In recent years, the University of Skövde (HiS) is carrying an advance research in Virtual Commissioning and Emulation. The main goal of the research is to test and verify the control logic of an industrial system virtually before implementing it in the real industry. Literature shows how higher modeling detail level is needed taking into account aspects such as geometry, kinematic, behavior and interfaces. That makes an interesting branch of research for the university and that is the reason why the university is focusing on creating models in component level, where a complete emulation data model is being expanded. The aim of this thesis is to develop a way of modelling electric, hydraulic and pneumatic connections in order to create independent models that can be connected between them for creating systems. Furthermore, an energetic analysis of the system has been done. In the first part of the thesis, a frame of reference and a literature review has been done in order to learn about the fields that the authors are going to work. After that, the simulation models of different electric, pneumatic and hydraulic components have been created with a method, inspired by the producer/consumer concept, which provides a generic solution that allows energy flow in different domains between components in a simple way. Then, different component simulation models have been connected in order to emulate more complex systems. Once the models are done, there have been some test in order to know if all perform as expected. Finally, a discussion of the failures which have been during the project have been done. The experiments done have shown that the proposed and then implemented system has fulfilled all the objectives, unlocking the next step of the emulation development.