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Fredricson, M., Linnéusson, G. & Aslam, T. (2024). Adapting a Transdisciplinary Approach to Regional Development in the Case of Facilitating Planning of Energy Systems. In: Adam Cooper; Federico Trigos; Josip Stjepandić; Richard Curran; Irina Lazar (Ed.), Engineering For Social Change: Proceedings of the 31st ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, London, United Kingdom, 9-11 July 2024. Paper presented at 31st ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, London, United Kingdom, 9-11 July 2024 (pp. 12-21). IOS Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Adapting a Transdisciplinary Approach to Regional Development in the Case of Facilitating Planning of Energy Systems
2024 (English)In: Engineering For Social Change: Proceedings of the 31st ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, London, United Kingdom, 9-11 July 2024 / [ed] Adam Cooper; Federico Trigos; Josip Stjepandić; Richard Curran; Irina Lazar, IOS Press, 2024, p. 12-21Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

In this paper, we aim to facilitate regional development through collaborative meta-governance processes, involving municipalities, energy companies and more actors. The case in point involves increased electrification through the development of local energy systems in a sub-region comprising 15 municipalities and 21 grid owners and is an exemplary case where a transdisciplinary engineering approach is not only suitable but the only path forward. The complex problem landscape comprises interdependencies across different roles, such as politicians, civil servants, and engineers at energy companies, where autonomous entities act independently. We employ a design science research approach to create artefacts to support the meta-governance mechanisms needed to accelerate social change processes. One artefact is a system dynamics simulation model to analyze scenarios considering the electrification of vehicles and implementing large wind and solar energy units to enable the establishment of new industries. We provide brief overviews of how three artefacts assist in visualizing 1) roles, 2) structures, and 3) scenarios to the decision-makers, to facilitate various transdisciplinary decision-making processes in regional development. In the discussion, we synthesize our learnings into a model to support mitigating powerlessness in this complex multi-stakeholder context. Finally, we lay out future research to further contribute to the social change and regional development we believe is necessary.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
IOS Press, 2024
Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, ISSN 2352-751X, E-ISSN 2352-7528 ; 60
Regional development, Meta-governance, Planning of energy systems, System dynamics simulation, Transdisciplinary engineering
National Category
Public Administration Studies Information Systems
Research subject
Virtual Production Development (VPD)
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-24789 (URN)10.3233/atde240838 (DOI)2-s2.0-85215536567 (Scopus ID)978-1-64368-550-2 (ISBN)
31st ISTE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering, London, United Kingdom, 9-11 July 2024

CC BY-NC 4.0

Corresponding Author, Email: magnus.fredricson@skaraborg.se

Available from: 2024-12-17 Created: 2024-12-17 Last updated: 2025-01-30Bibliographically approved
Brekke, M., Torstveit, G., Køien Andersen, M., Kjosnes Fredsvik, L., Mijatović, A., Bulant, M., . . . Zhang, T. (2024). Flexible learning and teaching: Thematic Peer Group Report. European University Association
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2024 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

European higher education institutions (HEIs) are facing increasing demands for more flexible learning and flexibility in learning paths.

This report from a 2023 European University Association Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group on “Flexible learning and teaching” explores the complexity of implementing flexible learning at HEIs, starting by defining what it means and entails for the institution, and its members and entities (staff, students, leadership, faculties). With the view that the development of flexible learning is an essential condition for the future of learning at universities, the group identified challenges and examples of practice, and offered recommendations for institutions to reflect on their strategy and build capacity for flexible learning.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
European University Association, 2024. p. 22
european higher education area, lifelong learning, teaching enhancement, digital learning, student-centered learning skills
National Category
Learning Pedagogy Pedagogical Work
Research subject
Virtual Production Development (VPD)
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-23658 (URN)


Chair: Morten Brekke, University of Agder, Norway

EUA Coordinator: Thérèse Zhang

Available from: 2024-03-12 Created: 2024-03-12 Last updated: 2024-03-13Bibliographically approved
Syberfeldt, A. & Aslam, T. (2024). Simulation-Generated Training Data for Improved Performance of AI-Based Industrial Vision Systems. In: Philippe Geril; Satyajeet Bhonsale (Ed.), Industrial Simulation Conference: . Paper presented at 22nd Industrial Simulation Conference, ISC 2024, June 3-5, 2024, Valencia, Spain (pp. 83-87). EUROSIS-ETI
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Simulation-Generated Training Data for Improved Performance of AI-Based Industrial Vision Systems
2024 (English)In: Industrial Simulation Conference / [ed] Philippe Geril; Satyajeet Bhonsale, EUROSIS-ETI , 2024, p. 83-87Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Quality inspections are essential in almost all manufacturing processes and can be undertaken using an automatic vision system. The main challenge when using AI-based vision systems is gathering enough training data for the AI to perform well. This study investigates the use of simulationgenerated data to address this challenge. A real-world industrial case study evaluates the feasibility of simulationgenerated images for training an AI to be used in an industrial vision system for quality inspection. Results from the study show that the approach has potential, but that simulationgenerated images cannot be used solely. However, real-world images must be mixed into the training data set to achieve satisfactory results. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
AI, industrial vision system, quality inspection, simulation-generated images, Simulation-generated training data, Automatic vision system, Industrial vision systems, Manufacturing process, Performance, Real-world, Simulation-generated image, Training data, Vision systems, Inspection
National Category
Computer graphics and computer vision Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics Other Computer and Information Science
Research subject
Virtual Production Development (VPD)
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-24464 (URN)2-s2.0-85201284678 (Scopus ID)978-9-492859-30-3 (ISBN)
22nd Industrial Simulation Conference, ISC 2024, June 3-5, 2024, Valencia, Spain

© 2024, EUROSIS-ETI. All rights reserved.

Available from: 2024-08-29 Created: 2024-08-29 Last updated: 2025-02-05Bibliographically approved
Barrera Diaz, C. A., Nourmohammadi, A., Smedberg, H., Aslam, T. & Ng, A. H. C. (2023). An Enhanced Simulation-Based Multi-Objective Optimization Approach with Knowledge Discovery for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems. Mathematics, 11(6), Article ID 1527.
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2023 (English)In: Mathematics, ISSN 2227-7390, Vol. 11, no 6, article id 1527Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In today’s uncertain and competitive market, where manufacturing enterprises are subjected to increasingly shortened product lifecycles and frequent volume changes, reconfigurable manufacturing system (RMS) applications play significant roles in the success of the manufacturing industry. Despite the advantages offered by RMSs, achieving high efficiency constitutes a challenging task for stakeholders and decision makers when they face the trade-off decisions inherent in these complex systems. This study addresses work task and resource allocations to workstations together with buffer capacity allocation in an RMS. The aim is to simultaneously maximize throughput and to minimize total buffer capacity under fluctuating production volumes and capacity changes while considering the stochastic behavior of the system. An enhanced simulation-based multi-objective optimization (SMO) approach with customized simulation and optimization components is proposed to address the abovementioned challenges. Apart from presenting the optimal solutions subject to volume and capacity changes, the proposed approach supports decision makers with knowledge discovery to further understand RMS design. In particular, this study presents a customized SMO approach combined with a novel flexible pattern mining method for optimizing an RMS and conducts post-optimal analyses. To this extent, this study demonstrates the benefits of applying SMO and knowledge discovery methods for fast decision support and production planning of an RMS.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
MDPI, 2023
reconfigurable manufacturing system, simulation, multi-objective optimization, knowledge discovery
National Category
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics Computer Sciences
Research subject
Virtual Production Development (VPD); VF-KDO
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-22329 (URN)10.3390/math11061527 (DOI)000960178700001 ()2-s2.0-85151391170 (Scopus ID)
Knowledge Foundation, 2018-0011

CC BY 4.0

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Multi-Objective Optimization and Decision Support Systems)

Received: 15 February 2023 / Revised: 15 March 2023 / Accepted: 17 March 2023 / Published: 21 March 2023

Correspondence: carlos.alberto.barrera.diaz@his.se

The authors thank the Knowledge Foundation, Sweden (KKS) for funding this research through the KKS Profile Virtual Factories with Knowledge-Driven Optimization, VF-KDO, grant number 2018-0011.

Available from: 2023-03-21 Created: 2023-03-21 Last updated: 2024-05-14Bibliographically approved
Flores-García, E., Barrera Diaz, C. A., Wiktorsson, M., Ng, A. H. C. & Aslam, T. (2023). Enabling CPS and simulation-based multi-objective optimisation for material handling of reconfigurable manufacturing systems. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Enabling CPS and simulation-based multi-objective optimisation for material handling of reconfigurable manufacturing systems
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2023 (English)In: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, ISSN 0268-3768, E-ISSN 1433-3015Article in journal (Other academic) Submitted
National Category
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
Research subject
Virtual Production Development (VPD)
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-23114 (URN)

The authors would like to acknowledge the support of Swedish Innovation Agency (VINNOVA) and its funding program, Produktion2030. This study is part of the Explainable and Learning Production Logistics by Artificial Intelligence (EXPLAIN) project.

Available from: 2023-08-18 Created: 2023-08-18 Last updated: 2024-12-18Bibliographically approved
Lidberg, S., Frantzén, M., Aslam, T. & Ng, A. H. C. (2022). A Knowledge Extraction Platform for Reproducible Decision-Support from Multi-Objective Optimization Data. In: Amos H. C. Ng; Anna Syberfeldt; Dan Högberg; Magnus Holm (Ed.), SPS2022: Proceedings of the 10th Swedish Production Symposium. Paper presented at 10th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2022), Skövde, April 26–29 2022 (pp. 725-736). Amsterdam; Berlin; Washington, DC: IOS Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A Knowledge Extraction Platform for Reproducible Decision-Support from Multi-Objective Optimization Data
2022 (English)In: SPS2022: Proceedings of the 10th Swedish Production Symposium / [ed] Amos H. C. Ng; Anna Syberfeldt; Dan Högberg; Magnus Holm, Amsterdam; Berlin; Washington, DC: IOS Press, 2022, p. 725-736Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Simulation and optimization enables companies to take decision based on data, and allows prescriptive analysis of current and future production scenarios, creating a competitive edge. However, it can be difficult to visualize and extract knowledge from the large amounts of data generated by a many-objective optimization genetic algorithm, especially with conflicting objectives. Existing tools offer capabilities for extracting knowledge in the form of clusters, rules, and connections. Although powerful, most existing software is proprietary and is therefore difficult to obtain, modify, and deploy, as well as for facilitating a reproducible workflow. We propose an open-source web-based application using commonly available packages in the R programming language to extract knowledge from data generated from simulation-based optimization. This application is then verified by replicating the experimental methodology of a peer-reviewed paper on knowledge extraction. Finally, further work is also discussed, focusing on method improvements and reproducible results.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Amsterdam; Berlin; Washington, DC: IOS Press, 2022
Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, ISSN 2352-751X, E-ISSN 2352-7528 ; 21
multi-objective optimization, knowledge extraction, industry 4.0, decision-support, industrial optimization
National Category
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics Computer Sciences
Research subject
Production and Automation Engineering; VF-KDO
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-21115 (URN)10.3233/ATDE220191 (DOI)001191233200061 ()2-s2.0-85132829202 (Scopus ID)978-1-64368-268-6 (ISBN)978-1-64368-269-3 (ISBN)
10th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2022), Skövde, April 26–29 2022

CC BY-NC 4.0

Corresponding Author: Simon Lidberg, Högskolevägen, BOX 1231, Skövde, Sweden; E-mail: simon.lidberg@his.se

Available from: 2022-05-04 Created: 2022-05-04 Last updated: 2024-06-19Bibliographically approved
Aslam, T., Goienetxea Uriarte, A. & Svensson, H. (2022). Education of the Future: Learnings and Experiences from Offering Education to Industry Professionals. In: Amos H. C. Ng; Anna Syberfeldt; Dan Högberg; Magnus Holm (Ed.), SPS2022: Proceedings of the 10th Swedish Production Symposium. Paper presented at 10th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2022), Skövde, April 26–29 2022 (pp. 665-676). Amsterdam; Berlin; Washington, DC: IOS Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Education of the Future: Learnings and Experiences from Offering Education to Industry Professionals
2022 (English)In: SPS2022: Proceedings of the 10th Swedish Production Symposium / [ed] Amos H. C. Ng; Anna Syberfeldt; Dan Högberg; Magnus Holm, Amsterdam; Berlin; Washington, DC: IOS Press, 2022, p. 665-676Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Digitalization is forcing the industry to rethink current practices in all business domains, pushing for a digital transformation of business and operations at a high rate and, thus, paving the way for new business models and making others redundant. For small and medium-sized companies (SME), in particular, it is an enormous challenge to keep up with the pace of technological development. Several initiatives have argued the industry’s need for continuous digitalization, innovation, transformation ability, and future skills and competencies development. However, the advancement of the Swedish industry in this area has been uneven, where larger organizations have begun their digital transformation journey to some extent, but SMEs risk falling behind. In addition to the technological transformation, the challenges regarding the industries’ skills supply need to be solved, where a workforce with the right competencies, knowledge, and skill sets are equally, if not more, important for remaining competitive. One of the key elements to face these challenges in the companies will be to recruit knowledgeable employees or re-skill the existing ones. Efficient access to relevant knowledge and skills is still a major concern for companies that will surely affect their competitiveness for a long time to come. This paper elaborates on the opportunities and challenges that Swedish universities face in the context of lifelong learning and education for industry professionals. The paper presents results and experiences gained from a lifelong learning project for industry professionals at the University of Skövde in collaboration with ten industry partners. The results from the project show that in addition to pedagogical methods, current structures and policies within academia need to be further developed to effectively serve industry professionals. The paper also presents a concept of education for industry professionals in the lifelong learning context based on the results and experience gained from the project.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Amsterdam; Berlin; Washington, DC: IOS Press, 2022
Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, ISSN 2352-751X, E-ISSN 2352-7528 ; 21
Education, Lifelong Learning, Digital Transformation, Industry professionals
National Category
Pedagogy Learning Information Systems, Social aspects Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics Mechanical Engineering Robotics and automation Control Engineering
Research subject
Production and Automation Engineering; Interaction Lab (ILAB)
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-21110 (URN)10.3233/ATDE220185 (DOI)001191233200056 ()2-s2.0-85132822763 (Scopus ID)978-1-64368-268-6 (ISBN)978-1-64368-269-3 (ISBN)
10th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2022), Skövde, April 26–29 2022
Virtual FactoryWISER
Knowledge Foundation

CC BY-NC 4.0

Corresponding Author: tehseen.aslam@his.se

The authors gratefully acknowledge the Swedish Knowledge Foundation for funding the projects Virtual Factory and WISER as part of their Graduate Professional Development projects (Expertkompetens), which strengthen education through the development of flexible, research-linked courses at advanced level for working professionals.

Available from: 2022-05-02 Created: 2022-05-02 Last updated: 2025-02-05Bibliographically approved
Igelmo, V., Syberfeldt, A., Hansson, J. & Aslam, T. (2022). Enabling Industrial Mixed Reality Using Digital Continuity: An Experiment Within Remanufacturing. In: Amos H. C. Ng; Anna Syberfeldt; Dan Högberg; Magnus Holm (Ed.), SPS2022: Proceedings of the 10th Swedish Production Symposium. Paper presented at 10th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2022), Skövde, April 26–29 2022 (pp. 497-507). Amsterdam; Berlin; Washington, DC: IOS Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Enabling Industrial Mixed Reality Using Digital Continuity: An Experiment Within Remanufacturing
2022 (English)In: SPS2022: Proceedings of the 10th Swedish Production Symposium / [ed] Amos H. C. Ng; Anna Syberfeldt; Dan Högberg; Magnus Holm, Amsterdam; Berlin; Washington, DC: IOS Press, 2022, p. 497-507Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

In the digitalisation era, overlaying digital, contextualised information on top of the physical world is essential for an efficient operation. Mixed reality (MR) is a technology designed for this purpose, and it is considered one of the critical drivers of Industry 4.0. This technology has proven to have multiple benefits in the manufacturing area, including improving flexibility, efficacy, and efficiency. Among the challenges that prevent the big-scale implementation of this technology, there is the authoring challenge, which we address by answering the following research questions: (1) “how can we fasten MR authoring in a manufacturing context?” and (2) “how can we reduce the deployment time of industrial MR experiences?”. This paper presents an experiment performed in collaboration with Volvo within the remanufacturing of truck engines. MR seems to be more valuable for remanufacturing than for many other applications in the manufacturing industry, and the authoring challenge appears to be accentuated. In this experiment, product lifecycle management (PLM) tools are used along with internet of things (IoT) platforms and MR devices. This joint system is designed to keep the information up-to-date and ready to be used when needed. Having all the necessary data cascading from the PLM platform to the MR device using IoT prevents information silos and improves the system’s overall reliability. Results from the experiment show how the interconnection of information systems can significantly reduce development and deployment time. Experiment findings include a considerable increment in the complexity of the overall IT system, the need for substantial investment in it, and the necessity of having highly qualified IT staff. The main contribution of this paper is a systematic approach to the design of industrial MR experiences.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Amsterdam; Berlin; Washington, DC: IOS Press, 2022
Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, ISSN 2352-751X, E-ISSN 2352-7528 ; 21
Mixed reality, Digital Continuity, Product Lifecycle Management, Remanufacturing, Industry 4.0
National Category
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics Information Systems Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering Other Mechanical Engineering Computer Systems
Research subject
Production and Automation Engineering; Distributed Real-Time Systems; VF-KDO
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-21105 (URN)10.3233/ATDE220168 (DOI)001191233200042 ()2-s2.0-85132823251 (Scopus ID)978-1-64368-268-6 (ISBN)978-1-64368-269-3 (ISBN)
10th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2022), Skövde, April 26–29 2022
Vinnova, 2019-00787

CC BY-NC 4.0

Corresponding Author: victor.igelmo.garcia@his.se

The authors wish to thank the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova and the Strategic Innovation Programme Produktion2030 (funding number 2019-00787). Likewise, the authors [wish to thank Volvo AB.]

Available from: 2022-05-02 Created: 2022-05-02 Last updated: 2024-06-19Bibliographically approved
Pehrsson, L., Aslam, T. & Frantzén, M. (2021). Aggregated models for decision-support in manufacturing systems management. International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 16(3), 217-240
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2021 (English)In: International Journal of Manufacturing Research, ISSN 1750-0591, Vol. 16, no 3, p. 217-240Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Many industrial challenges can be related to the setup of manufacturing plants and supply chains. While there are techniques available for discrete event simulation of production lines, the opportunities of applying such techniques on higher manufacturing network levels are not explored to the same extent. With established methods for optimisation of manufacturing lines showing proven potential in conceptual analysis and development of production lines, the application of such optimisation methods on higher level manufacturing networks is a subject for further exploration. In this paper, an extended aggregation technique for discrete event simulation of higher level manufacturing systems is discussed, proposed, tested, and verified with real-world problem statements as a proof of concept. The contribution of the new technique is to enable the application of DES models, with reasonable computational requirements, at higher level manufacturing networks. The proposed technique can be used to generate valuable decision information supporting conceptual systems development.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
InderScience Publishers, 2021
aggregation, discrete event simulation, DES, optimisation, decision-support, manufacturing systems management
National Category
Computer Sciences
Research subject
VF-KDO; Production and Automation Engineering
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-21820 (URN)10.1504/IJMR.2021.117926 (DOI)000849830400001 ()

Pehrsson, Leif (corresponding author)

Available from: 2022-09-16 Created: 2022-09-16 Last updated: 2024-06-19Bibliographically approved
Barrera Diaz, C. A., Fathi, M., Aslam, T. & Ng, A. H. C. (2021). Optimizing reconfigurable manufacturing systems: A Simulation-based Multi-objective Optimization approach. Paper presented at 54th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2021, CMS 2021, Patras, 22 September 2021 through 24 September 2021, Code 175290. Procedia CIRP, 104, 1837-1842
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Optimizing reconfigurable manufacturing systems: A Simulation-based Multi-objective Optimization approach
2021 (English)In: Procedia CIRP, E-ISSN 2212-8271, Vol. 104, p. 1837-1842Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Application of reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS) plays a significant role in manufacturing companies’ success in the current fiercely competitive market. Despite the RMS’s advantages, designing these systems to achieve a high-efficiency level is a complex and challenging task that requires the use of optimization techniques. This study proposes a simulation-based optimization approach for optimal allocation of work tasks and resources (i.e., machines) to workstations. Three conflictive objectives, namely maximizing the throughput, minimizing the buffers’ capacity, and minimizing the number of machines, are optimized simultaneously while considering the system’s stochastic behavior to achieve the desired system’s configuration.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2021
Simulation-based Optimization, Manufacturing Systems, Reconfigurability, Multi-Objective
National Category
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
Research subject
VF-KDO; Production and Automation Engineering
urn:nbn:se:his:diva-20724 (URN)10.1016/j.procir.2021.11.310 (DOI)2-s2.0-85121606978 (Scopus ID)
54th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2021, CMS 2021, Patras, 22 September 2021 through 24 September 2021, Code 175290
Knowledge Foundation


Corresponding author Tel.: +46-500-448-586. E-mail address: carlos.alberto.barrera.diaz@his.se

Edited by Dimitris Mourtzis

Available from: 2021-11-29 Created: 2021-11-29 Last updated: 2024-09-04Bibliographically approved
Next Generation Propulsion Production [2018-00426_Vinnova]; University of SkövdeVirtual factories with knowledge-driven optimization (VF-KDO); University of Skövde; Publications
Perez Luque, E., Iriondo Pascual, A., Högberg, D., Lamb, M. & Brolin, E. (2025). Simulation-based multi-objective optimization combined with a DHM tool for occupant packaging design. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 105, Article ID 103690. Nourmohammadi, A., Fathi, M. & Ng, A. H. C. (2024). Balancing and scheduling human-robot collaborated assembly lines with layout and objective consideration. Computers & industrial engineering, 187, Article ID 109775. Lidberg, S. (2024). Decision Support Architecture: Improvement Management of Manufacturing Sites Through Multi-Level Simulation-Based Optimization. (Doctoral dissertation). Skövde: University of SkövdeHanson, L., Ljung, O., Högberg, D., Vollebregt, J., Sánchez, J. L. & Johansson, P. (2024). Enabling Manual Workplace Optimization Based on Cycle Time and Musculoskeletal Risk Parameters. Processes, 12(12), Article ID 2871. Lind, A., Elango, V., Bandaru, S., Hanson, L. & Högberg, D. (2024). Enhanced Decision Support for Multi-Objective Factory Layout Optimization: Integrating Human Well-Being and System Performance Analysis. Applied Sciences, 14(22), Article ID 10736. Redondo Verdú, C., Sempere Maciá, N., Strand, M., Holm, M., Schmidt, B. & Olsson, J. (2024). Enhancing Manual Assembly Training using Mixed Reality and Virtual Sensors. Paper presented at 17th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering - CIRP ICME '23, Gulf of Naples, Italy, 12 - 14 July 2023. Procedia CIRP, 126, 769-774Lind, A., Hanson, L., Högberg, D., Lämkull, D., Mårtensson, P. & Syberfeldt, A. (2024). Integration and Evaluation of a Digital Support Function for Space Claims in Factory Layout Planning. Processes, 12(11), Article ID 2379. Jiang, Y., Wang, W., Ding, J., Lu, X. & Jing, Y. (2024). Leveraging Digital Twin Technology for Enhanced Cybersecurity in Cyber–Physical Production Systems. Future Internet, 16(4), Article ID 134. Smedberg, H., Bandaru, S., Riveiro, M. & Ng, A. H. C. (2024). Mimer: A web-based tool for knowledge discovery in multi-criteria decision support. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 19(3), 73-87Lind, A., Iriondo Pascual, A., Hanson, L., Högberg, D., Lämkull, D. & Syberfeldt, A. (2024). Multi-objective optimisation of a logistics area in the context of factory layout planning. Production & Manufacturing Research, 12(1), Article ID 2323484.
ORCID iD: ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-0880-2572

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