The objective of this project is to develop a driving test using a Digital Human Modeling tool (DHM), specifically IPS IMMA, which will allow the evaluation of the ergonomics of the interior of vehicles as currently demanded by the automotive companies. Thus, improving both the design and the design process. This will involve a study of the driving and the tasks carried out by a real person to end up programming them in the DHM software. Based on this study an interface is suggested that guides engineers or ergonomists to design their own driving tests and enable them to evaluate their own designs without a high specialization in DHM tools and software.
Taking into account the already present autonomous cars and their future development, the conceptual design of a two positions steering wheel (autonomous/manual driving) will be introduced as an example to be added in the driving test. This example is intended to show how DHM tools can be used to evaluate different designs solutions in early stages of the product development process.
This project will be a contribution to one of the sections of the ADOPTIVE project carried out at the University of Skövde and in collaboration with Swedish automotive companies.