The test effort required for full test coverage is much higher in an event-triggered than in a time-triggered real-time system. This makes it difficult to attain confidence in the correctness of event-triggered real-time applications by testing, which is a necessary complement to other verification methods. We present a more general upper bound on the test effort of constrained event-triggered real-time systems, assuming multiple resources (a refinement of previous results). The emphasis is on system level testing of application timeliness, assuming that sufficient confidence in its functional correctness has been attained. Covered fault types include incorrect assumptions about temporal attributes of application and execution environment, and synchronization faults. An analysis of the effects that our constraints have on predictability and efficiency shows that the use of designated preemption points is required. A key factor in this approach is the ability to reduce the number of required test cases while maintaining full test coverage.
HS-IDA-TR-99-001. See also: Proceedings Sixth International Conference on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications. RTCSA'99 (pp. 212-2015).