The long term vision of presenting the "Big picture" to the pilot as Eugene Adams envisaged in the 80´s is about to become true. Today we have the technical solutions to be able to collect and present the information on one large display in a structured and beneficial way. Saab Aeronautics has studied possibilities for a large area display (LAD) and its potential use in a future manned fighter aircraft context. This paper addresses what could be gained by introducing a large area display and why this is a desirable way forward. A LAD is essential for helping the pilot to achieve an improved Situation Awareness. Collected information from different sensors is fused together and presented in one view. A LAD offers the possibility to have one overview of the situation and one zoomed-in detailed picture at the same time on the same display. The pilot can easily pan the view and select interesting areas to zoom in to. The area on a LAD has the benefit of providing a homogeneous display area. Also, information that is dynamically presented to various places, such as dynamic symbols or cursors etcetera is easier to follow, and has a continuous motion, in the homogeneous display area of a LAD. By arranging information in close proximity in a LAD pair-wise comparisons can be made better than when the perceptual task is divided between displays.The tactical overview is often complex and requires many layers and icons to provide a clear and dynamic visual presentation to the aircrew. A LAD makes it easier to visualize the different zones to fly in and to give a good overview of the whole mission. With a LAD it will also be possible to expand and enlarge pictures and video inputs using a pilot selectable display section. Pictures and video can be displayed in the most optimal format for the situation and managed in a flexible manner. Using new cuing solutions such as touch control and innovative command options will enable the designer to utilize new display feedback capabilities more intuitive to the future user. A LAD will offer flexibility in the layout of display. Display modes can be tailored to the optimal size depending on content and mission phase and not constrained to a limited display area. Also, the use of a LAD opens up for synergies with other display techniques including multi-modal interaction and advanced visual display design. For instance, the use of perspective representations is potentially aided by a large display area. Use of peripheral vision (eg. visual flow) increase drastically with a LAD that can make use of a larger field of view.