Högskolan i Skövde

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Dynamic Resampling for Preference-based Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization of Stochastic Systems
University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science. University of Skövde, The Virtual Systems Research Centre. (Produktion och Automatiseringsteknik, Production and Automation Engineering)ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3432-5068
University of Skövde, School of Engineering Science. University of Skövde, The Virtual Systems Research Centre. (Produktion och Automatiseringsteknik, Production and Automation Engineering)ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0111-1776
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University, USA.ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7402-9939
2015 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

In Multi-objective Optimization many solutions have to be evaluated in order to provide the decision maker with a diverse choice of solutions along the Pareto-front. In Simulation-based Optimization the number of optimization function evaluations is usually very limited due to the long execution times of the simulation models. If preference information is available however, the available number of function evaluations can be used more effectively. The optimization can be performed as a guided, focused search which returns solutions close to interesting, preferred regions of the Pareto-front. One such algorithm for guided search is the Reference-point guided Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II, R-NSGA-II. It is a population-based Evolutionary Algorithm that finds a set of non-dominated solutions in a single optimization run. R-NSGA-II takes reference points in the objective space provided by the decision maker and guides the optimization towards areas of the Pareto-front close the reference points.

In Simulation-based Optimization the modeled and simulated systems are often stochastic and a common method to handle objective noise is Resampling. Reliable quality assessment of system configurations by resampling requires many simulation runs. Therefore, the optimization process can benefit from Dynamic Resampling algorithms that distribute the available function evaluations among the solutions in the best possible way. Solutions can vary in their sampling need. For example, solutions with highly variable objective values have to be sampled more times to reduce their objective value standard error. Dynamic resampling algorithms assign as much samples to them as is needed to reduce the uncertainty about their objective values below a certain threshold. Another criterion the number of samples can be based on is a solution's closeness to the Pareto-front. For solutions that are close to the Pareto-front it is likely that they are member of the final result set. It is therefore important to have accurate knowledge of their objective values available, in order to be able to to tell which solutions are better than others. Usually, the distance to the Pareto-front is not known, but another criterion can be used as an indication for it instead: The elapsed optimization time. A third example of a resampling criterion can be the dominance relations between different solutions. The optimization algorithm has to determine for pairs of solutions which is the better one. Here both distances between objective vectors and the variance of the objective values have to be considered which requires a more advanced resampling technique. This is a Ranking and Selection problem.

If R-NSGA-II is applied in a scenario with a stochastic fitness function resampling algorithms have to be used to support it in the best way and avoid a performance degradation due to uncertain knowledge about the objective values of solutions. In our work we combine R-NSGA-II with several resampling algorithms that are based on the above mentioned resampling criteria or combinations thereof and evaluate which are the best criteria the sampling allocation can be based on, in which situations.

Due to the preference information R-NSGA-II has an important fitness information about the solutions at its disposal: The distance to reference points. We propose a resampling strategy that allocates more samples to solutions close to a reference point. This idea is then extended with a resampling technique that compares solutions based on their distance to the reference point. We base this algorithm on a classical Ranking and Selection algorithm, Optimal Computing Budget Allocation, and show how OCBA can be applied to support R-NSGA-II. We show the applicability of the proposed algorithms in a case study of an industrial production line for car manufacturing.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
COIN Report ; 2015020
Keywords [en]
Evolutionary multi-objective optimization, guided search, preference-based optimization, reference point, dynamic resampling, budget allocation, decision support, simulation-based optimization, stochastic systems
National Category
Computer and Information Sciences Robotics
Research subject
Natural sciences; Technology; Production and Automation Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:his:diva-11494OAI: oai:DiVA.org:his-11494DiVA, id: diva2:852059
23rd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making MCDM 2015, August 3-7, 2015, Hamburg, Germany
Knowledge FoundationAvailable from: 2015-09-07 Created: 2015-09-07 Last updated: 2018-03-29Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Dynamic Resampling for Preference-based Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization of Stochastic Systems: Improving the efficiency of time-constrained optimization
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Dynamic Resampling for Preference-based Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization of Stochastic Systems: Improving the efficiency of time-constrained optimization
2016 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

In preference-based Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization (EMO), the decision maker is looking for a diverse, but locally focused non-dominated front in a preferred area of the objective space, as close as possible to the true Pareto-front. Since solutions found outside the area of interest are considered less important or even irrelevant, the optimization can focus its efforts on the preferred area and find the solutions that the decision maker is looking for more quickly, i.e., with fewer simulation runs. This is particularly important if the available time for optimization is limited, as is the case in many real-world applications. Although previous studies in using this kind of guided-search with preference information, for example, withthe R-NSGA-II algorithm, have shown positive results, only very few of them considered the stochastic outputs of simulated systems.

In the literature, this phenomenon of stochastic evaluation functions is sometimes called noisy optimization. If an EMO algorithm is run without any countermeasure to noisy evaluation functions, the performance will deteriorate, compared to the case if the true mean objective values are known. While, in general, static resampling of solutions to reduce the uncertainty of all evaluated design solutions can allow EMO algorithms to avoid this problem, it will significantly increase the required simulation time/budget, as many samples will be wasted on candidate solutions which are inferior. In comparison, a Dynamic Resampling (DR) strategy can allow the exploration and exploitation trade-off to be optimized, since the required accuracy about objective values varies between solutions. In a dense, converged population, itis important to know the accurate objective values, whereas noisy objective values are less harmful when an algorithm is exploring the objective space, especially early in the optimization process. Therefore, a well-designed Dynamic Resampling strategy which resamples the solution carefully, according to the resampling need, can help an EMO algorithm achieve better results than a static resampling allocation.

While there are abundant studies in Simulation-based Optimization that considered Dynamic Resampling, the survey done in this study has found that there is no related work that considered how combinations of Dynamic Resampling and preference-based guided search can further enhance the performance of EMO algorithms, especially if the problems under study involve computationally expensive evaluations, like production systems simulation. The aim of this thesis is therefore to study, design and then to compare new combinations of preference-based EMO algorithms with various DR strategies, in order to improve the solution quality found by simulation-based multi-objective optimization with stochastic outputs, under a limited function evaluation or simulation budget. Specifically, based on the advantages and flexibility offered by interactive, reference point-based approaches, studies of the performance enhancements of R-NSGA-II when augmented with various DR strategies, with increasing degrees of statistical sophistication, as well as several adaptive features in terms of optimization parameters, have been made. The research results have clearly shown that optimization results can be improved, if a hybrid DR strategy is used and adaptive algorithm parameters are chosen according to the noise level and problem complexity. In the case of a limited simulation budget, the results allow the conclusions that both decision maker preferences and DR should be used at the same time to achieve the best results in simulation-based multi-objective optimization.

Abstract [sv]

Vid preferensbaserad evolutionär flermålsoptimering försöker beslutsfattaren hitta lösningar som är fokuserade kring ett valt preferensområde i målrymden och som ligger så nära den optimala Pareto-fronten som möjligt. Eftersom lösningar utanför preferensområdet anses som mindre intressanta, eller till och med oviktiga, kan optimeringen fokusera på den intressanta delen av målrymden och hitta relevanta lösningar snabbare, vilket betyder att färre lösningar behöver utvärderas. Detta är en stor fördel vid simuleringsbaserad flermålsoptimering med långa simuleringstider eftersom antalet olika konfigurationer som kan simuleras och utvärderas är mycket begränsat. Även tidigare studier som använt fokuserad flermålsoptimering styrd av användarpreferenser, t.ex. med algoritmen R-NSGA-II, har visat positiva resultat men enbart få av dessa har tagit hänsyn till det stokastiska beteendet hos de simulerade systemen.

I litteraturen kallas optimering med stokastiska utvärderingsfunktioner ibland "noisy optimization". Om en optimeringsalgoritm inte tar hänsyn till att de utvärderade målvärdena är stokastiska kommer prestandan vara lägre jämfört med om optimeringsalgoritmen har tillgång till de verkliga målvärdena. Statisk upprepad utvärdering av lösningar med syftet att reducera osäkerheten hos alla evaluerade lösningar hjälper optimeringsalgoritmer att undvika problemet, men leder samtidigt till en betydande ökning av antalet nödvändiga simuleringar och därigenom en ökning av optimeringstiden. Detta är problematiskt eftersom det innebär att många simuleringar utförs i onödan på undermåliga lösningar, där exakta målvärden inte bidrar till att förbättra optimeringens resultat. Upprepad utvärdering reducerar ovissheten och hjälper till att förbättra optimeringen, men har också ett pris. Om flera simuleringar används för varje lösning så minskar antalet olika lösningar som kan simuleras och sökrymden kan inte utforskas lika mycket, givet att det totala antalet simuleringar är begränsat. Dynamisk upprepad utvärdering kan däremot effektivisera flermålsoptimeringens avvägning mellan utforskning och exploatering av sökrymden baserat på det faktum att den nödvändiga precisionen i målvärdena varierar mellan de olika lösningarna i målrymden. I en tät och konvergerad population av lösningar är det viktigt att känna till de exakta målvärdena, medan osäkra målvärden är mindre skadliga i ett tidigt stadium i optimeringsprocessen när algoritmen utforskar målrymden. En dynamisk strategi för upprepad utvärdering med en noggrann allokering av utvärderingarna kan därför uppnå bättre resultat än en allokering som är statisk.

Trots att finns ett rikligt antal studier inom simuleringsbaserad optimering som använder sig av dynamisk upprepad utvärdering så har inga relaterade studier hittats som undersöker hur kombinationer av dynamisk upprepad utvärdering och preferensbaserad styrning kan förbättra prestandan hos algoritmer för flermålsoptimering ytterligare. Speciell avsaknad finns det av studier om optimering av problem med långa simuleringstider, som t.ex. simulering av produktionssystem. Avhandlingens mål är därför att studera, konstruera och jämföra nya kombinationer av preferensbaserade optimeringsalgoritmer och dynamiska strategier för upprepad utvärdering. Syftet är att förbättra resultatet av simuleringsbaserad flermålsoptimering som har stokastiska målvärden när antalet utvärderingar eller optimeringstiden är begränsade. Avhandlingen har speciellt fokuserat på att undersöka prestandahöjande åtgärder hos algoritmen R-NSGA-II i kombination med dynamisk upprepad utvärdering, baserad på fördelarna och flexibiliteten som interaktiva referenspunktbaserade algoritmer erbjuder. Exempel på förbättringsåtgärder är dynamiska algoritmer för upprepad utvärdering med förbättrad statistisk osäkerhetshantering och adaptiva optimeringsparametrar. Resultaten från avhandlingen visar tydligt att optimeringsresultaten kan förbättras om hybrida dynamiska algoritmer för upprepad utvärdering används och adaptiva optimeringsparametrar väljs beroende på osäkerhetsnivån och komplexiteten i optimeringsproblemet. För de fall där simuleringstiden är begränsad är slutsatsen från avhandlingen att både användarpreferenser och dynamisk upprepad utvärdering bör användas samtidigt för att uppnå de bästa resultaten i simuleringsbaserad flermålsoptimering.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Skövde: Högskolan i Skövde, 2016. p. 300
Dissertation Series ; 11 (2016)
Evolutionary multi-objective optimization, simulation-based optimization, guided search, preference-based optimization, reference point, decision support, noise, stochastic systems, dynamic resampling, budget allocation, sequential sampling, hybrid, ranking and selection
National Category
Information Systems Robotics
Research subject
Natural sciences; Technology; Production and Automation Engineering
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-13088 (URN)978-91-982690-1-7 (ISBN)
Public defence
2016-12-12, Skövde, 13:00 (English)
Knowledge FoundationVinnova
Available from: 2016-11-11 Created: 2016-11-10 Last updated: 2024-03-25Bibliographically approved

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Siegmund, FlorianNg, Amos H. C.Deb, Kalyanmoy

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Siegmund, FlorianNg, Amos H. C.Deb, Kalyanmoy
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