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Title [sv]
CPS-baserad motståndskraft för kritisk infrastrukturskydd
Title [en]
CPS-based resilience for critical infrastructure protection
Abstract [sv]
Syfte och mål:1) Utveckla och utvärdera en genomförbarhetsstudie om CPS-baserad elasticitet för CIP.2) Nå internationella partner och nationella partner för att inrätta ett konsortium för en EU-ansökan.3) Utveckla och validera forskningsidéer för en potentiell EU-tillämpning.4) Delta på seminarier på EU- och internationell nivå, workshops och konferenser i fältet och diskutera idéerna med tillgängliga internationella experter och uppdatera forskningsidéerna.5) Möte med branschpartner (både i EU och Sverige) och formulera forskning för att anpassa sig till industriens behov.Förväntade effekter och resultat:1) Hitta tillräckliga partners, både internationella och nationella, blandade med industriella och akademiska partners.2) Formulerade idéer efter samråd med nya partners som hittats.3) Upprätta ett starkt konsortium och bestäm ämnet för att tillämpa ett EU-projekt.4) Utöka vårt forsknings- / akademiska nätverk inom cybersäkerhet för kritisk infrastrukturskydd.Upplägg och genomförande:Denna genomförbarhetsstudie planeras i 8 månader med följande aktiviteter:1) Hitta och nå potentiella partners.2) Föreslå och delta i 4-8 möten med nya partners.3) Ta 1-2 konsultmöten med internationella experter.4) Delta i 1-2 internationella seminarier / workshops / konferensdeltagande.5) Delta på relaterade seminarier / konferenser om cybersäkerhet och kritisk infrastrukturskydd, rekommenderat av MSB.
Abstract [en]
Purpose and goal:1) Develop and evaluate a feasibility study on CPS-based resilience for CIP (critical infrastructure protection).2) Reach international partners and national partners to set up a consortium for an EU application.3) Develop and validate research ideas for a potential EU application.4) Attend EU level and international level seminars, workshops and conferences in the domain and discuss the ideas with available international experts, and update the research ideas.5) Meeting with industrial partners (both in EU and Sweden) and formulate the research to adapt to industry needs.Expected results and effects:1) Find sufficient partners, both international and national partners, mixed with industrial and academic partners. 2) Formulated ideas after the consultation with new found partners. 3) Establish a strong consortium and decide the topic for applying an EU project. 4) Extend our research/academic network in the domain of cybersecurity for critical infrastructure protection.Approach and implementation:This feasibility study is planned for 8 months with the following activities: 1) Search and reach potential partners. 2) Propose and attend 4-8 meetings with partners. 3) Take 1-2 consultancy meetings with international experts. 4) Attend 1-2 international seminars/workshops/conference participation. 5) Attend related seminars/conferences on cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection, which are recommended by MSB.
Publications (1 of 1) Show all publications
Jiang, Y., Jeusfeld, M. A., Ding, J. & Sandahl, E. (2023). Model-Based Cybersecurity Analysis: Extending Enterprise Modeling to Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 65(6), 643-676
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Model-Based Cybersecurity Analysis: Extending Enterprise Modeling to Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity
2023 (English)In: Business & Information Systems Engineering, ISSN 2363-7005, E-ISSN 1867-0202, Vol. 65, no 6, p. 643-676Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Critical infrastructure (CIs) such as power grids link a plethora of physical components from many different vendors to the software systems that control them. These systems are constantly threatened by sophisticated cyber attacks. The need to improve the cybersecurity of such CIs, through holistic system modeling and vulnerability analysis, cannot be overstated. This is challenging since a CI incorporates complex data from multiple interconnected physical and computation systems. Meanwhile, exploiting vulnerabilities in different information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) systems leads to various cascading effects due to interconnections between systems. The paper investigates the use of a comprehensive taxonomy to model such interconnections and the implied dependencies within complex CIs, bridging the knowledge gap between IT security and OT security. The complexity of CI dependence analysis is harnessed by partitioning complicated dependencies into cyber and cyber-physical functional dependencies. These defined functional dependencies further support cascade modeling for vulnerability severity assessment and identification of critical components in a complex system. On top of the proposed taxonomy, the paper further suggests power-grid reference models that enhance the reproducibility and applicability of the proposed method. The methodology followed was design science research (DSR) to support the designing and validation of the proposed artifacts. More specifically, the structural, functional adequacy, compatibility, and coverage characteristics of the proposed artifacts are evaluated through a three-fold validation (two case studies and expert interviews). The first study uses two instantiated power-grid models extracted from existing architectures and frameworks like the IEC 62351 series. The second study involves a real-world municipal power grid.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023
critical infrastructure, domain-specific language, cybersecurity, power grids
National Category
Information Systems
Research subject
Distributed Real-Time Systems; Information Systems
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-22495 (URN)10.1007/s12599-023-00811-0 (DOI)000982391100001 ()2-s2.0-85158156411 (Scopus ID)
University of Skövde

CC BY 4.0

© 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Part of Springer Nature.

Paper is partly based on the results of the EU ISF project ELVIRA, his.se/elvira

We thank the colleagues from the ELVIRA project for their contributions to earlier versions of the taxonomy. We are in particular grateful to Yacine Atif for his support and encouragement. Many thanks also to the interview partners for helping to validate the usefulness of our approach. Finally, we thank the anonymous reviewers for their diligent and constructive evaluations

Open access funding provided by University of Skövde.

Available from: 2023-05-07 Created: 2023-05-07 Last updated: 2023-12-13Bibliographically approved
Principal InvestigatorDing, Jianguo
Coordinating organisation
University of Skövde
2020-01-15 - 2021-03-14
National Category
Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
DiVA, id: project:2301Project, id: 2019-05020_Vinnova