We present a (generalizable) method aimed tosimultaneously transfer positional and force requirements en-coded in a physical human skill (wood planing) from a humaninstructor to a robotic arm through kinesthetic teaching. Weachieve our goal through a novel use of a common sensoryconfiguration, constituted by a force/torque sensor mountedbetween the tool and the flange of a robotic arm. The roboticarm is endowed with integrated torque sensors at each joint.The mathematical model used to capture the general dynamicof the interaction between the human user and the wood surfaceis based on Dynamic Movement Primitives. During reenactmentof the task, the system can imitate and generalize the demon-strated spatial requirements, as well as their associated forceprofiles. Therefore, the robotic arm acquires the capacity toreproduce the dynamic profile for in-contact tasks requiringan articulated coordination in the distribution of forces. Forexample, the capacity to effectively operate the plane on a woodplank over multiple strokes, according to the demonstration ofthe human instructor.