Event perception research highlights the significance of visuospatial attributes that influence event segmentation and prediction. The present study investigates how the visuospatial attributes in film events correlate to viewers’ ongoing event processes such as anticipatory gaze, prediction and segmentation. We derive film instances (such as occlusion, enter/exit, turn towards etc.) that show trends of (high) anticipatory viewing behaviour from an in-depth multimodal (such as speech, handaction, gaze etc.) event features analysis of 25 movie scenes and correlated with visual attention analysis (eye-tracking 32 participants per scene). The first results provide a solid basis for using these derived instances to examine further the nature of the different visuospatial attributes in relation to event changes (where anticipation and segmentation occurs). With the results, we (aim to) argue that by investigating film instances of anticipatory nature, one could explicate how humans perform high-level characterization of visuospatial attributes and understand events.
The study proposal is accepted to SCSMi 2022. The ISBN no and other publication info will be published after the conference, June 1-4.