Simulations are widely used for analysis and design of complex systems. Real-world complex systems are often too complex to be expressed with tractable mathematical formulations. Therefore simulations are often used instead of mathematical formulations because of their flexibility and ability to model real-world complex systems in some detail. Simulation models can often be complex and slow which lead to the development of simulation meta-models that are simpler and faster models of complex simulation models. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been studied for use as simulation meta-models with different results. This final year project further studies the use of ANNs as simulation meta-models by comparing the predictability of five different neural network architectures: feed-forward-, generalized feed-forward-, modular-, radial basis- and Elman artificial neural networks where the underlying simulation is of complex production system. The results where that all architectures gave acceptable results even though it can be said that Elman- and feed-forward ANNs performed the best of the tests conducted here. The difference in accuracy and generalization was considerably small.