Data is one of the most valuable organizational assets that are susceptible to compromise when appropriate security measures are not in place. Preventing data loss is a dynamic and ongoing process that requires frequent effort and investment from organizations. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the risk to organizational data (i.e., data loss) due to the increase in remote work taking over the business landscape. In seeking answers to the research question, the study applies thematic analysis in analyzing qualitative data from the interview of 6 respondents with over 5 years of information security experience. The analysis identified four themes (threats, risk, security incident and security posture) that are relevant in answering the research questions. The findings show that there was an increase in phishing, malware and DOS attack against the organisation information assets since the inception of the global pandemic which has led to data loss and affected the organization’s competitive advantage and reputation. Also, the security posture before the pandemic was not effective in dealing with the increase in cyber attacks during the pandemic. The pandemic has led organizations to reassess their security posture to identify areas that need to be strengthened. The challenge in achieving an effective security posture is the attack surface is expanding and changing rapidly as well as the insufficient resources available (both human and financial). The organisation reassessed their security posture to identify gaps that need to be addressed. Employee training and awareness need to be done more frequently as well as implementing different technical security measures. Also, policies and procedures are implemented that outlines the acceptable use and management of the organization information assets.