Following a Foreword by Morton Deutsch and an Introductory chapter, this handbook presents five parts containing a total of 26 chapters and concludes with an Envoi by Elaine Hatfield and Richard Rapson. The introductory Part I contains two chapters: In Chap. 2 Foa and Foa present the basic framework of their social resource theory, and Chap. 3 spells out a number of issues that may need to be addressed for its further development. Part II contains seven chapters discussing various conceptual and theoretical elaborations of SRT. The five chapters of Part III describe attempts at theory integrations between SRT and other models and theories. Part IV features six chapters describing various applications of SRT on different levels, from the organizational to cross-cultural. Finally, the six chapters of Part V focus on various justice aspects in the distribution of different kinds of resources. This simplified characterization of the chapters conceals the fact that many of them would also fit under other parts of this book; the contents of each chapter are certainly more varied and richer than indicated here.