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Malmsjö, Anders
Publications (7 of 7) Show all publications
Malmsjö, A. (2006). A Sketch of a Methodology for Designing Supportive Information Systems. Kybernetes, 35(5-6), 880-898
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A Sketch of a Methodology for Designing Supportive Information Systems
2006 (English)In: Kybernetes, ISSN 0368-492X, E-ISSN 1758-7883, Vol. 35, no 5-6, p. 880-898Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Purpose – The purpose of this work is to make a distinction between supportive and operative information systems. The overall aim is to find and argue for a methodology approach which is relevant for designing supportive information systems.

Design/methodology/approach – The focus of this work is on the fundamental philosophical conditions for a methodology that can be used for designing supportive information systems. The analyses are founded on works by James G. Miller, John P. van Gigch and C. West Churchman, which means that living systems theory, the metamodeling approach, according to van Gigch, and Churchman's inquiring systems have been used to highlight epistemological considerations that this sketch of a methodology is based on.

Findings – Two kinds of information systems have been stressed: operative and supportive information systems. The differences between them are described and their distinction has been accomplished by using, i.e. Miller's theory. The methodology approach bears a strong resemblance to that of system design, according to van Gigch, and that of interactive planning, according to Russell L. Ackoff. The following phases of a sketch of a methodology for designing supportive information systems have been identified: identification phase, specification phase, design phase, and implementation phase.

Originality/value – The different conditions for designing operative and supportive information systems are described. An epistemological contribution related to the basis for a methodology is given. The value of the paper is that it emphasises that the selection and development of a methodology is not a trivial matter.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2006
National Category
Engineering and Technology
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-1857 (URN)10.1108/03684920610662683 (DOI)000238997900024 ()2-s2.0-33745164925 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2007-09-10 Created: 2007-09-10 Last updated: 2017-12-12Bibliographically approved
Nero, E. & Malmsjö, A. (2004). Reflections and Considerations in the Process of Designing Information Systems. In: : . Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management(ICSTM), University of Pennsylvania, May 19–24, 2004.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Reflections and Considerations in the Process of Designing Information Systems
2004 (English)Conference paper, Published paper (Other academic)
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-1506 (URN)
3rd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management(ICSTM), University of Pennsylvania, May 19–24, 2004
Available from: 2007-07-06 Created: 2007-07-06 Last updated: 2017-11-27Bibliographically approved
Malmsjö, A. (2004). The need for methodologies for the design of supportive information systems. In: the 27th Conference on Information Systems Research in Scandinavia: .
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The need for methodologies for the design of supportive information systems
2004 (English)In: the 27th Conference on Information Systems Research in Scandinavia, 2004Conference paper, Published paper (Other academic)
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-1507 (URN)
Available from: 2007-07-06 Created: 2007-07-06 Last updated: 2017-11-27Bibliographically approved
Karlsson, I. & Malmsjö, A. (2004). Utilitarian ethics and information system design. In: : . Paper presented at 10th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 04), New York, August 6-8, 2004.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Utilitarian ethics and information system design
2004 (English)Conference paper, Published paper (Other academic)
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-1498 (URN)
10th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 04), New York, August 6-8, 2004
Available from: 2007-07-02 Created: 2007-07-02 Last updated: 2017-11-27Bibliographically approved
Malmsjö, A. (1997). A Study of Two Nordic Information Services: A Comparison between TRANSGUIDE and NYRIB. Skövde: University of Skövde
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A Study of Two Nordic Information Services: A Comparison between TRANSGUIDE and NYRIB
1997 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Two evaluations of information services are analysed in this paper. The reasons for performing the evaluations were in both cases to clarify how the services were used, what kind of problems were associated with the services, and what were the users' attitudes to the services. The evaluations should form a backbone for a total estimation of the usefulness of the services today and for the near future. Another important purpose was to create a foundation for improving both services. The focus of this paper is to compare the two different services and based on an analysis specify implications for other services in general. The material for the evaluations has been collected by interviews, studies of documents, and observations. The evaluations which are presented in this paper are based on a systems theory approach or systems approach. It was concluded from the evaluations that there are important features of the development of information services that were not attended to. These important features are: the quality of the databases; the standardisation of the databases; the need for strategies and offensive goals for the services; involvement of users in the development processes (participation); knowledge of users' information seeking behaviour. Guidelines are formulated for designers of information services.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Skövde: University of Skövde, 1997
IDA Technical Reports ; HS-IDA-TR-97-004
Evaluations, Online Information Systems, Information Services, Systems Theory
National Category
Information Systems
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-1205 (URN)

HS-IDA-TR-97-004. Annotation: In proceedings of the Second British-Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies, March 24th - 26th 1997, Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh, Scotland

Available from: 2008-06-17 Created: 2008-06-17 Last updated: 2019-07-09Bibliographically approved
Malmsjö, A. (1996). Information Seeking Behaviour and Development of Information Systems: A Contextual View. Skövde: University of Skövde
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Information Seeking Behaviour and Development of Information Systems: A Contextual View
1996 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

In this work is considered how knowledge from the area information seeking behaviour can be used when information systems are to be developed. This work emphasize a holistic view on how information systems are related to object systems. The conditions for developing an information system differ depending on what kind of information the system should provide. It is in this paper noticed that it is more challenging to develop information systems for what is here called supportive information compared with systems that will provide operative information. If an information system should be able to function in a changeable environment it must have a flexible design. Futhermore, to get an understanding of the mechanisms of change is more relevant than to accomplish minute specifications of users' needs. An effort in this paper is done to elucidate factors such as triggering of information behaviour, usability based on evaluations of information systems or sources, and selection of information sources or systems. It is proposed that an understanding of the mechanisms of change should form one basis for analysing changing conditions for information systems due to dynamics in the objectsystem.

Abstract [en]

Annotation: In Proceedings of the Conference on Research in Information Needs, Seeking and Use in Different Contexts, Tampere, Aug 14-16, 1996.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Skövde: University of Skövde, 1996
IDA Technical Reports ; HS-IDA-TR-96-006
National Category
Information Systems
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-1206 (URN)


Available from: 2008-06-17 Created: 2008-06-17 Last updated: 2019-06-18Bibliographically approved
Malmsjö, A. (1995). Systems development and information seeking behavior: A study of the relationship between information seeking behavior and the development of information systems. Skövde: University of Skövde
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Systems development and information seeking behavior: A study of the relationship between information seeking behavior and the development of information systems
1995 (English)Report (Other academic)
Alternative title[sv]
Systemutveckling och användarbehov : En studie över relationen användarbehov och utveckling av informationssystem
Abstract [en]

This paper will discuss the relationship between the areas of informati on needs and uses, and development of information systems. Empirical studies made in three different government agencies (about 150 interviews), form a basis for the discussion. This work takes an inductive qualitatative approach. The first step has been to try to get an understanding of why users in particular situations seek information from certain kinds of information sources and neglect others. What are the factors that play a role in explaining a user's in formation seeking behaviour? Based on my reflections on results from ot her research, and my own work, I have identified factors in the user's environment (context) which can contribute to explain users' information seeking behaviour. One result of my work is a model showing components (factors)of the context that influence users' information seeking behaviour. In an effort to pave the way for a better usage of insights from the area information needs and uses, when information systems are to be develope or improved, it is shown that it is important to clarify what kind of information a system should handle. In this work I have therefore specified and defined types of information, in a holistic way, according to function in an organization . These types are: operative, directive, supporting, state-of-the art, feed-back and private information. The conditions for developing information systems differ according to the type of information considered. Another imported reason for specifying types of information here is that the different types often are interrelated. In this study it has been found that one reason why knowledge from the area of information needs and uses ought to be of great interest when systems improvement is considered, is that the context, i. e. where the information system is to be or has been developed, is changing and complex. The rate of change and complexity is apparently increasing. And how do we handle change and complexity? The only way is by understanding its nature. The contextual model that has already been mentioned can be seen as one contribution to a better undertanding of user's behaviour in seeking information. In an effort to bring about a better understanding of the consequences of change and complexity for an information system, this paper specifies relationships involving the following concepts: -factors of importance when the usability of an information source is valued by a user (usability) - factors of importance when an information source is to be selected or not by a user (selection) -factors that contribute to trigger a user to search for information (triggering).

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Skövde: University of Skövde, 1995. p. 19
IDA Technical Reports ; HS-IDA-TR-95-011
National Category
Information Systems
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-1207 (URN)

HS-IDA-TR-95-011. Annotation: The Swedish Library Research Magazine, 1995, No. 2, pp 38-56.

Available from: 2008-06-17 Created: 2008-06-17 Last updated: 2019-07-09Bibliographically approved

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