For social robots to provide long-term added value to people’s lives, it is of major importance to emphasize the need for developing a positive user experience (UX). In this chapter, we address the identified lack of available and suitable UX evaluation methods in social human-robot interaction (HRI). Inspired by Blandford’s and Green’s iterative method development process, this lack was mainly handled by a state-of-the art review of current HRI evaluation methods that identified some tentative candidates, of which the USUS framework was considered the most prominent. However, upon closer examination it was revealed that the USUS framework explicitly omitted UX goals, which are considered a significant aspect in UX evaluation. We designed and developed an enhanced version of the USUS framework in order to include UX goals that we denoted the USUS Goals evaluation framework. Besides the modified framework, some recommendations are presented that may contribute to the ongoing work of integrating UX in the HRI field.