PrefaceWelcome to the proceedings of the workshops held during the 34th InternationalConference on Conceptual Modeling (ER conference 2015) in Stockholm, Sweden.Workshops offer an incremental exploration of cutting-edge research issues thatbecome prominent in the future. The ER conference has a long tradition of thought-provoking and state-of-the-art workshops. This year we had a rich combination ofseven workshops and a special symposium on conceptual modeling education.We attracted 52 paper submissions for all the workshops, of which 26 wereaccepted. These workshops also have invited papers along with papers from thesymposium on conceptual modeling education.This volume comprises contributions from the following workshops:AHA 2015–Conceptual Modeling for Ambient Assistance and Healthy AgeingCMS 2015–Conceptual Modeling of ServicesEMoV 2015–Event Modeling and Processing in Business Process ManagementMoBiD 2015–Modeling and Management of Big DataMORE-BI 2015–Modeling and Reasoning for Business IntelligenceMReBA 2015–Conceptual Modeling in Requirements Engineering and Business AnalysisQMMQ 2015–Quality of Modeling and Modeling of QualitySCME 2015–Symposium on Conceptual Modeling Education
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