It is well known that men and women dier in terms of securitybehavior. For instance, studies report that gender plays a role insecurity non-compliance intentions, malware susceptibility, and securityself-ecacy. While one reason for gender-based dierences can be thatwomen are vastly underrepresented in the community of security professionals,the impact that gender dierences in security behavior haveon equality is an underresearched area. This paper argues that cyberinequalitycan impact domestic inequality and even be an enabler fordomestic abuse. This paper intends to shed light on how digitalizationworks in households in order to problematize around equality in the digitalera. It reports on a survey that measures dierent factors of personalinformation security and shows that men and women do indeed dierin personal information security behavior on a number of points suchas men being more inuential when it comes to ICT decisions in thehousehold.