Existentiell omvårdnad: vårdpersonalens upplevelser -en litteraturöversikt
2015 (Svenska)Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hp
Studentuppsats (Examensarbete)Alternativ titel
Existential care : experiences of healthcareprofessionals -a litteraturereview (Engelska)
Abstract [sv]
Bakgrund: Intresset för existentiella frågor har ökat inom hälso-och sjukvården. Eftersom många människor i dagens samhälle lider av psykisk ohälsa skulle det vara viktigt för vårdpersonal att integrera andlig omvårdnad i mötet med patienten. Även om många studier redan gjorts och det är välkänt att existentiell omvårdnad ska vara en del av humanistisk omvårdnad, finner vårdpersonal det svårt att ge existentiell omvårdnad.Syfte: med uppsatsen var att beskriva vårdpersonalens upplevelser av existentiell omvårdnad. Metod:är en litteraturöversikt som analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys beskriven av Hällgren Graneheim och Lundman. Resultatet:visar att rädsla kan uppkomma när vårdpersonalen berörs inombords. Medvetenhet om egen sårbarhet kan även medföra att vårdpersonalen undviker existentiell omvårdnad. Vårdpersonalens förhållningssätt till egen andlighet innefattar att veta var det egna jaget står. Genom att diskutera situationer med andra fördjupas förståelsen för de egna upplevelserna. Ett medvetet närvarande i stunden och att hålla tillbaka sig själv verkar också utgöra en förutsättning för existentiell omvårdnad.Diskussion:Sårbarhet hos vårdpersonalen utgjorde hinder. Förutsättningarna förbättrades när vårdpersonalen ökade medvetenheten om den egna andligheten. Slutsats: Det ansågs viktigt att vårdpersonalen var medveten om sin egen andlighet för att kunna möta patientens existentiella behov.
Background: The interest of existential issues has increased in healthcare. Since a lot of people in today´s society suffer from poor mental health, it would be an important task to healthcareprofessionals to integrate existential care in the meeting with the patient. Eventhough there has been a lot of studies done in the field of existential care, for it is wellknown that existential care should be a part of humanistic caring, healthcareprofessionals found it problematic to give existentialcare. The aim of this study wasto describe healthcareprofessionals experiences of existential care. Method: Literature review which was analyzed using qualitative content analysis described by Hällgren Graneheim and Lundman has been used as a method. The resultshowed that fear arose when healthcareprofessional were affected within. Awareness of their own vulnerability resulted in avoiding existential care. Healthcareprofessionals attitudes to their own spirituality involved knowing where the own self was positioned. By discussing situations with others deepens the understanding of their own experiences. A conscious presence in the moment and to restrain oneself also seems to be a prerequisite for spiritual care. Discussion: Vulnerability of healthcareprofessionals formed barriers. The conditions improved when healthcareprofessionals increased awareness of their own spirituality. Conclusion: It was considered important that healthcareprofessionals were aware of their own spirituality in order to meet the patient's existential needs.
Abstract [en]
Background: The interest of existential issues has increased in healthcare.Since a lot of people in today´s society suffer from poor mental health, it would be an important task to healthcareprofessionals to integrate existential care in the meeting with the patient. Eventhough there has been a lot of studies done in the field of existential care, for it is wellknown that existential care should be a part of humanistic caring, healthcareprofessionals found it problematic to give existentialcare. The aim of this study wasto describe healthcareprofessionals experiences of existential care. Method: Literature review which was analyzed using qualitative content analysis described by Hällgren Graneheim and Lundman has been used as a method. The resultshowed that fear arose when healthcareprofessional were affected within. Awareness of their own vulnerability resulted in avoiding existential care. Healthcareprofessionals attitudes to their own spirituality involved knowing where the own self was positioned. By discussing situations with others deepens the understanding of their own experiences. A conscious presence in the moment and to restrain oneself also seems to be a prerequisite for spiritual care. Discussion: Vulnerability of healthcareprofessionals formed barriers. The conditions improved when healthcareprofessionals increased awareness of their own spirituality. Conclusion: It was considered important that healthcareprofessionals were aware of their own spirituality in order to meet the patient's existential needs.
Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
2015. , s. 25
Nyckelord [en]
existential, spiritual, care, patient, nurse, reflection
Nyckelord [sv]
existentiell, andlig, vård, patient, sjuksköterska, reflektion
Nationell ämneskategori
Medicin och hälsovetenskap
URN: urn:nbn:se:his:diva-11928OAI: oai:DiVA.org:his-11928DiVA, id: diva2:903808
Ämne / kurs
2014-12-18, Högskolan i Skövde, Högskolevägen 1, Skövde, 13:00 (Svenska)
2016-02-222016-02-172016-02-22Bibliografiskt granskad