Ny teknologi har skapat nya möjligheter inom utvecklingen av teknologi för äldre. Kunskap behövs om de äldres behov och vilka situationer i vardagen som skulle kunna underlättas av teknik för att minska de äldres beroende av andra människor. I utvecklingen av ett interaktivt teknologiskt hjälpmedel en så kallad virtual companion har en etnografisk studie gjorts för att kartlägga vardagen på ett äldreboende och interaktionen mellan vårdgivare och vårdtagare. Dessa har strukturerats upp i interaktionsmönster för att bli ett underlag till funktioner som skall implementeras i hjälpmedlet.
Den situerade ansatsen inom artificiell intelligens har i tidigare experiment visat på stora möjligheter vid utvecklingen av enkla beteenden. Ansatsens framgångar är dock inte lika tydliga när det kommer till utvecklingen av mer komplexa beteenden som i högre grad påminner om de experiment som gjorts inom traditionell artificiell intelligens. I studien utvecklas en agent med ett ”Extended Sequential Cascaded Network” som kontrollarkitektur för att lösa en uppgift som kräver ett ”räkneliknande beteende”. Utvecklingen av nätverket grundas på en situerad syn på kognition, däribland att designern i så liten grad som möjligt skall styra utvecklingen. Experimentets resultat visar på en agent som inte ens löser den enklaste versionen av uppgiften. I diskussionen härleds misslyckandet till svårigheterna med en designeroberoende utveckling.
The ANEMONE is a methodological approach for user experience (UX) evaluation of action and intention recognition in human-robot interaction that has activity theory as its theoretical lens in combination with the seven stages of action model and UX evaluation methodology. ANEMONE has been applied in a case where a prototype has been evaluated. The prototype was a workstation in assembly in manufacturing consisting of a collaborative robot, a pallet, a tablet, and a workbench, where one operator is working in the same physical space as one robot. The purpose of this paper is to provide guidance on how to use ANEMONE, with a particular focus on the data analysis part, through describing a real example together with lessons learned and recommendations.
The education of students to become competent user experience designers is a delicate matter as students need to obtain a multitude of knowledge, skills, and judgmental abilities. In this paper, our effort to manage this multiplicity in a bachelor’s program in user experience design is shared along with our experiences and teaching practices influenced by theories of situated and embodied cognition together with reflective teaching. The program was followed up through interviews with eight alumni and a company representative that employs user experience designers. The results show that the program overall works well, although some of the identified issues need to be addressed in the future. The interpretation is that our program curricula and teaching practices are fruitful, which hopefully can contribute to thoughts and discussions for other teachers in the field of user experience design and human-computer interaction.
Industries are under development with new upcoming tools that will further streamline the work of operators, not least in assembly. Assembly instructions are usually visualized by traditional paper or databases. A new way of showing instruction is provided by augmented reality (AR). The focus of this paper is the user experience (UX) of AR-based instructions for assembly. In order to study the UX in AR, an evaluation matrix and an AR prototype has been developed and evaluated in a UX test, where data regarding both hedonic and pragmatic qualities was collected. The UX test yielded a result of three out of nine sub-goals completed while six did not. There was a general low degree of cognitive load while assembling but not low enough. However, there are promising results for AR-based instructions, though the technology still needs improvement and more testing is also necessary. The assembly scenario for this study was somewhat simple and could be one reason why this study generated ambiguous results.
Research on decision support systems for fighter aircraft has to regard future manned and unmanned cooperating aircraft. This paper highlights system characteristics and contextual constraints to guide research as well as system development. Long term trends have been identified for the domain that has to be coped with, including the transformation of the fighter pilot from pilot to tactical decision maker. Automation strategies have to be developed to support manned and unmanned aircraft in a joint cognitive system. For instance, for intelligent fighter pilot support, for distributed unmanned and manned decision making, function allocation has to be concerned. For function allocation it is important not only to regard which agent is best at performing a task but also to regard the risk/cost of performing a task in this kind of potentially hazardous context.
Denna rapport är en avrapportering av projektet Spelbaserad simulering för insatsutbildning. Projektet syftar till att:
Serious games och spelbaserad simulatorträning ses som en möjlighet att vidareutveckla undervisnings- och träningsmiljön inom räddningstjänst. Begreppet serious games definieras som att använda spel och spelteknik för att uppnå syften utöver ren underhållning. För att utnyttja områdets potential i största möjliga mån krävs en kombination av att utveckla och anpassa teknik så att den passar för ändamålet, detta kan till exempel innebära att utnyttja de möjligheter som modern spelteknik ger för att logga användarbeteende och resultat. Dessutom innefattar serious games en komponent av speldesign, det vill säga att utnyttja möjligheter som spel ger för att skapa en motiverande och engagerande lärandemiljö. Detta kan till exempel innebära att skapa tävlingsmoment och poängsystem som sporrar till upprepad användning. I projektet har vi utnyttjat såväl teknik- som speldesignskomponenten.
Projektets syften har uppnåtts genom att producera och utvärdera ett prototypspel för insatsträning samt en modell för hur serious games kan användas i träning och utbildning. De huvudsakliga resultaten består av en spelprototyp av ett webbaserat spel för att träna beslutsfattande på taktisk nivå samt en pedagogisk modell för spelbaserad träning. Prototypen och modellen har testats på en distanskurs för Räddningsledarutbildning i regi av Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB). Utvärderingen visar på goda resultat vad gäller systemets användbarhet. Den pedagogiska potentialen har inte kunnat utvärderas fullt ut då prototypen inte blev en tillräckligt integrerad del i kursen där den utvärderades.
Projektet visar att spelbaserad träning kan vara en möjlighet för pedagogisk utveckling med avseende på både teknik och pedagogisk kontext. I detta sammanhang är det viktigt att poängtera vikten av att genomföra och utvärdera pedagogiska anpassningar i samband med spelbaserad träning. Vidare har projektet har samarbetat med olika konstellationer av lärare och kursdeltagare vid MSB. En viktig lärdom är att tydliga resurser och organisatoriskt engagemang finns på plats i den här typen av samproducerande forskningsprojekt.
Active mobility, such as biking, faces a common challenge in Swedish municipalities due to the lack of adequate lighting during the dark winter months. Insufficient lighting infrastructure hinders individuals from choosing bicycles, despite the presence of well-maintained bikepaths and a willingness to cycle. To address this issue, a project has been undertaken in the Swedish municipality of Skara for an alternative lighting solution using drones. A series of tests have been conducted based on drone prototypes developed for the selected bike paths. Participants were invited to cycle in darkness illuminated by drone lighting and share their mobility preferences and perception. This paper summarizes the users' perception of drone lighting as an alternative to fixed lighting on bike paths, with a special focus on the impact on travel habits and the perceived sense of security and comfort. Most participants were regular cyclists who cited bad weather, time, and darkness as significant factors that deterred them from using bicycles more frequently, reducing their sense of security. With drone lighting, the participants appreciated the illumination's moonlight-like quality and its ability to enhance their sense of security by illuminating the surroundings. On the technology side, they gave feedback on reducing the drone's sound and addressing lighting stability issues. In summary, the test results showcase the potential of drone lighting as a viable alternative to traditional fixed lighting infrastructure, offering improved traffic safety, sense of security, and comfort. The results show the feasibility and effectiveness of this innovative approach, supporting transformation towards active and sustainable mobility, particularly in regions facing lighting challenges.
Detta arbete är en studie av hur motivation påverkar individens inlärning. Lär vi oss bättre om vi är motiverade? Kan man motiveras under en utbildning och nå lika goda resultat som om man hade varit motiverad vid utbildningens början? Detta är några av de frågor som jag ställt mig inför min undersökning om motivationens påverkan på inlärningen.
Undersökningen av problemet har skett med en kvalitativ intervju med bestämda frågor. I denna undersökning har jag utgått från de faktorer som påverkar motivation - vilja, delaktighet, tilltro, självförtroende, information och kunskap samt trygghet. Med dessa faktorer som utgångspunkt har jag ställt frågor för att reda ut hur stor betydelse individens motivation har för det han/hon lär sig.
Resultatet av min undersökning visar att motivationen har betydelse för vår inlärning. Framförallt är viljan att lära sig mycket viktig. Mitt undersökningsresultat visar också att man kan motiveras under pågående utbildning. En individ som är motiverad i det initiala skedet av utbildningen lär sig bättre, men en individ som motiveras under utbildningen kan uppnå nästan lika goda slutresultat.
Correct classification of fractures according to their patterns is critical for developing a treatment plan in orthopaedic surgery. Unfortunately, for proximal humeral fractures (PHF), methods for proper classification have remained a jigsaw puzzle that has not yet been fully solved despite numerous proposed classifications and diagnostic methods. Recently, many studies have suggested that three-dimensional printed models (3DPM) can improve the interobserver agreement on PHF classifications. Moreover, Virtual Reality (VR) has not been properly studied for classification of shoulder injuries. The current study investigates the PHF classification accuracy relative to an expert committee when using either 3DPM or equivalent models displayed in VR among 36 orthopaedic surgery residents from different hospitals. We designed a multicentric randomised controlled trial in which we created two groups: a group exposed to a total of 34 3DPM and another exposed to VR equivalents. Association between classification accuracy and group assignment (VR/3DPM) was assessed using mixed effects logistic regression models. The results showed VR can be considered a non-inferior technology for classifying PHF when compared to 3DPM. Moreover, VR may be preferable when considering possible time and resource savings along with potential uses of VR for presurgical planning in orthopaedics.
The European Union (EU), as well as the entire world, is facing emerging challenges in the cybersecurity domain. Two of the most prominent challenges are citizens’ cybersecurity awareness which is the first line of defense against cybersecurity incidents, and the cybersecurity skill gap expected to lead to a future shortage of cybersecurity professionals. This paper presents an effort to combat those issues through the implementation of an intra-European course on cybersecurity awareness. The course engages university students from four EU member states who learn about increasing cybersecurity awareness while practically developing cybersecurity awareness activities for preadolescents. The paper provides an overview of the course and lessons learned from implementing it in international cooperation. The intention is to provide a guide for the development of such courses and outline success factors others can adopt and pitfalls that should be avoided.
This thesis is based on the Internet experiences of people withsignificant mobility/physical impairments who are proficient andexperienced computer users in their computer world but havelimitations in mobility that severely restrict their functioning inthe physical world. The Internet functioning of this group isanalysed by means of the factors attitude, control and enabling,with the main focus on what is achievable when all accessproblems such as unadapted interfaces, beginners’ difficulties andthe digital divide are overcome. If the virtual world is fullyavailable but the real world is not – what are the effects onlearning, self image, communities of practice, sense of coherence,power and control? What are the effects on peer-to-peer learningand co-operation? Independent living concepts and theoriesmanifest themselves throughout the thesis, most obviously,perhaps, in the selection of issues that are studied and in theperspectives.
The theoretical background and concepts are those of disabilitystudies, with a social model and independent living perspective,and with strong influences from rehabilitation engineering anddesign.
Throughout the thesis elaborations and clarifications of thepossibilities of interplay and co-existence between rehabilitationengineering and design and disability studies are made. Differentaspects of function design and technology are examined from anexpanded view on functioning, where technology is put in anindividual and social context with the FACE (Function – Attitude, Control, Enabling) tool.
The purpose of this article is to launch a new conceptual design tool in rehabilitation engineering,technology, and Disability Studies, useful both as guidance and help for people with disabilities inanalyzing their own functional aids, and as inspiration and meta-guidelines for designers. It is nondiscriminatingand classification-free and differs from a mere classification system like theInternational Classification of Functioning (ICF). The origin of the tool is twofold: experiences of myown disability and of research in rehabilitation engineering.
This paper describes and analyses a community of disabled people in Sweden that use an online forum to discuss personal assistance issues. The forum is a community of practice (CoP) that has its roots in everyday living with personal assistance. The contributions to the forum were studied over a 41/2 year period, including a total of 2755 postings from 146 persons. The levels of the CoP learning system were analysed using the FACE tool, which examines function based on attitude, control and enabling. The results indicate that a learning system was established within the CoP that made it possible for disabled people to complement, confront and counterbalance the influences of existing learning systems, theories and methods of professionals in the area of personal assistance.
This report describes the everyday use of computers by two women and five men with significant mobility impairments. The seven people range in age from 25 to 54. They are all experienced in using computers and the Internet for personal purposes and their everyday work. All of the people in the study require a personal assistant (PA) from seven to 24 hours a day. Pseudonyms have been used to ensure anonymity.
This specially selected group of users is not statistically representative of Internet users with disabilities. Their reflections and answers to questions presented here are based on extensive and rather specialized experience, and hence do not include aspects related to inexperience and/or poor adaptations of the user interfaces.
In qualitative research, content validity is based on an existing, extensive and open knowledge about the subject under study. My knowledge comes from 20 years as a computer user, 15 years as a wheelchair and personal assistance user, more than 10 years as an Internet user, and more than five years of postgraduate studies the area of disability studies and independent living theory. The basis of the latter is that disability is situated and relative, which has greatly influenced and guided my work. This blend of experience and knowledge is the most important cornerstone of my career as a researcher in the field of rehabilitation engineering.
This paper examines the use of the Internet as experienced by people with significant mobility/physicalimpairments who are accustomed to using computers. The study is based on interviews andfocuses on computer usage in everyday action and interaction. In many cases, the possibilities thatthe computer and Internet offer have meant not only important improvements in quality of life, butfirst-time occurrences of great personal significance. The analysis is phenomenographic, resultingin main categories and subcategories, illustrated primarily through direct quotations. The threemain categories are independence, communication, and learning.
Designed to meet the diverse needs of therapists, this book presents a new approach to rehabilitation that integrates ergonomics concepts to address the wide range of problems commonly encountered by professionals. The first section addresses general concepts such as anthropometry and tissue mechanics. The next section explores whole body biomechanics, demonstrating the ergonomic effects of physiological and biomechanical factors. The third section focuses on regional biomechanics, explaining the rationale for ergonomic intervention. The final section of the text offers with a detailed discussion of the ergonomic paradigm in rehabilitation, including the use of physical demands analysis.
Metakognitiva processer och förmågor innefattar bland annat människans förmåga att reflektera över sin egen kunskapsnivå och minneskapacitet, och att utifrån detta till exempel kunna reglera tid och inlärningsstrategier vid inlärningssituationer. Kännetecknande för en person som räknas till att vara expert inom en viss domän är bland annat att denne anses kunna övervaka sin kunskapsnivå på ett korrekt sätt. Denna studie undersöker om personer med stor domänkunskap uppvisar en större förmåga till metakognitiv övervakning än vad personer med sämre domänkunskap gör. Aktuell kunskapsdomän i denna studie är deklarativ kunskap kring fotboll, och fotbollsspelare och ledare rekryterades som försöksdeltagare. Förmågan till metakognitiv övervakning mättes med hjälp av mätteknikerna Assessment of Cognitive Monitoring Effectiveness (ACME) och Metacognitive Knowledge Monitoring Assessment (KMA), där försöksdeltagarna i samband med att ett kunskapstest genomförs får avgöra vilka frågor de tror sig kunna eller inte kunna svaret på. Resultatet visar att personer med expertkunskap uppvisar en signifikant bättre förmåga till metakognitiv övervakning än personer med sämre domänkunskap.
Industry 5.0 adopts a human-centric approach that views humans as a natural part of introducing new technology, such as collaborative robots. However, one of the main challenges in implementing collaborative robots is safety, including the sense of safety. Trust is also a primary challenge when establishing functional collaboration. Influencing factors includes experience and expertise, and research shows that Virtual Reality has the potential to perform such training. This research aims to investigate whether using virtual reality with appropriate feedback can be an effective platform for familiarization and training. In our experiment, we utilized haptic feedback from commercial Virtual Reality controllers to simulate physical interactions with collaborative robots. The experiment involved the participation of fifteen individuals. The results showed that participants regarded haptic feedback while moving as the most appropriate representation. This research aims to identify whether Virtual Reality with suitable feedback can serve as a familiarization and training platform.
I grundskolan skiljer det sig mycket från elev till elev när det gäller konsten att behärska läsning. Då läsning är något som tränas genom övning är det oftast de som tycker det är svårt som håller sig borta från läsandet. DAISY är ett format som erbjuder läsare att, samtidigt som de läser en text, få den uppläst. Genom att presentera text både visuellt och auditivt kan fokus tas bort från själva ordavkodningen, vilket är det som de flesta i läs- och skrivsvårigheter har problem med. I detta arbete undersöktes läshastighet, läsförståelse och läseffektivitet på 18 åttondeklassare, varav sju uppvisade olika grader av läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Resultaten mellan när de läste en text med DAISY och när de läste en text utan DAISY jämfördes. Resultatet visade att deltagarna läste långsammare med DAISY än utan. De i läs- och skrivsvårigheter hade dock både en större läsförståelse och läseffektivitet när de använde DAISY.
Affective touch has a fundamental role in human development, social bonding, and for providing emotional support in interpersonal relationships. We present, what is to our knowledge, the first HRI study of tactile conveyance of both positive and negative emotions (affective touch) on the Nao robot, and based on an experimental set-up from a study of human–human tactile communication. In the present work, participants conveyed eight emotions to a small humanoid robot via touch. We found that female participants conveyed emotions for a longer time, using more varied interaction and touching more regions on the robot’s body, compared to male participants. Several differences between emotions were found such that emotions could be classified by the valence of the emotion conveyed, by combining touch amount and duration. Overall, these results show high agreement with those reported for human–human affective tactile communication and could also have impact on the design and placement of tactile sensors on humanoid robots.
This paper presents an empirical study that evaluates the effects of visualizing missing data on decision-making tasks. A comparison between three visualization techniques: (1) emptiness, (2) fuzziness, and (3) emptiness plus explanation, revealed that the latter technique induced significantly higher degree of decision-confidence than the visualization technique fuzziness. Moreover, emptiness plus explanation yield the highest number of risky choices of the three. This result suggests that uncertainty visualization techniques affect the decision-maker and the decisionconfidence. Additionally, the results indicate a possible relation between the degree of decision-confidence and the decision-maker's displayed risk behavior.
Recent research suggests that the well-being of both individuals and society in general may have a neurobiological basis linked to empathy. This raises the issue of available routes for enhancing empathy (through interventions such as education, training, pharmacology, etc.). One of the most important features of the human brain, especially of the brains of children and teenagers, is its plasticity. Millions of children and teenagers spend many hours every day playing computer games. Many computer games include different forms of violence and aggression and there has been extensive research that indicates that there is a correlation between playing these games, aggression, and reduced disposition to pro-social behaviors. However, much less research has been conducted on the potential effects of pro-social and non-violent computer games. Since there is not yet a comprehensive model of the possible causal relationships between playing such games and neuropsychological function, neuroendocrine function (e.g. oxytocin release), empathy, pro-social behaviors, and individual and societal well-being, we provide a basic theoretical framework for empirical research on these issues. The aim of this framework is ultimately to establish not only correlational evidence, but to allow the development of experimental protocols to meaningfully examine the causal relationships and mechanisms.
I detta arbete undersöktes processuell generering med tre algoritmer i syfte att skapa grottliknande banor och utvärdera kriterier baserat på eftertraktande egenskaper gällande tid, storlek, variation och pålitlighet. Algoritmerna är cellulär automat, random walk och Perlin noise. Flera olika hjälpfunktioner och algoritmer användes för utvärderingen av kriterierna. Syftet med arbetet var att ta reda på vilken av dessa algoritmer skulle passa bäst att användas i ett roguelikespel. Slutsatsen som drogs från undersökningen är att algoritmen random walk gav det bästa resultat gällande pålitlighet, variation och minst antal områden. Cellulär automat gav bäst resultat för genereringstid och minst antal golvytor. Perlin noise gav minst märkvärdigt resultat, men tillät relativt bättre kontroll över mängden golvytor än både cellulär automat och random walk. Överlag gav random walk det bästa resultat för att användas i syftet att skapa grottliknande banor för roguelikespel.
Eye tracking-technology has become increasingly popular to use in user experience research over the years. This study examines how researchers choose to visualize eye tracking-data, the purposes these visualizations serve, and how they were created. The aim of the study is to identify how researchers in the field justify their choice of visualization method and whether they explain how they generated their figures for visualization. The study is a literature review where articles have been analyzed to find comparable data. All articles are related to user experience and have conducted their studies utilizing eye tracking-technology. Their eye tracking data is collected from web-based platforms and visualized through figures included in the texts. The results show that none of the studies justify their choice of visualization method or clearly explain how they created their visualizations. All studies also make assumptions and draw conclusions about the user experience of their interfaces based on their respective visualizations, despite not providing details about the creation of said visualizations.
There is a high demand for program developers, but the dropouts from computer science courses are also high and course enrolments keep decreasing. In order to overcome that situation, several studies have found serious games as good tools for education in programming learning. As an outcome from such research, several game solutions for programming learning have appeared, each of them using a different approach. Some of these games are only used in the research field where others are published in commercial stores. The problem with commercial games is that they do not offer a clear map of the different programming concepts. This dissertation addresses this problem and analyses which fundamental programming concepts that are represented in commercial games for programming learning. The study also identifies game design patterns used to represent these concepts.
The result of this study shows topics that are represented more commonly in commercial games and what game design patterns are used for that. This thesis identifies a set of game design patterns in the 20 commercial games that were analysed. A description as well as some examples of the games where it is found is included for each of these patterns.
As a conclusion, this research shows that from the list of the determined fundamental programming topics only a few of them are greatly represented in commercial games where the others have nearly no representation. This shows potential spots for future research in games for programming teaching.
Denna rapport syftar till att undersöka i vilken utsträckning stridsvagnskompanichefer skiljer och/eller liknar ”commanders” (i spelet ”Battlefield 2”) i sitt sätt att skapa och upprätthålla situationsmedvetenhet med avseende på riskbedömning kopplat till fiendens position i slagfältet. Studien grundar sig på en tanke om att utnyttja positiva effekter från datorspelande, i morgondagens ledningssystem genom att bygga ledningssystem grundade på en kommersiell spelplattform. Resultaten pekar bland annat på skillnader mellan de båda aktörernas metoder för att uppnå full situationsmedvetenhet, men även på vissa likheter som till exempel att se på en situation med fiendens ögon för att bedöma hur denna kommer att agera.
Joint pick and place tasks occur in many interpersonal scenarios, such as when two people pick up and pass dishes. Previous studies have demonstrated that low-dimensional models can accurately capture the dynamics of pick and place motor behaviors in a controlled 2D environment. The current study models the dynamics of pick-up and pass decisions within a less restrictive virtual reality mediated 3D joint pick and place task. Findings indicate that reach-normalized distance measures, between participants and objects/targets, could accurately predict pick-up and pass decisions. Findings also reveal that participants took longer to pick-up objects where division of labor boundaries were less obvious and tended to pass in locations maximizing the dyad's efficiency. This study supports the notion that individuals are more likely to engage in interpersonal behavior when a task goal is perceived as difficult or unattainable (i.e., not afforded). Implications of findings for human-artificial agent interactions are discussed.
Att återanvända spelobjekt är i dagsläget någon som ständigt används i spelproduktion. Återanvändningen är grundläggande för att effektivt kunna producera spel och hinna skapa grafiska resurser i tid. Men att se samma träd flera gånger i en skog gör man ju inte i verkligheten, är det inte möjligt att denna återanvändning påverkar spelarens upplevelse av spelvärlden? För att undersöka detta har en serie deltagare fått utvärdera sin upplevelse av två olika spelvärldar, en med hög grad av återanvändning och en med så sparsam återanvändning som möjligt. Genom att jämföra dessa upplevelser visade det sig att spelare generellt har svårt att upptäcka eller avgöra om en miljö återanvänder spelobjekt i hög utsträckning eller inte. Generell kvalitet av de spelobjekt som existerar verkar vara av större vikt än mångfald och variation. En tydligare koppling mellan återanvändningens påverkan och spelets genre samt precisering av eventuella minimiantal unika objekt av olika typer skulle kunna vara föremål för vidare studier i ämnet.
There are a large number of Information Systems Engineering methods available. The aim of these methods is to support the development process. In doing so, they become subject to the forces, which have an impact on the development process. The paper applies the method-in-action framework on four different cases in order to describe the adaptations, which are made when utilising a method. The situational factors and methodological issues identified in this project show that the method-in-action framework may be used in order to extend the area of use for situational factors. We have also identified some factors, which supplement the characteristics of the sets of factors in the method-in-action framework.
Det går att se på en systemutvecklingsmetod på olika sätt. Dels kan man studera den utifrån dess beståndsdelar, och dels kan man studera de processer i utvecklingsarbetet som leder fram till slutresultatet. I detta examensarbete diskuteras en del av de kognitiva krav som ställs vid inlärning av en systemutvecklingsmetod.
Inom ramen för en litteraturstudie diskuteras vad som är viktigt att lyfta fram när en systemutvecklingsmetod ska presenteras och vilka inlärningsproblem som finns i samband med detta.
Rapporten innehåller även en fallstudie där en systemutvecklingsmetod (Enterprise Knowledge Development) presenteras i HTML-format i en så kallad Electronic Guide Book. Examensarbetets bidrag till EGB består i att ge exempel på hur valda delar av EKD kan presenteras i HTML-format.
This study investigates the learning effects of playing racing, action, and sports computer games. In particular we focus on traffic school students’ driving behavior. A survey conducted at three driving schools, questioned driving students about their gaming habits. The driving instructors evaluated their students’ driving skills and traffic safety attitudes. The results indicate that experience in computer games can have a positive effect on driving performance. Experienced gamers were ranked significantly higher by their instructors regarding their overall driving skills compared to students with low experience in computer games. However, no evidence was found to indicate that experienced gamers have a worse attitude towards fellow road-users or traffic safety. Experiments conducted in a driving simulator, using a game developed purposely to enhance certain traffic safety variables, reveals that it is possible to provide an entertaining game with serious content. Preliminary results, however, indicate that the version of the game where the explicit game goals are hidden was found to be the most entertaining one. The results of the investigation warrant further review into the development and utilization of computer games for traffic safety and education purposes.
Computer games and virtual worlds are increasingly used throughout our society with people playing on the bus, at home and at work. Computer games thus affect larger and larger number of people and areas in the society of today. There are even scholars who advocate that games or virtual environments create better environments for learning than traditional classrooms. This situation motivates the use of games and game technology for additional purposes, e.g. education, training, health care or marketing.
To find correlations and cause and effect relationships in multivariate data sets is central in many data analysis problems. A common way of representing causal relations among variables is to use node-link diagrams, where nodes depict variables and edges show relationships between them. When performing a causal analysis, analysts may be biased by the position of collected evidences, especially when they are at the top of a list. This is of crucial importance since finding a root cause or a derived effect, and searching for causal chains of inferences are essential analytic tasks when investigating causal relationships. In this paper, we examine whether sequential ordering influences understanding of indirect causal relationships and whether it improves readability of multi-attribute causal diagrams. Moreover, we see how people reason to identify a root cause or a derived effect. The results of our design study show that sequential ordering does not play a crucial role when analyzing causal relationships, but many connections from/to a variable and higher strength/certainty values may influence the process of finding a root cause and a derived effect.
In this survey, 105 papers related to interactive clustering were reviewed according to seven perspectives: (1) on what level is the interaction happening, (2) which interactive operations are involved, (3) how user feedback is incorporated, (4) how interactive clustering is evaluated, (5) which data and (6) which clustering methods have been used, and (7) what outlined challenges there are. This article serves as a comprehensive overview of the field and outlines the state of the art within the area as well as identifies challenges and future research needs.
Today non-communicable diseases (NCD) are the main drivers of morbidity, disability, and mortality in low- and middle-income countries, and are expected to increase due to unhealthy lifestyles in the wake of ongoing societal changes. In Nepal, heart disease is the most common NCD, causing a majority of the country’s hospitalizations.
Previous research found that this issue stems from a lack of information regarding nutrition and healthy activities. Our project initially mapped out the details of this knowledge gap by producing a Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice report based on field studies conducted in Nepal. Based on this report, we have created a mobile serious game - Happy Heart - that aims to fill the identified gaps by providing information, but also by presenting it in a way that we hope changes peoples’ attitudes towards healthy lifestyles. The game presents four main challenges: identifying and categorizing food items based on nutrition, preparing healthy meals, and planning a healthy weekly calendar.
The project is a collaboration between the University of Skövde (Sweden), Kathmandu Medical College, and Patan Academy of Health Sciences (Nepal).
In serious game development, graphic design needs to be eye-catching, while also depicting subject matter content in a responsible, accurate, and clear way. Previous research has shown that abstract and symbolic game visuals seem to be preferable for learning and providing an engaging experience. Our research focuses on describing the challenges involved in creating effective visual communication through game graphics in cross cultures. In particular, we’re interested in examining if certain styles of visual communication are more or less effective between different cultural demographics. To examine this, we have created a serious game which aims to promote healthy food and nutrition habits to teenagers in both Nepalese and Swedish schools and by doing so also motivate behavioral changes toward healthier eating habits. We are currently conducting studies to see whether preferences and image recognition differ between the two demographical spheres. This paper will only discuss the exploratory study done in Nepal. Ultimately, this paper aims to contribute development guidelines that can aid developers in creating more effective visual communication in their serious games, and we primarily focus on exploring what we call the compromise of ‘clarity’ and ‘appeal’ in the creation of game graphics. We present an initial model for choosing at what level in terms of realism/abstraction and taxonomic hierarchy the graphical components of serious games optimally should be produced in order to solve the dilemma of precise, unmistakable, yet appealing visuals in serious games. It all comes down to two primary decisions: defining the taxonomic hierarchy of the items to depict, and choosing the style in which to depict them. With a better understanding of when different game visuals are more or less appropriate, both in terms of style and in which objects are represented, game developers will be able to balance production costs better while also creating something that strikes the compromise between clarity and appeal.
In serious game development, effective communication through both languages, sounds, and icons can be crucial for a game to have its intended impact. While this is also true for entertainment games, serious games have added layers of challenges as they are a) often played by audiences outside of the “typical” game ecosystem, and b) miscommunication can lead to players missing important lessons or even learning incorrect information. When a serious game is intended to be used in different parts of the world, however, clear visual communication gets an added layer of complexity: culturally informed symbol interpretation and visual preference. In order to examine how these might affect players’ experiences when playing serious games, this paper presents the results of a mixed-method study conducted in two schools in Nepal. The study included 10 participants, between 13-16 years old, who played a prototype of a mobile game currently in development, which has the purpose of teaching young players about food nutrition and healthy habits. After playing the prototype, they took a short survey where they were asked to identify different food types, and they were also interviewed to discuss their opinions of the game’s visual style. The results of the study indicate that, while higher fidelity images were much easier to correctly identify by the participants, the participants’ preference for visual fidelity varied to a large degree.
The visuals of a game is a crucial element when it comes to providing good player experiences. Visuals are also an incredibly complex subject in a game context since different modes of visual representation can be more or less “appropriate” for different settings. For example, while one can look at photo-realism as an impressive feature of a game due to its technical complexity and functionally accurate representation of real-world objects, it might still not be a fitting choice for different audiences, or for different pedagogical strategies. Serious game research seldom focuses on understanding the design of these components or their applicability to different types of learning, and it more often focuses on games’ mechanics and how well they manage to capture subject matter content while still being engaging. The aim of this paper is to explore the gap in visual communication research, describing what studies tend to focus on providing some valuable context. This review was conducted on papers that dealt with visual aspects of serious games. The results show that visual communication is rarely addressed in serious game development research. Future research would benefit from taking visual communication in detail to facilitate the effectiveness of serious games.
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, (ADHD), is an established childhood psychiatric disorder, and it is the present diagnosis for children with major difficulties in the core symptoms; impulsiveness, attention and hyperactivity. The disorder is known to persist into adulthood and create major problems in coping with everyday life. With ADHD follows a vast variety of other conditions, which burdens the ADHD individuals even more. The major cause for the disorder is in heritage but also other possible explanations will be discussed. The main treatment for ADHD is psycho stimulants, such as methylphenidate and amphetamine. ADHD is associated with substance abuse and several articles in this essay will provide support for that. Is substance abuse in ADHD individuals a form of self-medication in order to ameliorate the symptoms or is the increased risk for substance abuse due to the stimulant medications? In this essay, I will describe what ADHD is, present what are its known causes, summarize the treatments available for ADHD, and discuss the relationships between ADHD and substance abuse.
The last few decades have seen widespread advances in technological means to characterise observable aspects of human behaviour such as gaze or posture. Among others, these developments have also led to significant advances in social robotics. At the same time, however, social robots are still largely evaluated in idealised or laboratory conditions, and it remains unclear whether the technological progress is sufficient to let such robots move “into the wild”. In this paper, we characterise the problems that a social robot in the real world may face, and review the technological state of the art in terms of addressing these. We do this by considering what it would entail to automate the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Just as for social robotics, ASD diagnosis fundamentally requires the ability to characterise human behaviour from observable aspects. However, therapists provide clear criteria regarding what to look for. As such, ASD diagnosis is a situation that is both relevant to real-world social robotics and comes with clear metrics. Overall, we demonstrate that even with relatively clear therapist-provided criteria and current technological progress, the need to interpret covert behaviour cannot yet be fully addressed. Our discussions have clear implications for ASD diagnosis, but also for social robotics more generally. For ASD diagnosis, we provide a classification of criteria based on whether or not they depend on covert information and highlight present-day possibilities for supporting therapists in diagnosis through technological means. For social robotics, we highlight the fundamental role of covert behaviour, show that the current state-of-the-art is unable to charact
In recent years, the field of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) has seen an increasingdemand for technologies that can recognize and adapt to human behaviors and internalstates (e.g., emotions and intentions). Psychological research suggests that humanmovements are important for inferring internal states. There is, however, a need to betterunderstand what kind of information can be extracted from movement data, particularlyin unconstrained, natural interactions. The present study examines which internal statesand social constructs humans identify from movement in naturalistic social interactions.Participants either viewed clips of the full scene or processed versions of it displaying2D positional data. Then, they were asked to fill out questionnaires assessing their socialperception of the viewed material. We analyzed whether the full scene clips were moreinformative than the 2D positional data clips. First, we calculated the inter-rater agreementbetween participants in both conditions. Then, we employed machine learning classifiersto predict the internal states of the individuals in the videos based on the ratingsobtained. Although we found a higher inter-rater agreement for full scenes comparedto positional data, the level of agreement in the latter case was still above chance,thus demonstrating that the internal states and social constructs under study wereidentifiable in both conditions. A factor analysis run on participants’ responses showedthat participants identified the constructs interaction imbalance, interaction valence andengagement regardless of video condition. The machine learning classifiers achieveda similar performance in both conditions, again supporting the idea that movementalone carries relevant information. Overall, our results suggest it is reasonable to expecta machine learning algorithm, and consequently a robot, to successfully decode andclassify a range of internal states and social constructs using low-dimensional data (suchas the movements and poses of observed individuals) as input.
Detta arbete är skapat av Andreas Bartziokas, som examensarbete för VT 2009. I denna uppsats beskrivs hur spelet B.O.B. har skapats. Vilken litteratur som varit användbar för skapandet av spelet, samt en övergripande beskrivning av själva spelet.
Spelare behöver lära sig kontrollera ett spel innan de kan få en god upplevelse, men det kan ofta vara svårt att lära sig använda en handkontroll. Naturlig mappning, affordance och tutorials hjälper enbart i vissa fall. Det finns dock indikationer på att intuitiva kontroller skulle kunna fungera, men ingen forskning inom området existerar. Detta arbete syftar till att jämföra lärbarheten hos två olika kontrollscheman, där det ena utvecklats för att vara intuitivt för nyblivna spelare. Kvalitativa och semistrukturerade intervjuer användes för att undersöka vad som är ett intuitivt kontrollschema. En prototyp av ett spel skapades, och denna kunde spelas med båda kontrollschemana. Genom att observera hur nyblivna spelare använde kontrollschemana utvärderades och jämfördes deras respektive lärbarhet. Resultatet visade att det intuitiva kontrollschemat förefaller ha högre lärbarhet än det alternativa kontrollschemat. Problem att hitta lämpliga deltagare samt med utvecklingen av det icke intuitiva kontrollschemat gör dock att arbetets trovärdighet är diskutabelt.
Numerous studies have presented physical and psychological benefits of meditation. Many of these are due to the so called Relaxation Response. In our study, we compared a concentrative meditation practice and a relaxation practice to investigate potential differences in the elicitation of the Relaxation Response. The study was performed during 12 weeks on 15 subjects employed by the Police Authority. We measured the subjective well-being, according to the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), and by reading blood pressures. The descriptive analysis of the results, supports that the Relaxation Response is elicited by meditation and, although weaker, by physical relaxation. An elicited Relaxation Response is, however, maintained by relaxation. We also looked at the possibilities of introducing these practices in the work environment. There are several issues to deal with if the methods are to be applied in the work environment, mainly creating the time and place for the employees.
Social fobi är en ångeststörning som i stor utsträckning påverkar livet hos den som är diagnostiserad. Kärnan i social fobi ligger i rädslan att bli granskad och riskera att göra bort sig eller bli förlöjligad. Den behandlingsmetod som visats vara mest effektiv i behandling mot social fobi är kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT). Det är en tidsbegränsad och nutidsorienterad psykoterapi där patienten lär sig både kognitiva och beteenderelaterade färdigheter som behövs för att denne adaptivt ska kunna fungera i både inter- och intrapersonella världar. I takt med att teknologin utvecklas blir det möjligt att flytta terapin till en virtuell miljö, där patienten kan exponeras för de stimuli som de anser vara ångestframkallande. Denna behandingsform kallas för Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) och tar terorier inom KBT och förflyttar dem till en miljö i virtual reality. User experience-mål beskriver den önskade upplevelsen hos användaren när denne interagerar med interaktiva system. UX-mål delas upp i pragmatiska och hedoniska aspekter. Resultatet av studien blev två pragmatiska och två hedoniska UX-mål som beskriver den önskade upplevelsen hos användaren när denne behandlas med VRET mot social fobi. De framtagna målen visar att känslor av kontroll, realism, belöningar och utmaningar är det som användarna anser vara de viktigaste aspekterna när en mjukvara för behandling av social fobi ska designas.
Denna uppsats presenterar en historisk exposé kring den visuella och tekniska utvecklingen av stridsvagnsanimationer. Detta med fokus på perception och kognition utifrån definitionerna abstraktion, realism och hyperrealism. Uppsatsen ämnar förklara i bild, text och rörlig media hur utvecklingen sett ut och hur långt den har nått. För att åstadkomma detta har en analysmatris tagits fram, ur vilken valda beståndsdelar i spelen Battlezone, Battle Tank och Battlefield 1942 dissekeras. För att ytterligare påvisa kontrasten i utvecklingskurvan, har jag haft Craft Animations och deras verktyg till min hjälp. Verktyget och resultaten detta genererar, analyseras med hjälp av samma analysmatris som för spelen.
Resultatet visar en tydlig kontrast i utvecklingen, där Craft Animations verktyg representerar vad vi idag kan kalla för hyperrealism.
I denna rapport talas det om användbarhetsexpertens roll som representant för användaren,medlare av termen användbarhet samt medlare mellan användaren och andra yrkesroller i en systemutvecklingsprocess. Denna roll har många gånger en tendens till att inte få tillräckligt med gehör av andra yrkesroller i utvecklingsprojekt. Det finns flera olika faktorer som kan bidra till detta. Vad som framkom i resultatet var en bekräftelse på att användbarhetsexpertens
roll är viktig i fråga om representering och medling. Vad gäller faktorn samarbete anser respondenterna att samarbetet för det mesta fungerar bra mellan dem och andra yrkesroller. Samarbete ses därmed inte som en faktor som påverkar gehöret för en användbarhetsexperts roll i systemutvecklingsprocesser. Respondenterna tycker däremot att de inte alltid får gehör för sin roll som användbarhetsexpert fast att de tycker att samarbetet med andra yrkesroller fungerar bra. En faktor som bidrar till
detta är den svårdefinierade termen användbarhet.