PREVENTION OF WHEEL WEAR, A CASE STUDY: Developing a functioning wheel profile for rail-mounted transportation trolley.
2019 (English)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
This bachelor’s degree project aimed to improve the wheel profile of a rail mounted trolley and determine the cause of wheel failure. The proceedings of this project where modelled after an approach for solving wear problems with an emphasis on designing for sustainability. A case study and root cause analysis (RCA) was performed and the flanged wheels were deemed insufficient for the given heavy-haul system. Possible areas of wheel profile improvement were identified and further researched with multiple literature reviews. Throughout the projects duration several limitations were introduced that reduced the concept testing to exclusively theoretical prediction models. Archard’s model was implemented to predict wear and operating time for the proposed material and wheel tread profile concepts. The wheel flange dimensions were chosen based on recommendations from wheel and rail interference handbooks among other sources. The final wheel and rail profile suggestion improved operating time by approximately 300% and wear resistance by 50% compared to its predecessor. This result was achieved by applying the same theoretical prediction model to both current and suggested profiles. The findings of this project are meant to aid SCA among others in similar cases and additionally highlight the value of product improvement from a technological, sociological, and environmental perspective.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2019. , p. 53
Keywords [en]
Wear prediction, Rail, Flanged wheel, Archards model, Hertzian contact problem, Abrasive wear, Adhesive wear, Theorethical prediction model
National Category
Other Mechanical Engineering Other Engineering and Technologies Mechanical Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:his:diva-17695OAI:, id: diva2:1352110
External cooperation
Eurocon; SCA
Educational program
Mechanical Engineer; Product Design Engineer
2019-05-28, G109, Högskolan i Skövde, Skövde, 14:15
2019-09-182019-09-172025-02-14Bibliographically approved