Vem ska ställa upp om inte jag gör det?: Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta på IVA under covid-19-pandemin
2021 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Who will do it if I don’t? : Nurse anesthetists’ experiences of working at the ICU during the covid-19-pandemic (English)
Abstract [sv]
Bakgrund: År 2020 spreds viruset SARS-CoV-19 i en världsomfattande pandemi vilket ställde stora krav på sjukvården. SARS-CoV-19 är ett coronavirus som kan orsaka sjukdomen covid-19 och leda till behov av IVA-vård. För att täcka personalbehovet som den ökade belastningen innebar omplacerades vårdpersonal från sina ordinarie enheter till IVA för att bidra i vården av covid-19-patienter. Syfte: Att undersöka anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta på IVA under covid-19-pandemin.Metod: Kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats byggd på kvalitativa intervjuer med anestesisjuksköterskor som arbetat på IVA under covid-19-pandemin. Resultat: Respondenterna upplevde ambivalenta känslor i samband med att de förväntades arbeta på IVA. Många upplevde också brist på information vilket skapade känslor av ovisshet och förväntningar som inte överensstämde verkligheten. På grund av bristfällig introduktion upplevde flera respondenter att de endast kunde ge en “okej” vård, vilket orsakade etisk stress. Att inte känna sina kollegor skapade frustration och svårigheter att samarbeta. Trots arbetet på IVA upplevdes som utmanande kände respondenterna sig väl bemötta och trivdes därför. Slutsats: Anestesisjuksköterskorna kan vara en resurs och bidra i vården av covid-19-patienter på IVA, men inte ersätta en IVA-sjuksköterska rakt av. För att personal som förflyttas ska uppleva tillfredsställande arbetsvillkor krävs adekvat information från ledning.
Abstract [en]
Background: SARS-CoV-19 was in the year 2020 a worldwide pandemic which gave comprehensive challenges for the health care systems. SARS-CoV-19 is a coronavirus that causes covid-19, which is a disease that can demand intensive care. Health care workers, and in particular nurses, were allocated from their ordinary workplaces to Intensive Care Units (ICU) to participate in the care of patients with covid-19. Aim: To examine nurse anesthetists’ experiences of working at the ICU during the covid-19-pandemic. Method: Aqualitative method with an inductive approach based on qualitative interviews with nurse anesthetists’ who worked at the ICU during the covid-19 pandemic. Results: The respondents experienced ambivalent feelings regarding their work at the ICU. Many of the respondents also experienced lack of information, which created feelings of uncertainty and resulted in expectations that did not match the actual reality. Many felt that due to an inadequate introduction, they could only provide “sufficient” care, which in many cases caused ethical stress. Not to be able to get to know their new colleagues well enough to create an effective cooperation was something that created frustration. Despite the fact that the respondents experienced the work at the ICU as demanding and challenging, they however felt that they in the end enjoyed their time there and were treated well by their colleagues. Conclusion: The nurse anesthetists’ cannot replace an intensive care nurse(ICN), but is a useful resource at the ICU in the care of patients with covid-19. Health care workers that are allocated from their ordinary units to the ICU are in need of adequate information and support from their works managers to continue to provide the best possible care and to stay healthy themselves.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2021. , p. 45
Keywords [en]
covid-19, experience, intensive care, nurse anaesthetist, uncertainty
Keywords [sv]
anestesisjuksköterska, covid-19, IVA-vård, ovisshet, upplevelse
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:his:diva-19559OAI:, id: diva2:1540602
Subject / course
Nursing/Nursing Science
Educational program
Specialistsjuksköterskeprogram - Anestesisjuksköterska 60 hp
2021-03-292021-03-292021-03-29Bibliographically approved