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Software Defined Networking: Virtual Router Performance
University of Skövde, School of Informatics.
2016 (English)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 15 credits / 22,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

Virtualization is becoming more and more popular since the hardware that is available today often has theability to run more than just a single machine. The hardware is too powerful in relation to the requirementsof the software that is supposed to run on the hardware, making it inefficient to run too little software ontoo powerful of machines. With virtualization, the ability exists to run a lot of different software on thesame hardware, thereby increasing the efficiency of hardware usage.Virtualization doesn't stop at just virtualizing operating systems or commodity software, but can also beused to virtualize networking components. These networking components include everything from routersto switches and are possible to set up on any kind of virtulized system.When discussing virtualization of networking components, the experssion “Software Defined Networking”is hard to miss. Software Defined Networking is a definition that contains all of these virtualized networkingcomponents and is the expression that should be used when researching further into this subject. There'san increasing interest in these virtualized networking components now in relation to just a few years ago.This is due to company networking becoming much more complex now in relation to the complexity thatcould be found in a network a few years back. More services need to be up inside of the network and a lotof people believe that Software Defined Networking can help in this regard.This thesis aim is to try to find out what kind of differences there are between multiple different softwarerouters. Finding out things like, which one of the routers that offer the highest network speed for the leastamount of hardware cost, are the kind of things that this thesis will be focused on. It will also look at somedifferent aspects of performance that the routers offer in relation to one another in order to try toestablish if there exists any kind of “best” router in multiple different areas.The idea is to build up a virtualized network that somewhat relates to how a normal network looks insmaller companies today. This network will then be used for different types of testing while having thesoftware based router placed in the middle and having it take care of routing between different local virtualnetworks. All of the routers will be placed on the same server and their configuration will be very basicwhile also making sure that each of the routers get access to the same amount of hardware.After initial testing, all routers that perform bad will be opted out for additional testing. This is done tomake sure that there's no unnecessary testing done on routers that seem to not be able to keep up withthe other ones. The results from these tests will be compared to the results of a hardware router with thesame kind of tests used with it in the middle in relation to the tests the software routers had to go through.The results from the testing were fairly surprising, only having one single router being eliminated early onas the remaining ones continued to “battle” one another with more tests. These tests were compared tothe results of a hardware router and the results here were also quite surprising with a much betterperformance in many different areas from the software routers perspective.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2016. , p. 92
Keywords [en]
Router Performance, Virtualization Comparison, Software Defined Networking
National Category
Computer Systems
URN: urn:nbn:se:his:diva-13417OAI: oai:DiVA.org:his-13417DiVA, id: diva2:1079241
Subject / course
Educational program
Network and Systems Administration
Available from: 2017-03-17 Created: 2017-03-07 Last updated: 2017-03-17Bibliographically approved

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