In recent years, video and live streaming platforms have grown rapidly, which has accelerated the development of user-generated content. These new practices cannot be ignored by game designers as they may potentially have a high impact on how visible games are in the market. Some game developers admit considering videomakers and live-streamers as target for their game. Some of them are also including special features that allow the audience to interact with the game in a live streaming context. We call these games: audience participation games (APG).This thesis will first explore live streaming integration in video games in order to frame the thesis subject to audience participation games. After doing a case study with a presentation and audience participation focused analysis of the games Choice Chamber and Dead Cells, the engagement of the audience in the different audience participation features of these games will be measured. The thesis will also expose the streamers’ perspective on these two audience participation games through semistructured interviews (N=3). Finally, we will try to draw conclusions in term of game design, pinpoint the knowledge contribution of this thesis in terms of live streaming integration in games, but also about the method used to analyze audience engagement or general observations about audience participation games. New research issues in the area of education with audience participation games for classrooms will also be presented for future works.