In Information Systems and related disciplines there are numerous ways how coordination in organizations is defined and conceptualized. We argue that these disciplines and theories need to reach out to each other to develop an integrated understanding of coordination. In this paper we present a coordination framework that helps to analyze and improve coordination of distributed work from such an integrative perspective. In the framework we distinguish 4 main coordination choices for employees at the group level (concerning composition, commitment, contact and content) and 4 related coordination choices for managers at the organizational level (concerning competence, cohesiveness, connection and context). These dimensions enable us to explain why ICT both enhance and complicate coordination of distributed work. Our hypothesis is that ICT has a positive impact on the dimensions of composition and contact and a negative impact on the dimensions of commitment and content. We argue that the success or failure of ICT supported coordination largely depends on how employees and managers apply and use ICT. Consequently a neutral but critical attitude towards ICT support is needed. The validity and usefulness of the framework are shown by reflecting on its appliance in an action research study at the Amsterdam Police Force. We conclude that the coordination framework enables better understanding of coordination problems and improvements and supports a critical discussion of ICT opportunities and ICT threats. Further research will focus on the possibilities of integrating existing coordination theories and on the question how to determine when ICT benefits outweigh ICT costs.