Aim The aim of the study was to test the ability of the professional assessment of optimal nursing care intensity level (PAONCIL)-method to establish the optimal nursing intensity (NI) per care giver within the care of older people by testing whether the method's prerequisites for hospital settings can be fulfilled within the care of older people as well.
Background The PAONCIL method is included in the RAFAELA system as a method for calculating personnel resources based on NI.
Method The PAONCIL assessments were collected through questionnaires (n = 3512). The data was analysed by simple linear regression analysis.
Results It can be stated that the prerequisites for the PAONCIL method were fulfilled and that the optimal NI-level could be determined on seven participating units.
Discussion It can be stated that the RAFAELA system is a useful system for measuring NI within the care of older people, but additional research is needed, especially within the home care setting.
Conclusion Although an instrument never provides a complete overview of the patient's care needs and need satisfaction, it provides information about the daily situation as well as gives guidelines for long-term strategic planning.