The PLENUM group, formed by researchers and developers of XR methods, aims to develop functions and spaces in virtual reality to improve the design environment. In the field of design reviews, although design reviews are now increasingly being conducted digitally, teams are still reliant on video conferencing software, as currently no dedicated tools are available. Due to the unique nature of design reviews, current solutions are inadequate. Therefore, this project aims to create a virtual design review space for collaborative design reviews. It will also be defined in this project a guideline for realising virtual design review spaces. Initially, a literature study was carried out to understand the concepts of design review, virtual reality and virtual spaces, among others. User and empirical studies were conducted to gather information on user feedback and further define the requirements. Based on the gathered information, concepts were generated and subsequently transferred to Blender. The implementation and testing was carried out in Unreal engine through the screen, keyboard and mouse, as well as through the virtual reality glasses Metaquest 2 from Oculus.