Information technology (IT) is a current development area in preschool and school, and in within the teacher training. This article presents a study of local school project in a Swedish context, with the aim to stimulate and develop teacher's information technology competence as a resource in teaching practice. These projects have been implemented in collaboration with a university and teacher training. The aim of the study is to create knowledge about the relationship between the conditions that higher education and academic practice make possible (in this case IT and scientific competence), and the professional practice the student teacher participates in and relates to. Two types of projects are identified, the strategic project and the practice related project. The study shows that the project has given the teacher possibility and mandate to develop and study technology resources in teaching practice and in activities related to teaching. The effects are however local without formal evaluation and dissemination. Academic practice as resource for planning, implementing, anallyzing or documentation is missing. Proposed teachers have not been involved in local projects during their school placed practice. Those obstacles average teacher's professional practice and academic practice in connection with school development need to be discussed and studied furthermore.
ISBN: 978-91-633-9653-3
ISSN som rapportserie: 1653-0594
ISSN som tidskrift: 2001-4554