Background: The Swedish public administration has for long carried the brand of the management philosophy New Public Management, which is often associated with, among other things, result oriented planning and control. In recent years, a new administration philosophy has been introduced, trust-based governance and leadership, as a complement to address some of the weaknesses with the aforementioned New Public Management. These two administration philosophies constitute the background of this study and consequently the rationale behind why the two governing ideals, trust and control, are being examined within the Swedish Public Employment Service.
Purpose: The study aims to develop an understanding of the significance that the governing ideals, trust and control, have on both section managers and employees within the agency. This is done by exploring and analyzing how and why section managers within the Swedish Public Employment Service work to balance both governing ideals in relation to their employees.
Question: How and why do section managers within the Swedish Public Employment Service work to balance both governing ideals, trust and control in relation to their employees?
Method: To carry out this study, a qualitative method was used. The studies' empirical results consist of eight semi-structured interviews with section managers from the Swedish Public Employment Service.
Results and conclusion: The results of this study show that the studied section managers within the Swedish Public Employment Service balance trust and control by acting as a filter for their employees. This is done by masking the communication of the controls to the employees. Furthermore, the section managers realize the effects and impact that an increased focus on control has on employees, and they are therefore critical of the comprehensive control mechanisms that exist within the organization.