Understanding the influence of the cutting edge geometry on the development of cutting forces during the milling process is of high importance in order to predict the mechanical loads on the cutting edge as well as the dynamic behavior on the milling tool. The work conducted in this study involves the force development over the entire engagement of a flute in milling, from peak force during the entry phase until the exit phase. The results show a significant difference in the behavior of the cutting process for a highly positive versus a highly negative cutting edge geometry. The negative edge geometry gives rise to larger force magnitudes and very similar developments of the tangential and radial cutting force. The positive cutting edge geometry produces considerably different developments of the tangential and radial cutting force. In case of positive cutting edge geometry, the radial cutting force increases while the uncut chip thickness decreases directly after the entry phase; reaching the peak value after a certain delay. The radial force fluctuation is significantly higher for the positive cutting edge geometry. The understanding of such behavior is important for modelling of the milling process, the design of the cutting edge and the interactive design of digital applications for the selection of the cutting parameters.
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© 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Part of Springer Nature.
This paper presents the results of a joint work between Seco Tools AB and University West in Sweden. Funding of the project, provided by Seco Tools and the KK foundation, is highly appreciated. Support from The Research School of Simulation and Control of Material affecting Processes, SiCoMaP is gratefully acknowledged.