Most companies nowadays employ experts who work in tandem with a numerical forecasting system to improve the latter’s accuracy. Studies have shown that in many cases these forecasts actually improve the final forecast, hence the popularity of the experts. Many other researchers tried to understand the behaviour of experts when it comes to the adjustments made and found that they are mostly optimistic and predictable to a high degree with a tendency to adhering to familiar habits. In this project, an AI based solution was built in contrast to the mathematical approach followed by Franses et al [1] to prove the uniformity expert’s decisions. Endorsing the work of Franses et al, the AI model was able to simulate the adjustments made by the expert to a satisfactory degree without great computational overhead as well as proving that the corrections that the expert is making is systematic. Moreover, we discussed the areas at which the model can be used to aidexperts in their day to day work which could save them time as well as the ethical barriers which could end up harming the expert, the business or both. Finally, limitation of solutions and suggestions to fix them were discussed which lays the ground for future work in this area.