The aim is to investigate the value basis of Socially Responsible Retirement Investments (SRRI) in a study of Swedish pension investors in the age range 18 to 65 years (N=1005). Logistic regression analyses were performed with self-reported SRRI choice as dependent variable and different levels of values as independent variables. On a higher level of analyses, self-transcendent values, especially universalism (e.g., equality, protecting the environment, and social justice), have the most important influences on SRRI choice. In contrast, on a lower-level analysis, SRRI choice is influenced by self-enhancement values with high priority for authoritarian power and low priority for wealth. The three-level analysis of values (self-transcendence vs self-enhancement value orientation, motivational domain, and value) questions the contradiction between dimension poles of values and the structuring of values in interrelated motivational domains. The results thereby clarify some previous findings and increase the understanding of the value basis of SRR
Published online: 08 Jun 2022
CONTACT John Magnus Roos