Bemanningspersonal - ett personaletiskt skyddsnät: En studie om kundföretags syn på bemanningspersonal
2018 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Temporary workers - A staff ethical safety net : A study about costumer companies view on temporary workers (English)
Abstract [sv]
Syfte: Studiens syfte var att identifiera teoretiska begrepp för att kunna förstå kundföretags till synes konsumtionsinriktade hantering av bemanningspersonal. Vidare ämnar studien beskriva den förändrade personaletiken gällande bemanningspersonal, vilken verkar ligga till grund för hanteringen av personalgruppen.
Teori: Inledande presenteras bemanningsbranschens premisser. För att förstå kundföretags ”syn på” bemanningspersonal anammade studien tre perspektiv för att försöka förstå problemformuleringen. Dessa var HRM, Flexibilitet och Ekonomi.
Metod: Empirin samlades in med hjälp av semistrukturerade informantintervjuer. Totalt deltog tre kundföretag och 9 informanter i studien. Dessa ombads inledande att tala fritt om några utvalda ämnen med hjälp av ledord. Senare ombads de associera fritt kring begrepp i relation till bemanningspersonal.
Resultat: Studien fastställer att kundföretags ”syn på” bemanningspersonal är personaletiskt politisk god men att hanteringen av bemanningspersonal innehåller dimensioner av nyttjande i övergång till utnyttjande. Vilket bildligt liknar konsumtion.
Abstract [en]
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify theoretical concept to better understand customer companies* consumption like behavior of temporary workers. Further on the study wished to describe the seemingly changed employee’s ethics for temporary workers, which seems to be the basis for employers handling.
Theory: Initial the premise for temporary work is introduced. To understand the customer companies this study took on three perspectives trying to understand the problem question. These perspectives were HRM, Flexibility and Economics.
Method: The empirical material was gathered through semi structured interviews. In total three customer companies were represented and nine interviews conducted. The informants were told to freely talk about a few selected topics with the help of catchwords. Further on, the informants were asked to associate some concept in relation to temporary workers.
Findings: This study conducts that the view of customer companies are in line with what can be called employers politic ethics. Thus, the temporary workers management includes several dimensions in which use transform in to exploit. That in which this study conducts can resemble consumption.
*Costumer company/user company; referring to an organization using temporary workers.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2018. , p. 80
Keywords [en]
temporary work, temporary workers, work ethics, costumer company, user company, flexicurity
Keywords [sv]
bemanningspersonal, personaletik, bemanningsbranschen, kundföretag, flexicurity
National Category
Business Administration
URN: urn:nbn:se:his:diva-15602OAI:, id: diva2:1218723
Subject / course
Business Administration
2018-06-192018-06-142018-06-19Bibliographically approved