A detailed banded ideogram representation of the rat chromosomes was constructed based on actual G-banded prometaphase chromosomes. The approach yielded 535 individual bands, a significant increase compared to previously presented ideograms. The new ideogram was adapted to the existing band nomenclature. The gene locus positions in the rat draft DNA sequence were compared to the chromosomal positions as determined by dual-color FISH, using rat (RNO) chromosomes 6 and 15 and a segment of RNO4 as sample regions. It was found that there was generally an excellent correlation in the chromosome regions tested between the relative gene position in the DNA molecules and the sub-chromosomal localization by FISH and subsequent information transfer on ideograms from measurements of chromosomal images. However, in the metacentric chromosome (RNO15), the correlation was much better in the short arm than in the long arm, suggesting that the centromeric region may distort the linear relationship between the chromosomal image and the corresponding DNA molecule.