Title: Nurses´ Experience of Triage Process in the Psychiatric A & E Department
for Adults
Author: Miljatovic, Milos
Department: School of Life Sciences, University of Skövde
Course: Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Thesis in Nursing Care, 15 ECTS
Supervisor: -
Examiner: Brovall, Maria
Pages: 23
Keywords: Triage, Nurse, Psychiatric A & E Department for Adults, Triage scale
Background: In the beginning of 21st century some psychiatric A & E departments in
Sweden have introduced triage process and psychiatric triage scales. The aim was to meet
the growing numbers of patients with mental health problems attending psychiatric A & E
departments, in order to shorten waiting and transit times.
Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate nurses´ experiences of triage process in the
psychiatric A & E department.
Method: Qualitative empirical study was conducted.
Results: Three categories were identified: Triage process creates confidence, Obstacles in
triage assessment, Possibilities for improved patient care through triage process; and six
subcategories: Aid and support in having an assessment tool, Sense of comradeship,
Getting possibility to take answer and show the competence, Deficiencies with assessment
tool, Sense of inadequateness due to long waiting times to physician, Sense of ambiguity
during the triage process.
Discussion: Safe triage process is needed to achieve quality care in the psychiatric A & E
department, thus it is important that nurses have adequate triage scale, and the results
suggest that it is important for nurses to have an adequate triage scale which makes it
easier for nurses in nursing care.
2014. , p. 23
Triage, Nurse, Psychiatric A & E Department for Adults, Triage scale