using the Mahalanobis distance and the Euclidean distance (one of the most used approaches for this purpose). Additionally, we also compare it with other previously presented parameterized aggregation operators for record linkage such as the weighted mean and the Choquet integral. From these comparisons we show how the proposed aggregation operator is able to overcome or at least achieve similar results than the other parameterized operators. We also study which are the necessary optimization problem conditions to consider the described aggregation functions as metric functions.

  • 15.
    Abu Khousa, Eman
    et al.
    UAE University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
    Atif, Yacine
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Social network analysis to influence career development2018In: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, ISSN 1868-5137, E-ISSN 1868-5145, Vol. 9, no 3, p. 601-616Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Social network analysis techniques have shown a potential for influencing gradu-ates to meet industry needs. In this paper, we propose a social-web driven solutions to bridge formal education and industry needs. The proposed career development frame-work utilizes social network analytics, influence diffusion algorithms and persuasive technology models along three phases: (1) career readiness to measure and visualize the general cognitive dispositions required for a successful career in the 21st Century, (2) career prediction to persuade future graduates into a desired career path by clustering learners whose career prospects are deemed similar, into a community of practice; and (3) career development to drive growth within a social network structure where social network analytics and persuasive techniques are applied to incite the adoption of desired career behaviors. The process starts by discovering behavioral features to create a cognitive profile and diagnose individual deficiencies. Then, we develop a fuzzy clustering algorithm that predicts similar patterns with controlled constraint-violations to construct a social structure for collaborative cognitive attainment. This social framework facilitates the deployment of novel influence diffusion approaches, whereby we propose a reciprocal-weighted similarity function and a triadic clo-sure approach. In doing so, we investigate contemporary social network analytics to maximize influence diffusion across a synthesized social network. The outcome of this social computing approach leads to a persuasive model that supports behavioral changes and developments. The performance results obtained from both analytical and experi-mental evaluations validate our data-driven strategy for persuasive behavioral change.

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  • 16.
    AbuKhousa, Eman
    et al.
    Faculty of Computer Information System, Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi 25026, United Arab Emirates.
    El-Tahawy, Mohamed Sami
    Customer Transformation, Microsoft Corporation, Microsoft Egypt, Smart Village, Cairo 12577, Egypt.
    Atif, Yacine
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Envisioning an Architecture of Metaverse Intensive Learning Experience (MiLEx): Career Readiness in the 21st Century and Collective Intelligence Development Scenario2023In: Future Internet, E-ISSN 1999-5903, Vol. 15, no 2, article id 53Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The metaverse presents a new opportunity to construct personalized learning paths and to promote practices that scale the development of future skills and collective intelligence. The attitudes, knowledge and skills that are necessary to face the challenges of the 21st century should be developed through iterative cycles of continuous learning, where learners are enabled to experience, reflect, and produce new ideas while participating in a collective creativity process. In this paper, we propose an architecture to develop a metaverse-intensive learning experience (MiLEx) platform with an illustrative scenario that reinforces the development of 21st century career practices and collective intelligence. The learning ecosystem of MiLEx integrates four key elements: (1) key players that define the main actors and their roles in the learning process; (2) a learning context that defines the learning space and the networks of expected interactions among human and non-human objects; (3) experiential learning instances that deliver education via a real-life–virtual merge; and (4) technology support for building practice communities online, developing experiential cycles and transforming knowledge between human and non-human objects within the community. The proposed MiLEx architecture incorporates sets of technological and data components to (1) discover/profile learners and design learner-centric, theoretically grounded and immersive learning experiences; (2) create elements and experiential learning scenarios; (3) analyze learner’s interactive and behavioral patterns; (4) support the emergence of collective intelligence; (5) assess learning outcomes and monitor the learner’s maturity process; and (6) evaluate experienced learning and recommend future experiences. We also present the MiLEx continuum as a cyclic flow of information to promote immersive learning. Finally, we discuss some open issues to increase the learning value and propose some future work suggestions to further shape the transformative potential of metaverse-based learning environments.

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  • 17.
    Acarsoy, Sara Nil
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Effects of interactivity on narrative-driven games: A heuristic approach for narrative-driven games2021Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 15 credits / 22,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In narrative-driven games, the story is an essential part of the gameplay, and understanding the story is of great importance. Given that what separates this genre from other storytelling media is interactivity, this thesis focuses on the elements in narrative-driven video games that effects the players' perception of narrative through interactivity. Using players' likes and dislikes from their previous experiences in narrative-driven games, this thesis aims to develop a heuristic approach for interactive narrative elements that offer the narrative through players' input to the game's system and create an effective gameplay experience that delivers the story to the players.

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  • 18.
    Adamson, Victor
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Bägerfeldt, Johan
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Assessing the effectiveness of ChatGPT in generating Python code2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study investigated ChatGPT’s Python code generation capabilities with a quasi-experiment and a case study, incorporating quantitative and qualitative methods respectively. The quantitative analysis compared ChatGPT-generated code to human-written solutions in terms of accuracy, quality, and readability, while the qualitative study interviewed participants with varying levels of programming experience about the usability of ChatGPT for code generation. The findings revealed significant differences in quality between AI-generated and human-written solutions but maintained overall similarities in accuracy and readability. The interviewees reported that ChatGPT showed potential for generating simple programs but struggled with complex problems and iterative development, though most participants were optimistic about its future capabilities. Future research could involve larger samples, more programming languages, and increased problem complexities. 

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  • 19.
    Adell, Björn
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Broström, Cim
    University of Skövde, School of Business.
    Bryr sig folk om miljön?: En studie om chock, konsumtion och serious games2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna studie undersöker om ett chock-moment i ett så kallat serious game kan användas som medel för att påverka spelare positivt och få dem att reflektera över sina konsumtionsvanor och miljöpåverkan i verkliga livet. Vad som framgår är att målgrupp, spels design samt hur chocken presenteras är oerhört viktigt för att få önskvärda resultat. Denna studie gör ett försök att fylla i luckor som upptäckts under förundersökningen och testar om chock går att framkalla via ett brädspel på ett etiskt och betydelsefullt sätt. Detta leder till frågeformuleringen: Hur väl fungerar chock som en motivator till beteendeförändring efter ett serious game? Hur uppfattar spelare chocken i ett miljöspel?

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  • 20.
    Adolfsson, Anders
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Kan den underförstådda arketypens rörelsesätt påverka hur spelare interagerar med spelvärlden?: Hur animation kan förmedla spelarens disposition.2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studien har undersökt om rörelsesättet hos en underförstådd arketyp kan påverka sättet en spelare interagerar med en virtuell miljö. För att ta reda på detta skapades ett spel som kan spelas i två olika versioner där avatarens rörelsesätt är den enda skillnaden. Data samlades in via enkät och via spelet som skapats. Resultatet antyder att spelaren anpassar sitt beteende efter sättet som avataren rör sig. Detta belyser även hur man kan utnyttja arketyper för att fömedla avatarens personlighet och dispositioner.

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  • 21.
    Agafonov, Eduard
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    3D karaktärsmodell i SteampunkGenren2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Steampunk är en subgenre av science fiction. Genren steampunk handlar om alternativ historia under den industriella revolutionen och kännetecknas av en utbredd användning av ångmaskiner. Genren existerar i alla typer av media såsom böcker, film, spel, etc. Steampunk har många fans i hela världen.

    Det finns många undersökningar som har steampunk som tema, som till exempel en undersökning om ett fantasyelement i steampunkgenren (Karlsson, 2013) eller en analys av steampunkdesign och historia (Tanenbaum, Tanenbaum,  Wakkary, 2012). Samtidigt finns artiklar som flyttar fram genrens gränser och till exempel visar steampunk under vildavästerntiden (Miller & Van Riper, 2011). Liksom dessa undersökningar kommer denna undersökning att studera steampunkgenren och dess ”fanbas”.

    Syftet med undersökningen är att analysera steampunkgenren och datorspelande i relation till denna genre. Grundidén är att skapa en implementation av sci fi-element i en steampunkkaraktär och visa upp karaktären såväl för personer som känner till genren som för dem som inte känner till steampunk för att se om informanternas reaktionsmönster är likartade. Ska informanterna känna igen sci fi-elementet och ska de acceptera det när det sitter på en steampunkkaraktär? Vidare fokuserar undersökningen på interaktion med karaktären. En enkät kommer att göras för att se huruvida det finns olika reaktionsmönster hos informanterna när de analyserar steampunkkaraktären dels genom 2D-bildmaterial och dels genom en 3D interagerbar artefakt.

    Undersökningen använder en kvantitativ (Østbye m.fl., 2008:157) nätenkät med kvalitativa (Østbye m.fl., 2008:101) element i form av textsvar. Nätenkäten ska visa informanternas gensvar på de olika kontexterna som visas i bilderna och hur informaterna reagerar på en interaktiv avatarkaraktär. På samma gång ska enkäten visa hur steampunk-fans och icke-fans reagerar på implementationen av sci fi-element på steampunkkaraktären.

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  • 22.
    Aggestam, Lena
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Business. University of Skövde, Enterprises for the Future.
    Durst, Susanne
    University of Skövde, School of Business. University of Skövde, Enterprises for the Future.
    Persson, Anne
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, The Informatics Research Centre.
    Critical Success Factors in Capturing Knowledge for Retention in IT-Supported Repositories2014In: Information, ISSN 2078-2489, Vol. 5, no 4, p. 558-569Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper, the authors demonstrate the suitability of IT-supported knowledge repositories for knowledge retention. Successful knowledge retention is dependent on whatis stored in a repository and, hence, possible to share. Accordingly, the ability to capture theright (relevant) knowledge is a key aspect. Therefore, to increase the quality in an IT-supported knowledge repository, the identification activity, which starts the capture process, must besuccessfully performed. While critical success factors (CSFs) for knowledge retention andknowledge management are frequently discussed in the literature, there is a knowledge gapconcerning CSFs for this specific knowledge capture activity. From a knowledge retention perspective, this paper proposes a model that characterizes CSFs for the identification activity and highlights the CSFs’ contribution to knowledge retention.

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    Critical Success Factors in Capturing Knowledge for Retention in IT-Supported Repositories
  • 23.
    Aggestam, Lena
    et al.
    Department of Engineering Science, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden.
    van Laere, Joeri
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Svensson, Ann
    School of Business Economics and IT, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden.
    How to Apply and Manage Critical Success Factors in Healthcare Information Systems Development?2023In: Systems, E-ISSN 2079-8954, Vol. 11, no 9, article id 469Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Studies on Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in Healthcare Information Systems (HIS) development projects have traditionally often been limited to retrospectively identifying CSFs in a finished project. In this paper, we focus on how to prospectively apply and manage CSFs in HIS projects. Based on a holistic perspective and systems thinking, an inductive research strategy was applied and a single in-depth case study was conducted. The findings include detailed descriptions that contribute to further understanding of how to prospectively apply and manage CSFs in HIS projects. The analysis reveals that CSFs must be applied differently and managed on various system levels. Furthermore, it shows how interactions exist between different system levels, both in the case of a specific CSF and between different CSFs on various system levels. Our analysis framework and findings indicate new directions for future research: how to prospectively apply and manage CSFs in HIS development projects can now be investigated both in a more holistic way and more in detail. Finally, healthcare practitioners can use the descriptions as practical checklists for guiding them in how to realize situational adaptation of CSFs in HIS projects across different system levels.

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  • 24.
    Ahlberg, Mattias
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Informativ Ljuddesign: Hur positivt eller negativt upplevs olika typer av ljud i ett spel utan visuella medel?2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Den här studien fokuserar på hur ljudbilden i ett spel på ett effektivt sätt kan förmedla information till spelaren, och därigenom låta denne ta informerade beslut. För att göra detta undersöks hur olika typer av ljud påverkar en spelares inställning. Bakgrundsforskningen baserades på texter om speltillgänglighet, teorier kring ljuddesign och spel utan visuella medel som utvecklats i studiesyften. För att svara på frågeställningen så utvecklades ett textbaserat program som i tretton rundor lät fem deltagare välja mellan två snarlika ljud. Uppgiften var att välja det ljud som upplevdes som mest positivt, eller minst negativt. Sessionen bestod av en spelsession som kombinerades med en kvalitativ intervju, och hela intervjun spelades in för senare transkribering. I analysen presenterades ett urval av relevanta citat från de kvalitativa intervjuerna som sedan användes för att dra slutsatser utifrån studiens frågeställning. Resultatets tillförlitlighet sänks av det småskaliga urvalet, och personliga associationer kan ha spelat en alltför stor roll i deltagarnas svar.

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    Informativ Ljuddesign
  • 25.
    Ahlborg, Anton
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    How mail components on the server side detects and process undesired emails: a systematic literature review2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 15 credits / 22,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    As the use of emails increases constantly every year, so do the reports of various victims in society, on companies and individuals who have been affected by these undesirable emails in the form of spam, spoofing and phishing in their inbox. The effect of undesirable emails are many, but in summary, they cost the society and organization immense amount of money. This study will aim to understand why these emails still make its way into a user’s inbox by identifying current existing solutions that are being used by email servers to evaluate incoming undesirable emails.

    The analysis of the study shows that there are shortcomings in the solutions that are being used today, which lead to undesirable emails reaching a user’s inbox, and it is likely to continue in the near foreseeable future, unless research and or actions are applied to some of the brought-up issues in this study, namely problems with adoption and usage rate of authentication protocols, technical issues within authentication protocols and emails being wrongly classified by today's filtering techniques.

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  • 26.
    Ahlbäck, Aron
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Tystnad talar: En utvärdering av ”think aloud” i spelbarhetstestning2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Detta arbete undersöker huruvida "think aloud"-tekniken som den används i användbarhetstestning är lämplig i samband med spelbarhetstestning samt hur uppmaningar att tänka högt påverkar en speltestares immersion i spelupplevelsen. Forskningsområdet valdes främst då tekniken think aloud rekommenderas till spelbarhetstestning från många håll utan vetenskaplig motivering. En frågeställning togs fram med denna bakgrund i åtanke. För att utvärdera frågeställningen genomfördes en kvantitativ undersökning där en serie respondenter fick spela en artefakt i form av en för ändamålet konstruerad nivå till spelet Rising Islands (Mindblown 2016) för att sedan fylla i en enkät som mätte deras upplevda nivå av "immersion". Hälften av respondenterna uppmanades att tänka högt under speltillfället, övriga respondenter genomförde spelsessionen utan störande moment. Gruppernas genomsnittliga enkätresultat ställdes mot varandra i ett T-test. Resultatet visade att uppmaningar att tänka högt inte hade någon märkbar inverkan på upplevd immersion, men vidare forskning är nödvändig då det finns osäkerheter i datamängden.

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  • 27.
    Ahlcrona, Felix
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Sakernas Internet: En studie om vehicular fog computing påverkan i trafiken2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Future vehicles will be very different from today's vehicles. Much of the change will be done using the IoT. The world will be very connected, sensors will be able to access data that most of us did not even know existed. More data also means more problems. Enormous amounts of data will be generated and distributed by the future's IoT devices, and this data needs to be analyzed and stored efficiently using Big data Principles. Fog computing is a development of Cloud technology that is suggested as a solution to many of the problems IoT suffer from. Are traditional storage and analysis tools sufficient for the huge volume of data that will be produced or are new technologies needed to support development?

    This study will try to answer the question: "What problems and opportunities does the development of Fog computing in passenger cars have for consumers?" The question is answered by a systematic literature study. The objective of the systematic literature study is to identify and interpret previous literature and research. Analysis of the material has been done by using open coding where coding has been used to sort and categorize data. Results show that technologies like IoT, Big data and Fog computing are very integrated in each other. In the future vehicles there will be a lot of IoT devices that produce huge amounts of data. Fog computing will be an effective solution for managing the amount of data from IoT devices with a low latency. The possibilities will create new applications and systems that help improve traffic safety, the environment and information about the car's state and condition. There are several risks and problems that need to be resolved before a full-scale version can be used, such as data authentication, user integrity, and deciding on the most efficient mobility model.

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  • 28.
    Ahlgren, Johan
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    SPELARENS IDENTIFIKATION I FÖRHÅLLANDE TILL SPELARKARAKTÄRENS BAKGRUND I VÄSTERLÄNDSKA ROLLSPEL: En kvalitativ studie2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studien i denna rapport undersöker huruvida en spelares identifikation med sin spelarkaraktär i ett spel påverkas av att spelaren har möjlighet att utforma sin karaktärs bakgrundshistoria.

    Studien innefattar en kvalitativ undersökning och fokuserar på västerländska RPG-spel. Frågan undersöks genom att en grupp av erfarna RPG-spelare observeras och intervjuas i samband med att de spelar igenom en kort artefakt.

    Resultatet av undersökningen visar på att genom att ge spelaren val kring spelarkaraktärens bakgrund ökar chansen för spelaren att uppnå en hög grad av identifikation med sin spelarkaraktär, då denne kan välja karaktärsdrag som uppfyller spelarens egna kriterier.

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  • 29.
    Ahlgren Löfvendahl, Roy
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Skicklighet i förhållande till målsättning och spelares motivation till att fuska2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    I det här arbetet ställs prestationsmål mot skicklighetsmål för att hitta motivationer kring fuskande i kompetitiva dataspel. För att definiera fusk så förklaras många aspekter av spel som ofta används för fuskande. Från brytande av regler satta av utvecklare, turneringar, eller andra involverade grupper, till ambiguös utnyttjning av buggar och glitchar.

    För att undersöka motiveringar till fuskande antas det att om skicklighetsnivån hos en spelare inte når upp till skicklighetskravet i ett spel så ökar chansen för fusk. En 1 mot 1 spelare mod till spelet Starcraft 2 skapades, där 2 testare ställs inför en duell. Under matchen så får den förlorande spelaren valet av att fuska, därefter intervjuas alla testare i par och de får reflektera och motivera.

    De flesta var emot fuskande, men många valde ändå att fuska i artefakten. Konceptet med prestationsmål och skicklighetsmål kan vidareutvecklas och testas på fler sätt än i detta arbete, vilket uppmuntras.

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  • 30.
    Ahlm, Andreas
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Att skriva musik för filmtrailers respektive speltrailers: Inom genren action2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 31.
    Ahlqvist, Viktor
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Narrativ komplexitet i spel: Kan svårförstådda berättelser göra spel mer tillfredsställande?2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Sedan dataspelens begynnelse har spelen innehållit olika former av narrativ. Med tiden har dessa narrativ blivit mer komplicerade, från de tidigaste spelens påmålade teman som bakgrundsberättelser, till moderna spelberättelser vars narrativ kräver signifikant ansträngning från spelarna. Tidigare studier har visat en viss korrelation mellan spelares tillfredsställelse för spelen och deras narrativa komplexitet. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med mer data till denna hypotes, genom att skapa två versioner av ett kort spel, med olika nivåer av just narrativ komplexitet. Frågeställningen som ämnades besvaras genom att värdera testpersoners upplevelse av de olika varianterna var följande: Kan svårförstådda berättelser göra spel mer tillfredsställande? Resultatet av de speltester som genomfördes visade på liknande resultat som de tidigare nämnda studierna, men artefakternas likhet och den begränsade mängden testdeltagare resulterade i osäkerhet kring testets reliabilitet. Framtida studier inom ämnet skulle gagnas av ett mer iterativt arbete med artefakterna samt betydligt fler speltester.

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  • 32.
    Ahlrik, Ellen
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Hur kan utmaningar inom riskhantering hanteras med business intelligence: Effektivisera presentation av data och beslutsfattning2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Detta kapitel ger en kort sammanfattning av hela arbetet. Där problemet och resultatet presenteras för att ge läsaren en grundläggande bild till hela arbetet. 

    Idag sker en snabb globalisering av IT. I takt med denna snabba globalisering ökar även hotet mot informationssäkerheten. De blir inte bara fler, utan även mer avancerade. En attack mot verksamheters IT-miljö kan vara förödande för verksamheters rykte, ekonomi och processer. Då frågan idag inte lyder om en attack kommer ske mot verksamhetens IT-miljö, utan när och i vilken utsträckning attacken kommer vara i så måste verksamheter vara i framkant med dess informationssäkerhetsarbete. Ett Business intelligence-system är en utmärkt lösning för att verksamheter ska kunna fatta mer pricksäkra beslut, få en ökad förståelse över verksamheten och utföra prediktiva analyser på historisk data. Att en BI-lösning ska kunna användas till riskhanteringen har varit fokuset i denna rapport.

    För att ta fram detta så har en intervjustudie skett med 6 respondenter från 3 olika verksamheter. Alla som innehar eller har åtkomst till data har ett ansvar för informationssäkerheten för datan. Det som alla respondenter haft gemensamt är att de alla innehar data och har ett ansvar gentemot denna. För att kunna besvara frågeställningen ”hur kan utmaningar inom riskhantering bemötas med Business intelligence?” så har fokuset i intervjuerna varit utmaningar med inriktning beslutsfattning, presentation av data och etablerad förståelse. Utmaningarna som resulterades från denna studie var att respondenterna hade utmaningar (1) resursfördelning, (2) presentation av data, (3) engagemang från kund, (4) bemöta kunders krav och (5) engagemang från verksamheten. Resursfördelning och att bemöta kunders krav går hand i hand, där verksamheter måste balansera resursfördelningen med denna aspekt. Att bemöta kunders krav och engagemang från kund går också hand i hand, där saknad av engagemang eller för mycket engagemang har påverkat verksamhetens prioritering av informationssäkerhet. Sedan går även presentation av data hand i hand med samtliga aspekter där en nulägesvy ökar förståelse, vilket ökar engagemang hos samtliga samt ger en mer pricksäker beslutsfattning som får en beslutsfattargrund. Dessa utmaningar gick att speglas mot de utmaningar från litteratursom var (6)ekonomisk fördelning, (7) beslutsfattning av kontroller, (8)presentation av data och (9)engagemang från ledning. Lösningarna som togs fram till dessa utmaningar var ett beslutsstödsystem mot (6) ekonomisk fördelning och (7) beslutsfattning av kontroller. Dessa kan speglas mot (1) och (4). Mot (8) presentation av data och (9) engagemang från ledning är lösningen en visuell presentation med korrekt och spårbar data. Denna kan speglas mot (2), (3), (4) och (5). Genom att utveckla en dashboard med visuell presentation av korrekt och spårbar data, samt ge beslutsunderlag för fördelning av resurser och balans av samtliga aspekter så kan utmaningarna från samtliga respondenter bemötas med ett BI-system.

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  • 33.
    Ahlrik, Johan
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Ett holistiskt Business Intelligence för användning i Verksamhetsutveckling2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 15 credits / 22,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Världen förändras. Alla kan kommunicera med alla och kunskap är lättillgänglig. Idag kan vi skicka data mellan varandra med mobiltelefoner utan några direkta geografiska begränsningar och med hastigheter i nivå med vad en vanlig dator gjorde internt mellan processorn och internminnet 1984. Informations- och kommunikations-teknologin har skapat nya förutsättningar för företag att göra affärer samtidigt som den behövs för överlevnad med dagens snabba samhälleliga förändringar.

    Personalen beskrivs ofta som företagets viktigaste tillgång. Verksamhetens prestation beror mycket på deras engagemang och möjligheter att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter. Samtidigt är det även de som kan sina egna arbetsuppgifter bäst och har mycket kunskap kring hur de kan förbättras. Däremot är det inte så lätt att få fram dessa kunskaper, och som en f.d. koncernchef för Siemens sagt om problematiken: ”Om Siemens visste allt det som Siemens vet skulle vi inte ha några problem”.

    Den här studien ska utreda hur mobila teknologier kan användas för att ta till vara på personalens inneboende kunskaper på ett systematiskt sätt för att användas med Business Intelligence. Detta för att skapa möjligheter till anpassningsbara och lärande organisationer samt ge förutsättningar för innovativa organisationsstrukturer och affärsmodeller.

    De slutsatser som dras är att om bara företaget förstår relevansen i att anpassa sig, värdet i personalens inneboende kunskaper samt att de är beredda att ta initiativet, finns det stora möjligheter till att skaffa sig insikter kring sin egen verksamhet vilka kan användas för ständiga förbättringar.

    Nyckelord: Business Intelligence, Verksamhetsutveckling, Verksamhetsprestation

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  • 34.
    Ahlström, Robin
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Stereotypa skräckantagonister: En jämförande undersökning2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 35.
    Ahlström Signal, Thea
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Zako, Matti
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Teaching information security in preschool: Challenges with existing guidelines2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The world has become more digitized, and children use digital devices daily as games or watching tools. As technology grows stronger, the use of cyberspace and the threat coming within cyberspace grow larger by the day. Today's technology makes children active users in the cyber community as many children do in fact, use digital devices to talk to strangers, play online games and so on. There has also been increased digitization within preschool. Therefore, this thesis aims to review the existing guidelines regarding digital devices in the education system from the Swedish National Agency of Education (SNAE). Furthermore, investigate how preschool teachers translate the existing guidelines into practice for children's security online and how teachers work with cyber security awareness. The authors’, therefore conducted an interview study to gather data from teachers and principals in preschools regarding the use of digital devices. The authors’ aim to understand how teachers and principals work together with the existing guidelines to further enhance cyber security awareness among children. Multiple teachers work with digital tools in preschools. However, teachers use digital tools as a supplement to teaching children. The discussion regarding the risks and how to be safe online is not discussed as much in preschool because of the children's age. Multiple participants agreed that a separate segment for cyber security awareness would be significant. 

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  • 36.
    Ahlsén, Corinne
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Karlsson, Casper
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    LEVEL DESIGNS FÖRMÅGA ATT FÖRMEDLA STÄMNING: Storlek och upplevd stämning i Bloodborne2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Om storleken på utrymmen i spels levlar påverkar stämningen har diskuterats av leveldesignförfattare, bland andra Totten (2019) som nämner i sin bok, An Architectural Approach to Level Design, att olika storlekar på utrymmen i spel främjar olika känslor. Denna bakgrund för studien har sedan applicerats på den data som samlats in för att svara på problemformuleringen Hur påverkas upplevd stämning av områdets storlek i Bloodbornes Forbidden Woods och Upper Cathedral Ward? Datan består av storleksmätningar av utrymmen i två av spelets områden samt kommentarer från internet. Kommentarerna granskades efter ord och uttryck kopplade till upplevd stämning och områdets storlek. Efter att ha sammanställt kommentarerna om områdena analyserades de utefter storleksmätningarna och Tottens (2019) teori. Vi fann indikation till att storlek påverkar upplevd stämning, men att mer forskning krävs för att säkerställa resultatet. Denna kunskap kan potentiellt användas av level designers för att skapa en bättre spelupplevelse. För framtida arbete föreslår författarna att skapa en egen artefakt för att bättre kunna kontrollera beroende och oberoende variabler. 

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  • 37.
    Ahmad Sheikh Sleiman, Shirin
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Aueis en ny UX-utvärderingsmetod för engagemang vid interaktion med sociala robotar2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The user experience design (UX) perspective is essential when evaluating interaction with all types of robots, but especially social robots. As these are developed to perform important tasks in society such as being companion robots in geriatric care, schools and more. The User Experience Design area has a wide collection of evaluation methods that the human-robot interaction area can benefit from. This study aims to improve the experience of interacting with a social robot. For this purpose, literature studies have been conducted where UX aspects were identified that are relevant to focus on when evaluating the conditions for engagement in the interaction between human and social robot. A knowledge gap was identified of limited available analytical evaluation methods in human-robot interaction (HRI). In order to develop a new analytical evaluation method to promote engagement with a social robot, a methodological approach was used to develop evaluation methods. The design process of the new method consisted of five iterative phases that resulted in an Analytical evaluation method of engagement in interaction with social companion robots (AUEIS). AEUIS is designed to evaluate the conditions for achieving engagement when interacting with a social robot. Great focus was placed on the fifth phase where versions of AUEIS were tested by several UX designers based on the criteria that AUEIS should have high validity, be useful and have good learnability. The testing was performed with four UX designers with different experiences in HRI. The results of the testing showed that a UX designer without previous experience in evaluating HRI can use AUEIS without problems. At the same time, the aspects developed to carry out the evaluation were comprehensive to identify problems when interacting with a social robot.

    The result of this is work is a complete analytical evaluation method. AUEIS consists of seven aspects that study the conditions for engagement with a social robot. To evaluate with AUEIS, there are three phases: Preparation, evaluation, and analysis. Each phase has some activities that are followed to obtain a result about the conditions of engagement in the interaction with a social robot. The result of the evaluation with AUEIS will consist of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data that is obtained can be analyzed to get a list of which aspects of engagement are not fulfilled by the social robot. The quantitative data can provide a quick overview of which aspects have the most problems and which problems are most serious. AUEIS evaluates the conditions for engagement when interacting with a social robot and is limited to this because it evaluates whether the social robot meets those conditions for engagement. Therefore, the user experience of engagement is evaluated only in a minor way based on how much the social robot meets the conditions for engagement. Future research and development of AUEIS would have been interesting and needed for AEUIS to be able to evaluate whether the user is engaged and to what extent is. Another interesting aspect to study can be the user experience of engagement whether it is during long-term interaction, short-term interaction, or different phases of an engagement. For example, how to evaluate that the user begins engagement with a social robot and how should it be evaluated that the engagement is maintained and continues or if it interrupts and why from a user perspective?

    Chapter 5 (End result the AUEIS method) presents the method and detailed instructions on implementation are presented in Appendix 7.

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  • 38.
    Ahmed, Abukar
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Jämförelse mellan Joomla och React.js utifrån svarstid på en bokhandel webbsida2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    I denna studie jämförs JavaScript-biblioteket React mot Joomla på en e-commerce webbsida. Tillämpningen på e-commerce webbsidan är bokhandel. I implementationen skapades det två webbsidor. En med React och den andra med Joomla. Webbsidan använder sig även av Bootstrap som CSS-ramverk för att få samma layout. Detta är viktigt då mätningen utförs i en kontrollerad miljö där det är viktigt att allting utgår ifrån samma förutsättningar. Mätningen sker genom ett eget skript som körs genom Tampermonkey tillägget i Chrome. Resultatet av mätningarna visas senare i grafer som indikerar att React har en mycket snabbare svarstid jämfört med Joomla-webbsidan. I framtida arbeten går det att öka antalet produkter och innehåll och göra webbsidan mer verklighetsbaserat. Det går även att byta tillämpningstema till en elektronikwebbsida där det förmodligen skulle behöva innehålla fler bilder och även videoklipp.

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  • 39.
    Ahmed, Hiwa
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Exploring individual privacy concerns in mixed reality use situations: A qualitative study2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This Master’s thesis explores the nuanced dimensions of privacy concerns in mixed reality (MR) environments. As MR technologies increasingly integrate into daily life, understanding how individuals perceive and navigate privacy within these contexts becomes crucial. This qualitative study employs semi structured interviews to gather insights from users actively engaged with MR, aiming to identify key privacy issues and the impact of social interactions on privacy dynamics. The research reveals that privacy concerns in MR are influenced by a complex interplay of technology features, user interactions, and contextual settings. Participants ex pressed apprehensions about data security, unauthorized information access, and a lack of control over personal data shared within MR environments. The findings highlight the need for enhanced privacy safeguards and transparent data management practices to foster trust and security in MR applications. This study contributes to the growing discourse on privacy in immersive technologies by providing empirical evidence and proposing recommendations for designing privacy aware MR systems. It aims to inform developers and policy- makers in the development of robust privacy frameworks that align with user expectations and legal standards, thereby enhancing user engagement and trust in MR technology.

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  • 40.
    Ahmed, Hiwa
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Jämförelse mellan Cakephp och Codeigniter Ramverk med/utan Model mapping (ORM)2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 41.
    Ahmed, Karuan
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Grafiska designens påverkan på tilliten hos högskolestudenter gällande trovärdigheten för nyheter på en webbplats2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study is a comparison with previous studies on how the graphic design on a news site influences students’ trust in the website and influences the articles credibility from the perspective of the students. The studie was conducted on the basis of two methods, qualitative and quantitative method. Data collection was conducted through use of questionnaries and interviews. The purpose of this studie is to gain an understanding of the factors that affect the trust of news websites and if there are similarities between this study and previous studies. 

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  • 42.
    Ahmed, Syed Ishtiaque
    et al.
    University of Toronto, Canada.
    Amrute, Sareeta
    University of Washington and Data and Society, United States.
    Bardzell, Jeffrey
    Pennsylvania State University, United States.
    Bardzell, Shaowen
    College of Information Sciences and Technology, Penn State University, United States.
    Bidwell, Nicola
    Aalborg University, Denmark ; International University of Management, Namibia.
    Dillahunt, Tawanna
    University of Michigan, Harvard Radcliffe Fellow, United States.
    Gaytán, Sane
    Universidad de Colima, Mexico.
    Karusala, Naveena
    Harvard Center for Research on Computation and Society, United States.
    Kumar, Neha
    Georgia Institute of Technology, United States.
    Guzmán, Rigoberto Lara
    Data and Society, United States.
    Mustafa, Maryam
    Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan.
    Nardi, Bonnie
    University of California, Irvine, United States.
    Nathan, Lisa
    University of British Columbia, Musqueam Territory, Canada.
    Parvin, Nassim
    Georgia Institute of Technology, United States.
    Patin, Beth
    Syracuse University's, School of Information Studies, United States.
    Reynolds-Cuéllar, Pedro
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States.
    Rouse, Rebecca
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Spiel, Katta
    Tu Wien, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
    Prietch, Soraia Silva
    Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis, Brazil.
    Wang, Ding
    Technology and Society Collective Team, Pair Group, Google Research, United States.
    Wong-Villacrés, Marisol
    Escuela Superior Politécnica Del Litoral, Ecuador.
    Citational justice and the politics of knowledge production2022In: interactions, ISSN 1072-5520, E-ISSN 1558-3449, Vol. 29, no 5, p. 78-82Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Citation is how we acknowledge our debt to those who came before; those who helped us find our way when the way was obscured because we deviated from the paths we were told to follow. Sara Ahmed reminds us that just citational practices recognize the knowledge contributions of less dominant, routinely overlooked voices. Pursuing citational justice, then, entails moving away from individualistic views of authorship and toward a shared, reciprocal understanding of how knowledge is produced. Drawing from our experiences working within HCI, we extend an invitation for a just citational practice—one that makes space for the diversity of human experience and recognizes that human-computer interactions must be responsive to cultural and geographic differences. We outline parts of our ongoing conversations as a collective to motivate a careful citation practice across our field, interrogating how we can best honor one another’s ideas and labor without alienation or appropriation.

  • 43.
    Aho Lind, Hanna
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    What are the needs and use of educational games in the modern workplace?: A case study on the prospects of equality, diversity, and inclusion education in a multinational business, through the use of a serious game2021Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 15 credits / 22,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Workplace diversity is an increasingly important topic for all companies who wish to stay in business. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to evaluate the needs and usage of a serious game in the form of an educational tool when teaching employees at a multinational business about equality, diversity, and inclusion topics. The study also involves an evaluation of the development of soft skills through an artificial environment offered through a team-based game experience. This was done by conducting a quasi-quantitative with a pre-test/post-test design, inspired by the work of Parker and Du Plooy (2021). The data gathered was analysed, where the results suggested that there is a growing need for serious games as an educational tool in the modern workplace, and if executed correctly, they can be of use for training soft skills regarding equality, diversity and inclusion matters in the employees. Notable connections between earlier research and this thesis’s findings arealsopresented and analysed.

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  • 44.
    Ait-Mlouk, Addi
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics. University of Skövde, Informatics Research Environment.
    Alawadi, Sadi
    School of Information Technology Halmstad University, Sweden.
    Toor, Salman
    Department of Information Technology, Division of Scientific Computing, Uppsala University, Sweden ; Scaleout Systems, Sweden.
    Hellander, Andreas
    Department of Information Technology, Division of Scientific Computing, Uppsala University, Sweden ; Scaleout Systems, Sweden.
    FedBot: Enhancing Privacy in Chatbots with Federated LearningManuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Chatbots are mainly data-driven and usually based on utterances that might be sensitive. However, training deep learning models on shared data can violate user privacy. Such issues have commonly existed in chatbots since their inception. In the literature, there have been many approaches to deal with privacy, such as differential privacy and secure multi-party computation, but most of them need to have access to users' data. In this context, Federated Learning (FL) aims to protect data privacy through distributed learning methods that keep the data in its location. This paper presents Fedbot, a proof-of-concept (POC) privacy-preserving chatbot that leverages large-scale customer support data. The POC combines Deep Bidirectional Transformer models and federated learning algorithms to protect customer data privacy during collaborative model training. The results of the proof-of-concept showcase the potential for privacy-preserving chatbots to transform the customer support industry by delivering personalized and efficient customer service that meets data privacy regulations and legal requirements. Furthermore, the system is specifically designed to improve its performance and accuracy over time by leveraging its ability to learn from previous interactions.

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  • 45.
    Ajuzie, Peter
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Utilization of information and communication technology and educational games in senior secondary schools in Owerri, Imo state Nigeria: Challenges and prospects2016Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 15 credits / 22,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Use of information and communication technology in formal education settings is a fundamental issue in management of education across the globe. But in Africa the issues takes a different turn as it regards to how to apply and utilize technology in education. Facility and technology experts have been on debate across board as the literature implies. Thus, understanding the digital native factors behind individuals’ application and utilization is central to the development of ICT in Nigeria and Africa in general. The main goal of this thesis was to explore factors influencing effective utilization of computer and ICT (Computer laboratories) in the secondary school level. However, in the literature the thesis identify issues affecting utilization of computer and ICT facilities in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA), Nigeria and secondary schools (SS). The thesis proposed the use of educational games to drive the concept of utilization of computer and ICT facilities in the educational sector. In addition to the main goal of the thesis, use of computer and ICT facilities in secondary schools are explored alongside teachers and students interest in educational games. Qualitative interviews and a questionnaire survey were used in conduct of the study. Thematic and descriptive analysis was used to analyze the qualitative and quantitative data respectively.

    The results indicate that computer and ICT facilities (Computer laboratories) were poorly utilized by teachers and students due to lack of funds, poor infrastructure and technology knowledge. The results also demonstrate that teachers and students have knowledge about educational games and are willing to apply it in teaching and learning. But the issues of application of educational games into the mainstream could be hindered by Government curriculum policy and infrastructural facilities. The study indicates the relevance of applying educational games in secondary schools to reduce the level of digital divide among graduates. This thesis further argues that the inclusion of educational games would encourage teachers and students to effectively utilization of computer and ICT Facilities (Computer laboratory).

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  • 46.
    Akese, Michael
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Hussein, Omar
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Exploring vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies among high school students: A qualitative analysis study2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Phishing attacks have emerged as a prominent cybersecurity threat, with one demographic particularly vulnerable being high school students, who are often active on social media yet lack adequate awareness. This study aims to deepen our understanding of phishing among high school students, pinpointing their susceptibilities, mitigation approaches, and knowledge sources. Employing qualitative research methods, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 participants, divided into two sample groups: those enrolled in technology programs and those in non-technology programs.

    The findings revealed that while students may not be familiar with the term "phishing," they possess a basic grasp of how such attacks manifest online, including through emails, SMS, and social media. Moreover, students expressed the need for phishing awareness to be integrated into high school curricula.

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  • 47.
    Akyol, Jonatan
    et al.
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Rosenqvist, Alva
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Förarövervakningssystems roll i att främja säker bilkörning, förbättra trafiksäkerhet och öka upplevd säkerhet: En simulatorstudie med fokus på mobildistraktioner och könsskillnader2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Some drivers engage in secondary activities that contribute to decreased traffic safety. User Experience can inform and help people make safer and more conscious choices in traffic. Previous research on self-reported mobile phone use shows that a ban on mobile phone use while driving has not led people to completely cease the behavior. The study investigated whether a driver monitoring system contributes to safer driving when drivers are distracted by mobile phones and whether the system affected their sense of safety. An additional question examined whether there was a difference between male and female drivers' behavior and perception of the driver monitoring system. This was investigated using an experimental mixed-method design with a simulator, surveys, and an interview. The simulator study had a between-groups design where 16 participants were divided into three groups and drove three tracks in urban and city traffic: group A was a control group without mobile or driver monitoring system, group B received distracting SMS messages, and group C received distracting SMS messages and were warned by the driver monitoring system AIS12. Participants were interviewed and filled out an evaluative survey after the simulator. Another survey was sent out online to investigate driver behavior and opinions about driver monitoring systems. Although the results from the simulator were not significant, opinions about the pros and cons of the driver monitoring system emerged from the interview participants. The simulator experiment had a small sample size, which may have contributed to the result not being significant.

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  • 48.
    Al Amin, Jasin
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    An investigation on personally identifiable information leakage on five different smartphone devices: A case study2021Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The installation of bloatwares in smartphones has over the years been increasing. By having bloatwares installed on the devices it has develop monopoly for the original equipment manufacturer, but at the same time it has create problems for consumers and privacy issue. The aim of this research was to investigate in five different original equipment manufacturers devices, on how they protect users against personally identifiable information leaking from bloatware and which personally identifiable information is collected; processed; sent by bloatware with or without any interaction. The method that was selected for this study was to do an action study, where the author experimented with five different devices (Sony, Samsung, Google Pixel, Apple, Oneplus) and different software programs. To be able to conduct the data from the devices, there was a strategy process where the approach was both dynamic analysis and static analysis. The results showed that that all devices that was part of this case study are leaking some type of personally identifiable information, due to poor security or that failed to protect against leaking personally identifiable information. Furthermore, the Android operating system that was part of this study seems to be the most optimal operating system in terms of monitoring the users. Since they were transmitting out a request every minute to the same address.

  • 49.
    Al Bakkour, Abed Al Kader
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Classification of aluminium microscopic images: Leveraging domain knowledge for feature extraction2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study seeks to gain a thorough understanding of the unique features exhibited by aluminum inclusions in microscopic images. The ultimate goal is to leverage this knowledge to create a reliable machine learning-based classification system for accurately classifying these inclusions. Through a detailed methodology encompassing domain knowledge acquisition, preprocessing, feature selection, and modelling, the research investigates the performance of various classifiers, such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest, and k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), as well as ensemble techniques, specifically stacking. Initial results indicate suboptimal performance of traditional classifiers without domain-driven feature extraction, with SVM achieving an accuracy of 43%, Random Forest 63%, and KNN 29%. However, significant improvement in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score metrics was observed after employing preprocessing steps and leveraging domain knowledge. Specifically, SVM achieved 80% accuracy, KNN 75%, and Random Forest 78% accuracy after preprocessing. Further refinement through hyperparameter tuning and cross-validation led to SVM achieving 90% accuracy, KNN 82%, and Random Forest 90%. Finally, the stacking classifier, combining predictions from diverse base models with a logistic regression meta-learner, demonstrated superior performance with an accuracy of 93.4%. These findings underscore the critical role of domain knowledge in enhancing machine learning-based classification systems for microscopic image analysis, offering valuable insights applicable beyond aluminum manufacturing.

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  • 50.
    Al Khatib, Iyad
    University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
    Mapping Several NIS2 Directive Articles to Technical Specifications for the Healthcare Sector in Sweden2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Compliance with legal instruments is vital for the survival of any organization or company in the public and private sectors. Non-compliance may result in criminal and financial penalties that can have grave effects on the indicted institution. In the field of Information Security (In-foSec), legal compliance cannot be achieved without relating the legal text of the relevant legislations to the technical realm. Therefore, it is pivotal to construe the relevant legal instruments in the correctly intended way and in good faith. The correct interpretation of InfoSec legal text plays a crucial role in finding the technical requirements for InfoSec compliance. However, interpreting legal texts can be very tedious and sometimes challenging due to several possibilities of interpretations, several non-universal definitions, amendments, and jurisprudence that make the job of security engineers and compliance auditors harder when trying to extract technical requirements for compliance. Furthermore, it is crucial to understand the hierarchy of laws especially when international laws are effective like EU regulations and directives. This thesis fo-cuses on the NIS2 EU Directive and studies a few selected articles to find a method to transform the legal text to technical InfoSec specifications (specs) for compliance with focus on its application in healthcare critical infrastructures in Sweden. Accordingly, the thesis tries to answer the question on how to be compliant with selected Articles of NIS2 via setting technical specs for the healthcare sector in Sweden without violating legal obligations. Because of the multidisciplinary nature of this research within the legal and InfoSec fields, the thesis adopts two research methods with the triangulation approach (blending of two methods). The first one is the qualitative research method. The data collection in this method follows the ‘Document Studies’ scheme since all sources for the research are documents, a few of which are legal instruments like NIS2, the Medical Device Record (MDR) and other Swedish laws. Hence, data was gathered from both public documents and other publications. After data collection, qualitative content analysis is performed. A total of 410 main documents are analyzed, where 36 were mostly considered, after adding 3 legal instruments as focal laws, including EU directives, regulations, and local Swedish laws. Each data source is analyzed and processed accord-ingly to serve the aims and research questions of the thesis. The second research method is the dogmatic method, and it is only referred to for the legal parts of the study since it supports law hierarchy and allows for legal interpretation techniques that are essential to analyze legal texts e.g., NIS2 articles. The results show that there is a need to adopt the InfoSec definition by the specific standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission ISO/IEC 27000:2018. A second result is that the thesis work and focal points relate to socio-technical schemes and can benefit from their research results. A third result is that Institutional Grammar (IG) 2.0 as a framework to explain institutional text is only suitable for specific parts of the legal texts and is applied to Article 21(2)(e) NIS2. I.G. 2.0 is shown to be applicable when used with other interpretation techniques. A third result is that when looking for the transformation of the legal provisions to InfoSec technical specs, it is pivotal to be specific for the field of application (like healthcare CIs in this thesis) since laws from the application field may overlap with NIS2. In health related issues, NIS2 and the MDR are found to overlap, and this intersection is analyzed in the thesis. A consequent result is a set of technical specs on a timing scheme for reporting InfoSec vulnerabilities and incidents. The last result is a computer program tool written in Python that supports the research via aiding SMEs and other organizations to search for vulnerabilities related to their assets. This tool supports the reliability and validity of the results.

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