The exploration of realistic grasping with industrial robots could open gates in the way of understanding the industry, giving robots the ability to adapt to different situations without reprogramming and therefore, become more flexible tools. In order to facilitate this apparently complex task it is important to implement new tools for robot programming. The project presented shows the development of a program that lets the user give specific instructions about ways of approaching new objects in the task of robot grasping using a mixed reality interface. The proposed solution can let the user work in real time and repeat saved paths with familiar objects. This program consists of recording the user’s movement, saving and processing the information to a robot that can replicate the exact same approaches and grasps. The development of this project as a mixed reality interface permits bringing together the real and virtual world with safety of working with a previsualization of the robot and with the certainty of processing the information right in the real world. This solution is a flexible tool that can be changed to different situations and be implemented in any kind of production.