Högskolan i Skövde

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Title [sv]
En intervention för att gynna hjärt-kärlhälsa riktad mot mödrar – en plattform för kapacitetsbyggande genom en forskningslänk mellan Sverige och Nepal
Title [en]
An intervention to promote cardiovascular health focusing on mothers – a platform for capacity building through a research link between Sweden and Nepal
Abstract [en]
WHAT: Noncommunicable diseases are not only common in affluent but also in low- and middle-income countries. In Nepal, such diseases account for 60% of all deaths; 22% of these from cardiovascular diseases. We therefore focus on cardiovascular health promoting strategies in Nepal and use this research for capacity building in both Sweden and Nepal.HOW: We will 1) support research initiatives by developing, implementing and assessing the effectiveness and feasibility of a health educational intervention for cardiovascular health focusing on healthy diet and physical activity aimed at mothers with children aged 1-7 years; and 2) strengthen research and research training in Nepal trough capacity building by exchanging teachers/researchers, students as well as library staff.WHY/SIGNIFICANCE: We contribute with new scientific knowledge and establish new research ties in health promotion. Nepal provides an environment, where a mother-centred health educational intervention can be tested in an excellent case-control setting that could not likewise be achieved in Sweden. Moreover, despite cultural and economic differences, potential positive results can be cautiously generalized to Sweden and hence, provide support for testing this innovative health educational approach there, too. Moreover, the expertise of the Swedish members of the team can be integrated into the development of research training in Nepal and can strengthen local research infrastructure and research training.
Principal InvestigatorKrettek, Alexandra
Coordinating organisation
University of Skövde
2017-01-01 - 2019-12-31
National Category
Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
DiVA, id: project:2269Project, id: 2016-05682_VR

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